Kindly be advised we cannot cancel subscriptions or issue refunds on the forum.
You may cancel your Bitdefender subscription from Bitdefender Central or by contacting Customer Support at:

Thank you for your understanding.

Georgia ✭✭✭


  • Hello, To further look into this we need a sample of the blocked programs. Please fill in this form and we will get back to you via email in about 24-48h: Thank you!
  • Hi and welcome, Grovers. A quick fix for the encountered issue is available in the kb article below: Let us know how is everything going.
  • Hello, We’re sorry to hear about your experience and thank you for letting us know. My colleagues from the Bitdefender Commercial Team will assist you on the above mentioned ticket asap.
  • Hello, Does the issue still occur if you perform a clean startup with only Microsoft and Bitdefender services? You can find details about this procedure described in the Microsoft KB article below, "How to perform a clean boot" section: Leave only Microsoft services and these 3…
  • Thank you both for posting back your results. Glad to know that the issue is resolved. I will close this topic, but should you have any further issue with Bitdefender please don't hesitate to create a new topic. Hope you have a lovely weekend ahead!
  • Hello, I have received your email. I will need a complete memory dump to forward it to our developers for a fix. I will open a ticket in our support platform and send you an email asap. *later edit: the ticket number is 2016011511480001 This is what I see in the minidump: Executable search path is: Windows 7 Kernel Version…
  • Hi, Please read my response here:
  • Hello Dedes, To reset the Bitdefender general settings password please run the tool below in Safe Mode: The ticket area you are trying to access is not available yet for public use. It will be implemented in a future update of our internal ticketing platform.…
  • Hello, where did upload the reports? I didn't receive them here on the forums nor at Could you please upload them to a file transfer site such as and either post back the download link or send it to us at the above mentioned email address? Thank you so much for your…
  • Buna seara, Problema aceasta cu resetarea configurarii Bitdefender Firewall dupa Windows restart a fost rezolvata in versiunea de motor Va rugam sa actualizati produsul Bitdefender 2016, apoi sa reporniti Windows. Daca situatia persista, reveniti cu un reply.
  • Buna seara, Ne cerem scuze pentru inconvenienta intampinata. Licenta dumneavoastra a fost revalidata in urma cu 15 zile, iar actiunea confirmata in ticketul nr. 2015122006490001 Va rugam sa nu ezitati sa ne contactati pe viitor oricand veti avea nevoie de asistenta suplimentara cu produsele Bitdefender.
  • Hello, This topic refers to Bitdefender 2014 products. If you receive random BSOD after installing Bitdefender on Windows 7, please install this Microsoft hotfix: If the issue persists install all Windows updates, remove any other security solutions and upgrade for free to…
  • Please restart Windows once, then you will be able to make the change.
  • Hi, Please install all available Windows and Bitdefender updates first, then make sure to uninstall all other security solutions. If the BSOD still occurs we need the most recent complete memory dump & a Bitdefender diagnostic log for further debugging. You can upload the logs to a file transfer site such as…
  • Hello, The .bvd files can only be opened via the Bitdefender interface for Windows. We will consider your feature request for future improvement.
  • Hello, According to your DMP the BSOD was caused by ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!KiSystemServiceExit+24a ) which is the 'heart' of the Windows operating system. Please install all available Windows and Bitdefender updates and if the BSOD still occurs we need the most recent complete memory dump & a Bitdefender diagnostic log for…
  • Buna ziua domnule Mindrucencu, Colegii nostri va vor contacta in scurt timp pe ticketul mentionat mai sus.
  • @ceapa Daca mesajul inca apare la reactivarea butonului 'Blocare scanare porturi in retea' (sub Module > Firewall > Setari) rulati utilitarul BDSYS si trimiteti-ne logul rezultat, pentru a ne asigura ca nu este vorba de malware.
  • Buna ziua, Va recomandam sa configurati Bitdefender firewall in felul urmator: 1. Deschideti Bitdefender, faceti click pe sageata Module, mergeti la panoul Securitate si selectati Firewall. 2. In sectiunea Firewall selectati fila Adaptoare din partea de sus si localizati adaptorul curent. Acesta este fie Local Area…
  • Buna ziua, Ne cerem sincere scuze pentru inconvenienta creata si va asiguram ca vom incerca sa remediem aceasta situatie intr-un timp cat mai scurt. Colegii de la suport tehnic au raspuns pe ticketul 2015122920230001 in urma cu 10 minute. Asteptam reply-ul dumneavoastra pe ticket daca situatia necesita investigari…
  • Bun venit pe forumul Bitdefender! Puteti opri scanarea email-urilor in felul urmator: din fereastra Bitdefender 2016 apasati Module in stanga jos > click pe Antivirus > Personalizat > Scanare trafic. Aici debifati caseta 'Scanare mesaje primite' si apasati OK pentru confirmare. Asigurati-va ca nu sunt alte solutii de…
  • Hello hangv001, We’re sorry to hear about your experience and thank you for letting us know. The issue will be addressed in a couple of hours in your existing ticket 2015122423550002 open with Bitdefender support. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  • Hi crankyoldbugger, Try this fix for the Bitdefender firewall on Windows 7 machines: If the BSOD still occurs, we need the latest dump from C:\Windows\Minidump and a Bitdefender diagnostic log from the affected PC. Thank you!
  • Hi and welcome to the Bitdefender forums. This action is not available in the product, but we will try to try to use the idea for future improvement.
    dans Merge Wallets Commentaire de Georgia janvier 2016
  • Hi, @Vitalik1993 the issue is not fixed yet as Google has a 2-step authentication process and we are working on it. @DrGjerdesmett Bitdefender 2016 successfully autosaves and autofills the credentials on If the issue persists on your end make sure to update Bitdefender (the current build version is…
  • Hello Laska, Thank you for your patience. The current Bitdefender build version is Please follow the steps below and let us know if the issue is resolved with this build. Bring up Bitdefender and click Update. Wait until the update process completes, then click the top right menu and select Events in the…
    dans Newsbin Pro Commentaire de Georgia janvier 2016
  • Hello and welcome to the Bitdefender forums. If other https websites are working fine in Firefox, the issue is most likely caused by a corrupt certificate for Please try creating a new profile in Firefox and then delete it (the new profile). This will determine reinstalling the certificates in all Firefox…
  • Hi kghoops and Phil, Thank you for reporting this behavior. To further look into this matter please create a file named dbg_trace.ini in C:\ with the string CRYPTPROTECTAL=2 Then replace in Safe Mode vsserv.logger.xml from C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2016 with the one attached to my message. Restart Windows…
  • Hello, We are aware of some connection issues during the past days as we update our servers. In the next hours your Bitdefender products will start to update automatically. If this does not happen open Command Prompt and type the following commands hitting Enter after each one: ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /release ipconfig…
  • Hi dorin.alex, You are replying to a 4-year old topic. Please upgrade for free to Bitdefender 2016 and should you encounter further issues with then new program open a new topic here: Thank you for your understanding. This topic will be closed.