Update Crashes Windows 7 Ultimate

Bitdefender 2011 just downloaded and installed an update and asked to reboot. I rebooted and got a BSOD. It reported that it was in usbstor.sys. I did a system restore and Windows booted OK. I did a Bitdefender update and rebooted again. BSOD again. I did another system restore to get Windows working again. So it's apparent that the update is causing the BSOD. What should I do?


  • I just had the exact same problem. Running Win7 upgrade from Vista. I did a restore also which windows said failed but I am able to start my PC now anyway. Using BDIS 2011 and when the PC did restart I show I have never ran a scan(I have) and that realtime protection is disabled now.

  • Same here, only difference I didn't see any BSOD, the computer was just crashing and rebooting.

    The only way to get out of the loop was to restore the system from the last restore point and remove Bitdefender.

    I'm using Windows XP SP3

  • I just had the exact same problem. Running Win7 upgrade from Vista. I did a restore also which windows said failed but I am able to start my PC now anyway. Using BDIS 2011 and when the PC did restart I show I have never ran a scan(I have) and that realtime protection is disabled now.

    I get the exact same thing. However, I did a clean install of Windows 7. I've been running BDIS 2011 for about 3 weeks with no problem until now.

  • I just had the exact same problem. Running Win7 upgrade from Vista. I did a restore also which windows said failed but I am able to start my PC now anyway. Using BDIS 2011 and when the PC did restart I show I have never ran a scan(I have) and that realtime protection is disabled now.

    Update: This update has really screwed up my BD2011. My system restore won't work due to the AV program but when I try to disable the AV it will not disable. I have not seen the BSOD either but i did have to start up in safe mode to run the first recovery, which didn't work, but I was able to do a regular start up afterwards anyway. Also when I go to the AV tab and then to the virus scan tab I have a message saying the virus scan module is unavailable.

  • Actually the update crashes XP as well, at least I had BSOD in usbstor.sys following a reinstall to fix a different problem.

    Did not have to perform a system restore, simply disconnected an external drive, system would reboot OK.

    Then uninstall BD2011, allow it to reboot after uninstall complete, then shutdown, reconnect external drive, reboots OK.

  • The update was waiting for me when I came home, and I just naturally clicked that it was okay to reboot. Now I can only access my machine in Safe Mode.

    I run an XP Box (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual (4800+), 2.4GHz, 2 GB Ram, XP SP3) that until today the only issue was the inactive Real Time scanner. Now I get a constant reboot cycle just before it comes to the users (never far enough to see that though).

    Rebooting to the "last known good configuration" does not work.

    Turning off "automatic restart on failure" only leaves me with a black screen and no disk activity.

    Trying to use System Restore is a waste of time as it can not be run in Safe Mode. As mentioned, I can not do a normal boot.

    Just for giggles, I turned off all the services and all the Startup Applications. Same result.

    Very annoying problem of late with BD reboots. At the very least an update should come with an UNDO. More importantly, an information package should be attached to my account letting me know what was done, and what to do when it fails to implement properly.

    Any ideas for a guy that can't get to a restore point?

  • I just purchased and installed an external HD also. Seems curious.

  • OK. I disconnected my external HD and restarted PC and did a manual BD update and rebooted as requested by the update and EVERYTHING is back to normal. I also updated my Vista PC that I have does not have an external HD and had no problems at all.

  • OK. I disconnected my external HD and restarted PC and did a manual BD update and rebooted as requested by the update and EVERYTHING is back to normal. I also updated my Vista PC that I have does not have an external HD and had no problems at all.

    However, when I reconnected my HD the PC crashed and kept trying to reboot itself over and over. When I unplugged the HD again it rebooted like nothing was ever wrong

  • After today's BD program update & reboot, my WinXP Pro SP3 desktop with an external HDD connected via USB, also rebooted 3 times (I think) before it finally booted all the way into Windows. :huh: Is up now and seems to be running fine.

    I will have to try rebooting with the HDD attached to see if the problem repeats itself or if it was just the first reboot after the BD update. <_<

  • The update was waiting for me when I came home, and I just naturally clicked that it was okay to reboot. Now I can only access my machine in Safe Mode.

    I run an XP Box (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual (4800+), 2.4GHz, 2 GB Ram, XP SP3) that until today the only issue was the inactive Real Time scanner. Now I get a constant reboot cycle just before it comes to the users (never far enough to see that though).

    Rebooting to the "last known good configuration" does not work.

    Turning off "automatic restart on failure" only leaves me with a black screen and no disk activity.

    Trying to use System Restore is a waste of time as it can not be run in Safe Mode. As mentioned, I can not do a normal boot.

    Just for giggles, I turned off all the services and all the Startup Applications. Same result.

