

  • All i wanted to say is from my 5 years bd user experience i thought it might help. Had same download issue and every time i was eager to install the latest bd version. But now after all what i've experienced i came to the conclusion that is not a very good move to uninstall which is a bad idea in general no matter what av…
  • You think they don't know there are some problems and now because you were so brave to report, everything will be ok? They receive performance reports from every bd pc. That download problem is old as a monk. Maybe you should try BD Box
  • If you say that the previous version of BD worked fine, why not install that version? Always the newer version has some problems. This is because they try to keep up but not always and for everyone this would work. If you are sys admin like you claim why you are so puzzled about this common situation..
  • Have you disabled windows defender on your win 10 when installed BD?
  • ..sorry for double post. I used to have lags and i protect my adapter drivers .sys files with emet. Network adapter drivers are very exposed to attacks. Update network adapter drivers and try emet
  • Stealth mode off makes you vulnerable to port scans and many more other nasty stuff, so try set your stealth mode on, and generic yes. Since you have a high end cpu could be a compatibility issue. If you use wireless make sure u use strong wi-fi security protocols like wpa2 and a strong password. Make sure your router has…
  • enable home/office mode, switch generic mode active and disable stealth mode from BD firewall. From windows connection and sharing center switch to home/office for that connection only
  • @GiniM Pt un utilizator obisnuit cel mai restrictiv mod (a se intelege cel mai sigur) pt orice firewall este modul Public combinat cu modu stealth si modu generic activat (la toate adaptoarele) si desi probabil ai netu printr-un router wireless sau wired in caz ca el este bypasat modul public te protejeaza blocand orice…
  • Multumim pentru raportare! Momentan, colegii de la laboratoare analizeaza aplicatia. Vom reveni cu rezultatul acestora in scurt timp. Nu mai este nevoie pt analizare, deja au intrat toti migratorii care pe unde. M-am convins. Somn usor in continuare
  • Hello, I opened TCP/UDP port 7100-7200 and 7700-7800 in my router. And I allowed the ports in the Bitdefender firewall for the videogame. But Bitdefender keeps blocking ports in those port ranges for the videogame. It says that it discovered malicious activity and blocked the port access for the application. Even if I go…
  • Buna ziua, Stie cineva cum as putea sa configurez firewall-ul sa permita acces doar de la unele adrese MAC? Am vazut ca pot seta zone, de exemplu MAC1 permite, MAC2 blocheaza, dar ce se intampla cand apare MAC3 pe retea? Multumesc. Faptul ca iti apare adresa mac a unui dispozitiv nu inseamna ca firewalu BD are si functia…
  • o noua problema intalnita la modulul firewall,kmplayer blocat "interzice accesul" inchid kmplayer,repornesc programul si tot nu este blocat!"permite accesul"! S-ar putea sa fie nevoie sa restartezi calculatoru nu doar programu
  • My system Is clean. I don't pirate things, I don't download things I don't need or I don't know. I have my fav websites, I don't click links like a dumbass I am almost 40 years old man who knows what he is doing so please do not tell that fault is on my site. Because is not. I did research about vsserv.exe and seems like…
  • Hello. I want try Bitdefender because I've heard is good and light and has no impact on performance. But this is not true, PC boot time is now longer than ever was. It use high ammount of ram, especialy process vsserv.exe sometimes use over 300Mb when is IDLE ! So I want ask you, is there any fix for it ? Because I don't…
  • Buna ziua Am avut un virus pe calculator si toate documentele (incusiv pozele) sunt criptate si au dupa extensia documentului ilseycc. Știe cineva ce pot face ??? system restore
  • Multumim pentru raportare! Momentan, colegii de la laboratoare analizeaza aplicatia. Vom reveni cu rezultatul acestora in scurt timp. Ca un alt amanunt este faptul ca respectiva aplicatie foloseste datele personale (sau prin vanzare unor tertzi) ale utilizatorilor in scopul imigratiei ilegale prin casatorii de convenienta…
  • Noi si noi exploituri care mai de care mai exotice ne asteapta pe aceasta retea sociala de "grand shlem" numita Qeep Sa spicuim cateva dintre bunatatzile care ne asteapta telefoanele sau leptopurile cu "codurile" deschise [ET CURRENT_EVENTS RedKit - Landing Page Received - applet and flowbit] [ET CURRENT_EVENTS Exploit Kit…
  • depistat de sistemele de detectie/preventie a intruziunii ca folosind exploitul Fiesta Flash vezi print screen aici Baietii de la Qeep sint foarte harnici in utilizarea celor mai noi exploituri in intentiile lor cybercriminale.Ce face Bitdefender?
