

  • Are you guys on Windows 7 64bit? The same thing is being posted on the German forum and that's the thing they have in common. Yep, Windows 7 64bit - BitDefender detecting basically EVERY exe and dll as "Trojan.FakeAlert.5" The result is everything gets moved to the quarantine, and the system is basically rendered useless.…
  • I am having the same issue... BD Support, could you perhaps post the procedure you sent to the original poster here to the forum?
  • Hello, I just purchased Bit Defender Total Security 2010, upgrading from BD Antivirus 2009 - and have had a host of problems. First, I could not get updates to work. The only way I was able to fix this was to completely uninstall BDTS, and then re-install. Now upon reinstall, I cannot start the firewall. Whenever I attempt…
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