Re: New install of BD on Win11 blocks access to network (local and internet)
Well, I had one other serious issue with the Win11 system I'd been building out, that also should not have been occurring and also seemingly could not be resolved or corrected. Along with the inexpli…1 -
Re: Recent BD version now produces "You are safe" when Windows Media Center extender sessions start
So, it all seemed quite productive. Andrei remoted into my DFW "production" Win7 WMC machine right on schedule, and we proceeded to work together for the next 2 hours. The objective really …3 -
Re: Recent BD version now produces "You are safe" when Windows Media Center extender sessions start
Windows Media Center along with the Ceton drivers for the Ceton InfiniTV tuner card only run on Win7. MS discontinued WMC in Win10. There is no option but to continue running Win7 if WMC is desired. …1 -
Re: How to add Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot to the firewall exception rule?
What kind of machine do you have? Brand/model, name of network adapter, etc.? What is your internet provider service? PC connected to router/modem with ethernet cable? Direct connection to the master…1 -
Re: Does BitDefender prevent Win10 Mobile Hotspot client connections?
Turns out your answer is off the mark. Through my continued experimenting today I discovered that (a) indeed it WAS BitDefender Firewall which was responsible the failure of Win10 Mobile Hotspot to f…1