MhyProt2 Ransomware attack
Hi, I'm writing in order to allow the community and Bitdefender specialists to look at the new attack vector. I added a github link [removed by admin in accordance with the forum policy] Basically a signed legitimate driver is used to kill system processes,etc.
Bitdefender vulnerabilities
Wikileak has published this article at this link Wkileaks_resource. Is bitdefender still vulnerable or affected by this method?
Bitdefender Free Beta Sugestion
In some scenarios it uses too much RAM (in taskmanager it climbed to 300.000KB~300MB).This will probably get fixed so i don't worry. Another thing is the action list.For exemple if it found more than 5 threats ill have to check apply all for every 5 items(does not apply the actions to all the items). For example if it…
Bis Service
The bitdefender Internet Security service needs a lot of time to load(in comparation with 2014 version).Also memory consumption increased.
New Features
Tese are some of the features that i consider useful at an av: 1.Could you please add trusted app mode?(exclude digitaly signed apps/like photon tehnology) 2.Add an user mode choice to ask for actions when malwere is found 3.Can bitdefender free repair over update like paid versions ? 4.Add the rescue mode
Improve Zero-day Malwere Detection(avc And B-have)
Since i like playing with viruses on vmware i tested bitdefender with new malwere (from virussign free-list) and Avc or B-have didn`t stop the malwere.I observ that the malwere in the virus signiatur database is blocked ,new threats don't.Please improve those features ,they are very useful and important.
Network Attack Blocker
A few days ago i tested my pc against dos attacks.I dos'ed myself from another pc and bitdefender didn't show anything.If the attack was from someone else and it would be stronger........ . So i think a network attack blocker feature would be good to stop any kind of attack that comes from the network.
Bd Registry Protection
De curiozitate am umblat prin registrul bitdefender.Nu am avut curajul sa umblu prea mult dar am modificat cu usurinta cheile mai simple.Dupa update si restart nu s-au modificat la starea originala.Desigur ca am facut niste copii si le-am pus inapoi.Dar este normal sa se poata MODIFICA?
Events Notification
Add a notification in events when someone/something attempts to stop/change av's services,files including the process info,etc. It helps to identify risky applications by the user.
[escaladat la echipa dezvoltare] Offline Update
Din cauza ca ma conectez la internet prin modem nu am tot timpul acces la internet(semnal,etc.) si ma intrebam daca bd av free se poate actualiza si offline,o data pe zi ?
2 Virusi Nedetectati
1. Primul este DarkComet R.A.T.531 Parola :infected LINK:DarkCometRAT 2 Backdoor ,numele fisierului gasit de Malwerebytes "upnp.exe" Parola:infected LINK:upnp.exe file
Atacuri Flood
Ne poate proteja bitdefender de aceste atacuri care suprasolicita ping ,uneori distrugand placa de retea?
Bitdefender For Unices Eroare
Dupa instalare si update ,bitdefender afiseaza mesajul ca motoarele antivirus se incarca. Problema:Chiar si dupa reboot tot nu vrea sa porneasca .De atunci tot timpul cand pornesc bit imi apare acest mesaj. Sistem de operare:Linux Mint 13 - 64biti-Cinnamon Multumesc pentru atentie.
Viteza De Scanare
Am instalat bitdefender pe leptop si in Windows xp mode.Viteza de scanare lasa de dorit chiar daca resurse sunt din plin. Ma intrebam daca ati putea face ceva ca sa se ajunga la o viteza de 20-30 de fisiere pe secunda in cazul celor dll,cat si posibilitatea de a rula mai multe scanari in parallel. O alta optiune ar fi…
Feature List Request
For the beginning just in user mode: 1 Option to choose in user mode wich virus actions will be taken: take optimal actions,ask user,pre defined by user for a big category :rootkits,droopers... 2 Option to reverse malwere actions:delete created files,registry keys... 3 Schedueler for scans
Malwere Undo
As dori implementarea optiuni de a anula ,adica de a repara ceea ce a facut un virus.Daca a creat sau modificat ceva prin pc sa il intorca ,sa il lase asa cum era inainte ca pc-ul sa fie infectat.Ca si compania rusa ce incepe cu K. MULTUMESC
Aplication Sandbox
Buna ziua, Ma intrebam daca ati putea adauga suitei de protectie bitdefender optiunea de a rula aplicatiile suspecte intrun mediu virtual ,sandbox,care sa restrictioneze accesul aplicatiei la anumite resurse hardwere si softwere,in caz ca aceasta ar fi malwere.Fisierele ar putea fi salvate intr-un folder protejat.…
Rootkit Scan
Hellow, I was wondering if you can add an option in the main scannig window,"SCAN NOW", to scan the pc for rootkits.It would be much easyer then go to PERSONALIZED SCAN and deploy a scan from there with custom settings. Other antiviruses have this and it would be better if BITDEFENDER had one.It's much easyer. You could…
Eicar Test Virus
Am testat bitdefender cu EICAR TEST VIRUS (eicarcom2.zip) si bitdefender nu l-a putut neutraliza,ca in imaginea alaturata. ESTE IN REGULA?
Licentiere Bitdefender
Buna ziua, 1) Daca am dezinstalat bitdefender de pe un pc licenta detinuta este valida in continuare ? EX:bit cu 123 de zile ramase.Daca il dezinstalez si il instalez peste 3 zile o sa mai am 120 de zile ramase? 2)EX:Am licenta pentru 3 pc-uri.Daca 2 pc-uri au instalat bit.Daca dezinstalez un bit si il instalez pe alt pc o…
Fereastra De Scanare Se Blocheaza
Vreau sa raportez o problema in legatura cu fereastra de selectie a obiectelor ce vor fi scanate din meniul "Scanare Personalizata". Fereastra se blocheaza de fiecare data atunci cand deschid sau selectez un folder. Va rog sa rezolvati problema.
[escaladat] Bitdefender Nu Pastreaza Setarile
Buna ziua, Azi,dupa ce am instalat adoble shockwave player,am obserevat cand m-am uitat la setarile scutului am observat ca ceva cauzase schimbarea nivelului de securitate de pe AGRESIV ,pe PERSONALIZAT unde scutul era setat sa nu mai scaneze arhivele si sectoarele de boot. Tinand cont ca sistemul de oprire a intruziunilor…
Mod Steril Bitdefender 2013
Vreau sa rulez o scanare in modul de salvare bitdefender.Din interfata bitdefender ,scanare,am selectat mod de salvare.PCul s-a restartat. Odata ajuns IN MOD STERIL nu am putut scana nimic deoarece scanerul im spunea ca motorul antivirus nu s-a incarcat. Deasemenea nu am putut realiza nici-o actualizare. SUGESTII...?