How Can Orange Status Due To No Update In 24 Hours Go Green Without Connection To Internet?
A strange thing has happened - can anyone explain this...? Sometimes I work with my PC not connected to the internet. Yesterday I was doing so and my Bitdefender window was orange due to not having updated/connected to server in the last 24 hours. Well, I minimised my window and did my work, without connecting (as far as I…
Log Of Antivirus Library And Software Update Times.
Hallo, I would like to know where to find a log of all updates (virus library version updates as well as any other relevant software version updates) with some kind of version number and the date-time when it was installed on my PC. Date-time of download would be interesting too in case that can be different. My PC is not…
Bitdefender 2013 Scan Failures
Hi there, I have been very happily using Bitdefender2013 for around a year and a half now but recently my scans have started failing. This happened a few times previously over the last few months and I tried re-running it and then the scan would complete successfully it seemed. However, since 12th January I cannot…