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  • Re: VPN/OUTLOOK 365 conflict

    Yes, I think this experience emphasizes on the overall importance of updates that may play a big role in how other apps perform. Not to mention that, known vulnerabilities can also be addressed with …
  • Re: Zacks data breach

    Hi @RKS, The Bitdefender Digital Identity Protection service works in a similar fashion, it sends an alert to the user about a breach, even if the breach itself includes little or outdated informatio…
  • Re: Upgrading to Premium

    Salut @Cristian Dumitru 🙂 De asemenea, daca doriti informatii cu privire la ofertele disponibile in prezent, sau doriti sa solicitati un discount punctual, puteti lua legatura cu agentii nostri din d…
  • Re: VPN/OUTLOOK 365 conflict

    Good morning Alexandru, 0515 in Perth Western Australia and yes it would appear the VPN "looks innocent" at this stage :)... I booted my 'puter at 0430 this morning and enabled VPN straight…
  • Re: Optimization of update processes

    I continue to be convinced that the signature and product update processes must be optimized by looking at and comparing the same processes with other free AV that are lighter and faster. 😉 See my up…
  • Re: Virus is not being detected

    Check the resolution provided in below stated link to remove notifpushnext pop-up ads Regards
  • Re: How to circumvent a false positive "infected file"

    Check if below steps help: 1) Temporarily disable Bitdefender Protection: 2) Set exclusion in Bitdefender Antivirus: https://www.bitdefender…
  • Zacks data breach

    I have been notified by Have I Been Pwned that my data is in the Zacks data breach. As far as I know, I have never set up an account with Zacks. I assume that some site that I have an account with us…
  • VPN/OUTLOOK 365 conflict

    First time here need guidance. Having trouble with my VPN interfering with outlook 365 email. When VPN is enabled outlook mail ceases incoming until I disable VPN... I've spent 2 whole days reading a…
  • Re: memory integrity

    Hello @Angela 1 , Memory integrity, being part of the Windows defender suite, is also disabled during the Bitdefender installation. When Bitdefender is installed, it will automatically turn off Windo…