

  • Ping fine, average rtt 16ms, resolved to
  • I'm going to jump in here with a thought, I'm not trying to hijack TheMouse's topic. Could it depend on the outgoing port for the particular email account? Hijack away That would make sense if BD is assuming only certain ports will be used. My ISP forces use of 995 for POP3 and 465 for SMTP, both with SSL enabled.
  • What email client are you using ? Does the email have any attachments ? The pop-up should appear as you can see from the screenshot I've attached. I use Outlook 2003. Depending on the mail account either uses exchange or SMTP. Just noticed I do get the popup when sending email from application under development, which uses…
  • I think that must be on my other machine and therefore related to BD2011 'no longer protected', rather than this slow down topic, will check tomorrow but I 'removed' Symantec software about 2 years ago so must be some dross left behind.... However good news! I don't know if a recent BD2011 update has fixed it but at this…
  • A couple of times now BD has started without the Update service being available. Looked at the event logs and now variable services are not starting correctly, including BD services. This might explain the variable startup times I'm seeing. I have screen shots of the first reboot issue, together with the event log.…
  • Will post results of clean boot a little later, I assume that results of a totally clean boot _and_ a clean boot but with BD2011 enabled would be useful. 1st runs with clean boot, timed from 'windows has finished checking the disk' (I run with SOS set in boot.ini) up to the point at which the msconfig prompt is first…
  • First I'm going to retract the 'cannot reproduce the quick startup' statement, post #29. Currently if I leave everything else alone and simply set MySQL service to manual then the system is starting pretty reliably with a 3~4 minute delay from login to windows being active, which is a definite improvement. @TheMouse:…
  • I got ya' close, didn't I? Oh yes, would buy you a beer if you were local. And drank beer.
  • Cheers, that is it. (Note that it is under Tune-up->Optimization though on BD Total Security 2011)
  • Re: post #2 in this thread. I have exactly the same symptoms. Have tried reinstalling several times, running other registry cleaners between uninstall of BD2010 on that machine(which works OK, ish) and fresh install of BD2011. I think the point that the general screen records No Account Created while the registration…
  • Re: post #26. Yes, with the MySQL service set to manual the system restarts with the service stopped, the MySQL System Tray monitor then shows 'MySQL stopped' with an option to 'Start Instance' i.e. start the service. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the quicker startup now Wireless was definitely enabled, MySQL was…
  • I have noticed one thing. I use MySQL in product development, if the MySQL instance is shutdown then the machine login to windows available time _with wireless enabled_ is around 3~4 minutes. Poor compared to the normal 20~30 seconds but a significant improvement on +30 minutes. I need to look somemore but probably will…
  • OK, have replied via email noting location of dmp file.
  • OK, renamed seccenter.exe, restarted with wireless enabled, repeated test 4 times. In each case I ended up resetting the machine as it was not starting up after a couple of minutes, compared to 20-30 seconds with wireless disabled. Therefore disabling seccenter in this way does not appear to have affected the issue. FYI I…
  • OK, so you cannot do this any longer with BD2011. You could with BD2010, when selecting 'At System Startup' the 'After boxes would still be enabled, the Start Date/Start Time would not. This was handy for machines with slow startups, either due to being less powerful, or they were starting more services, as the scan could…
  • Sorry, that is misleading, but title should now read 'Cannot schedule any scan to start X minutes after Startup'. Had raised issue then tried other scan settings, but the auto logon scan was the task I specifically used to set to be 10 minutes after startup.
  • OK, I have wiped the 2nd XP installation, but I still get a delay between login and windows actually available, which does not happen with BD2010. If I disable the wireless adaptor before shutdown then it is probable but not guaranteed that the system will start normally, it seems to be about 80% of attempts are OK. So…
  • Hmm, I have a 2nd XP installation also.
  • Actually the update crashes XP as well, at least I had BSOD in usbstor.sys following a reinstall to fix a different problem. Did not have to perform a system restore, simply disconnected an external drive, system would reboot OK. Then uninstall BD2011, allow it to reboot after uninstall complete, then shutdown, reconnect…
  • @TheMouse: What Operating System are you using ? What BitDefender product ? What workaround are you referring to ? Please provide me with more details ! Sorry, I started on another thread. BD2011 Total Security, on WinXP Pro + SP3 + updates. The workaround is mentioned earlier in this thread, if I disabled the wireless…
  • 15 minutes after login:- Still loading personal settings. 30 minutes after login:- System appears up. Could then enable wireless and VPN adaptor.
  • To clarify I needed to disable my wireless adaptor and my Sonicwall Virtual Adaptor to allow the system to reboot quickly. Could then renable both and work normally. The Sonicwall virtual adaptor is part of my VPN client. During this afternoon this has been a reliable workaround but.... There was a BitDefender update…
  • Similar symptoms. With BD 2010 time from login to toolbar present and taskbar apps starting ~20 seconds. With BD 2011 with wireless enabled somewhere between 14 and 90 minutes (left it to it after 14 minutes, was up when I came back) With BD 2011 and wireless disabled, about the same as BD 2010. System dump after slow boot…
  • Using XP Pro + SP3 + updates. 32bit OS 6G installed, 3.5G usable. I had also used msconfig to disable all non microsoft services, finally being left with BD2011.
  • I had the same issue, system taking a lot longer to become available after login with BD2011 Total Security. Removed 2011, reinstalled 2010, problem went away. I'm going to stick with 2010 on that machine for a little while as addressing other issues with 2011 on another machine. So no resolution merely confirming the…
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