Bd Turns Autopilot Feature To Game Profile, Unable To Change It

Hi there everyone,

I noticed a change happening when I opened Mozilla FF 41 today: the site advisor feature was turned off. I closed the browser, and guess what ? When I went to the settings in BD, the Site Advisor had turned itself off. Another thing that struck me as odd: when I went to the tools panel the Profile had reset to Autopilot ON + Game mode. I don't really understand how this could have been happening, because, seriously, I have NEVER played games on this Desktop since I started using it. And yesterday, everything worked fine, while the Autopilot was ON in Standard Mode. It can't switch in the tools panel to get Autopilot - Standard back on, the Autopilot is set to game mode every time I want to change it.

I am supposed to be working with BD keeping me safe, and the recommendation would be to keep Autopilot ON in Standard Mode, as far as I know. Then why on earth does the Autopilot switch to unsafe profiles that turn some features off ? How is this possible ? This change was not made by me, in any case !