I Purchased 10X Total Security 2016 Redemption Keys, I Want To Request Traditional License Keys
I do not want to open a new email account for each of the ten 2016 redemption keys. I want to manage all keys under one account and that seems like it is not possible. When I request a old style license key, it gives me Internet Security in return because Bitdefender thinks I want to install on a Windows XP/Vista machine.…
Subscription/activation Question, When Does The Time Start Couting Down?
I recently added a redemption code to my Bitdefender Central account and it's showing 732 days left. I have not installed the software on any devices yet. Does adding a code to my account start the subscription countdown? Or does it start when I install my first copy of Bitdefender Total Security?
Bitdefender 2014/2015 Setup Has Encountered An Error
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How Do I Verify If Keys Are Valid?
I recently purchased 5 copies of BitDefender Internet Security 2013 (retail box, 3 PCs 2 Years) from a eBay seller. The seller stated on his auction page that the keys were never registered and I was emailed the keys to save on shipping. How can I verify if the keys are valid? Can I be given a new set of keys to prevent…
Is There A Version Of Bitdefender Without The Firewall?
Bitdefender's firewall is messing up all sorts of online multimedia features, from Youtube videos to videos inside a Steam client. Is there a passive version of Bitdefender? I just need to scan files manually from time to time and don't require such rigorous protection. I don't mind strong protection but if it starts to…
How Can I Check If My License Keys Are Valid?
I recently purchased 4 copies of BitDefender Internet Security 2013 (retail box, 3 PCs 2 Years) from a eBay seller. The seller stated on his auction page that the keys were never registered and the items are brand new and unopened and only the UPC code has been cut out. When I received my order today I noticed all the…