    Very annoying problem of late with BD reboots. At the very least an update should come with an UNDO. More importantly, an information package should be attached to my account letting me know what was done, and what to do when it fails to implement properly.

    Any ideas for a guy that can't get to a restore point?

    Reboots this time a round: Two dozen and something

    So here's the latest:

    Confirmed the XP and USB connection. Problem: The issue is not fixed yet. The update did not fix the real time scanner, nor has it solved it's start-up interference issue.

    What I did:

    I've always had a habit of letting Windows "fix" itself, and after a successful start I tell it to shut down. A proper shutdown and restart proves to me there were no lingering issues.

    So after doing the non-usb start, I did that, and the computer hung and restarted before the user select page. I got the box's attention by stopping the reboot cycle (F8) and went into "safe mode" and then restarted from there (no-usb still), and the computer rebooted properly. Let it start up all the apps, and settle in, and then I shut it down again. And you guessed it - right back to the reboot circle. I have pulled everything that is USB that can be considered "extra", to no effect, unless the mouse and keyboards are storage devices. All USB drivers are up to date and free of conflicts.

    I have tried with the USB devices all attached and it still reboot cycles. At least I know I can stop it with a "safe mode" detour, removal of the USB storage device, and then a restart there. But it just seems like so much extra work if BD is going to demand frequent reboots!

    What I would like to have happen:

    BD Tech support please acknowledge the problem and let us know you are at least looking into it!

    Thanks. (and to The Mouse - I would never have made the connection. Great observation!)

  • nikki605
    edited September 2010

    I was getting ready to shut down my desktop for the night and plugged in my external USB HDD to do my normal backup and as soon as I plugged it in, Windows shutdown (crashed) and started a reboot cycle that would not stop until I disconnected the USB drive.

    The BD program update that was pushed out today is seriously flawed! <img class=" />

    I am running BDAV Pro 2011. This needs to be fixed ASAP!

    Is there any way to back out an update? Its difficult to tell since these updates do not bump the version number, which is a problem in itself. Is my only recourse to uninstall BDAV until this problem is fixed? Is there a setting that I can turn off that will stop the crashing until this problem is resolved?

    I have also noticed that after today's BD update was pushed out, that even normal startup and shutdown times have become significantly longer. There is much more HDD activity during startup & shutdown. This is on both my WinXP and Win7 x64 PCs.

  • Cristi Raducu
    edited September 2010

    Hello all,

    Based on your feedback we've managed to test this situation on our side too and currently we are working on a fix.

    I'll keep you posted regarding the update that will be released to fix this.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Hi guys,

    Please unplug your USB HDD at boot time. No bsod will occur anymore :). You can plug in your hdd after boot time.

    Shortly, a fix will be available for this issue.

  • nikki605
    edited September 2010
    Hi guys,

    Please unplug your USB HDD at boot time. No bsod will occur anymore :). You can plug in your hdd after boot time.

    Shortly, a fix will be available for this issue.

    Not true if you read my post 3 up. My desktop had been running all afternoon after the update was pushed and once I disconnected my USB drive. Hours later, I plugged my USB drive back in to do my daily backup and WinXP shutdown (crashed).

    EDIT: One positive note, my FireWire 1394 Ext HDD and SanDisk USB flash drives do NOT cause a crash.

  • Hi guys,

    Please unplug your USB HDD at boot time. No BSOD will occur anymore :). You can plug in your HDD after boot time.

    Shortly, a fix will be available for this issue.

    I will post an announcement as soon as the update will be released. Thank you all for understanding.


  • nikki605
    edited September 2010

    A BD program update was just pushed out to my WinXP desktop. I let it reboot and it booted (without a USB drive attached) just fine.

    I then connected my USB HDD and the system did not crash. I was able to do my data backup that I couldn't do last night.

    The problem appears to be fixed.

    Just to be sure, I'm going to connect the USB HDD and try rebooting to see what happens. Stay tuned.

  • Like nikki605, I unplugged my USB drives and Win7 booted fine. But when I plugged in my drives, I got the BSOD again. I did a System Restore again and running fine now. Guess I'll just have to leave my machine on and not reboot until the fix is released.

  • Hello everyone,

    An update to resolve the BSOD issue has been released. Make sure you update BitDefender then restart the PC for the changes to take effect.

    If you have any further queries feel free to contact us anytime by creating a new topic and explaining the situation.

    Kind regards,

  • After the updates (2) were pushed out this morning, I rebooted and I have no problem connecting my USB HDD. The problem appears to have been corrected. :)

  • I am also back up and working normally after the latest update.

  • Installed the updates and everything working fine now. Thanks for the quick fix.

  • Hi everyone,

    Indeed the update was launched and everything is back to normal.

    Feel free to create a new topic for any further queries you may have.


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