I never used Windows Defender offline as I've been using Eset for over a decade and switched to BitDefender last year. Eset always worked fine in rescue mode. I'll check the WinRe partition. Thanks for your advise.
Après désinstallation en mode sans échec, tout est revenu à la normale. Merci pour vos conseils.
I ran the uninstallation tools and reinstalled Eset. Everythintg works great now. Thanks for your help.
Bonjour, Merci pour vos précisions. Ayant installé BitDefender 2011, quelle est la différence entre les deux utilitaires de désinstallation BitDefender_Uninstall_Tool.exe et uninstall_tool_2011.exe ? Car vous me conseillez d'utiliser le premier et je voulais savoir ce qui diffère entre les deux. Merci !
Did your system meet the "System Requirement" mentioned here Yes, no problem. And how did you un-install Eset and Bitdefender? It is recommended to uninstall any security software with its "Uninstall Tool". I either used the Control Panel or the uninstallation icon in the Eset/BD2011 menu, can't remember. However there are…
I must specify that the USB cable between the ADSL model and the PC is ok. It's just that something got broken and that the PC seems not to talk anymore with the ADSL to get its IP address and such to establish an Internet connection.