Two Minor Queries/comparisons With Bd2010

I have not witnessed any 'scanning outgoing email' popups with BD2011, Antivirus tab shows incoming and outgoing email scanned.

Has the popup been removed?

From memory Antivirus->Virus Scan display used to indicate that a task had been scheduled by showing an extra icon, has this been removed?


  • Hi,

    What email client are you using ? Does the email have any attachments ? The pop-up should appear as you can see from the screenshot I've attached.

    Regarding the schedule icon (I believe you are talking about the small clock icon) it has been removed.

    Make sure you have the notifications enabled in the BitDefender Security Center -> General

    I have added a screenshot with my settings, hope you'll find it useful.




  • What email client are you using ? Does the email have any attachments ? The pop-up should appear as you can see from the screenshot I've attached.

    I use Outlook 2003. Depending on the mail account either uses exchange or SMTP. Just noticed I do get the popup when sending email from application under development, which uses JavaMail.

  • nikki605
    edited October 2010

    I'm going to jump in here with a thought, I'm not trying to hijack TheMouse's topic.

    Could it depend on the outgoing port for the particular email account?

    I use Windows Live Mail (WLM) since Outlook Express went away and I have never seen the Outgoing scan popup either when sending my emails, only on Incoming emails. I have 4 email accounts with my ISP (Verizon) and they require me to use SMTP Outgoing port 587 (and POP3 Incoming port 110). 99.9% of my emails are sent or received through one of those email accounts. I also have one Gmail account set up which gets very little use. It is set for SMTP Outgoing port 587 (and POP3 Incoming port 995). So they both use the same Outgoing port.

    I will have to check my BD settings and compare them to the screenshot Daniel posted. I'm not on that PC right now.


  • I'm going to jump in here with a thought, I'm not trying to hijack TheMouse's topic.

    Could it depend on the outgoing port for the particular email account?

    Hijack away ^_^

    That would make sense if BD is assuming only certain ports will be used. My ISP forces use of 995 for POP3 and 465 for SMTP, both with SSL enabled.

  • I checked my option settings and while they are slightly different than Daniel's, I'm not sure which one might/would affect the display of the outgoing scan popup.


    I could have sworn that I saw a post Daniel made some time ago where he listed the email ports that were scanned, but I can't find it (must be wrong search terms) right now. I'll keep trying to find it.


  • I found Daniel's post, it was in a topic in the 2010 forum so I'm not sure if his information applies to the 2011 BD product line or not:

    My ISP changed Outbound ports last year:


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