  • I've just installed Windows Antivirus blocked the process.Once Windows is a virtual keyboard when running the regiment.AntiVirus detects the blocking process was correct Windows Explorer? I got a rescue disk to scan AntiVirus did not identify the case! Is there a solution to this problem? try comodo rescue disk, it's the…
  • Hi there BitDefender Is 2015 "Windows Explorer" process is blocked by Active Virus Control! Is it right or false? Explorer was blocked probably when some virus tried to modify or inject malicious code in explorer.exe proces..maybe u have an exploit that accessed explorer in memory.Restart pc and your memory will be…
  • Thanks, you are teaching the proverbial granny to svck eggs though. We are so remote my nearest neighbour is a mile away so they would be doing well as would any potential drive-by-snoopers to even find us. I am well aware of the potential risks which is why I test against them as already stated. It is not something I do…
  • I don't use Bitdefender Firewall or Windows Firewall. Neither suit my needs and are surplus to requirements anyhow. I have a hardware firewall that I test on a regular basis against new threats and it has not failed yet. Trusting any Company with your security is not without inherent risk. You are reliant on their…
  • I'm using BitDefender Internet Security 2011 in a windows 7, 64 bits. About a week ago Skype updated and, ever since, everytime I try to login in skype, it gives me an error message saying "skype cannot connect". The reason I'm posting this here, and not in a skype help forum, is because I've realised that it is…
  • Yes, cloud technology is being used more but not for real time AV protection that I know of. It decreases the effectiveness of detection due to the nature of viruses since disabling AV internet access is almost always the first action of an infection. I look forward to BD tech support weighing in on this. Speculation is…
  • I appreciate your reply but I see it as speculation, unsupported from BD Tech support... Any polymorphic virus detection has always been part of the local virus detection system (Downloaded virus definitions). Not to mention most polymorphic virus infections are far less prevalent these days than they were when BD was…
  • Here is what I did. Removed Autopilot Removed Block Internet Sharing and port scan thing. Put my adapter in Trusted and Generic on. What is Generic anyways? you should let port scanning on..make sure u are on "Home network" profile in windows and in bitdefender.Generic is when you make a setting for network and you wanna…
  • Hi, Ever since I installed BitDefender 2015 I cannot logon to my home PC using remote desktop from the Internet. I tried everything. Trusted Ethernet, allowing RDP, etc... Anyone else have this issue? Thanks, You should choose home network in order to let remote desktop to work.In public profile this service is blocked as…
  • These threats keep appearing after my computer finishes a full system scan mostly all the time. How do I stop them from coming back? Any help would be greatly appreciated to stop them from reoccurring. Any tips on what I can do to my settings to stop them I run Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2014. I do use a program called…
  • I have a legal version of Win 7 Professional, A legal version of MS office, Java , Skype and Yahoo and that's about it. You think I have a dirty computer? Even a through scan by bitdefender didn't find anything.Can you tell me why I didn't and don't face any problems when I ran 4 different types of antivirus/anti malware…
  • Hello I am using Bitdefender Internet Security 2015. Im not able to understand,what should be the right settings for me in "Local Area Connection" (Firewall). I mean the "Network Type", "Stealth Mode", "Generic". Please tell me the proper option for me... I recommend you to select steath mode on and generic yes ..this…