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  • Nevermind. I fixed it. I simply uninstalled the modem driver and went to dell's website and installed a newer version of the driver. I was then able to run a complete scan without any problems.
  • Even after uninstalling several add-ons it still takes 12-15 seconds for firefox to launch. I am running Windows XP, P3, 933 MHZ, 512MB ram Dell. I know it used to launch quicker than that. Not sure what else could be causing the slow down. Especially since IE will launch very quickly.
  • Niels: I have several add ons installed in firefox. Probably 6-8. Will disabling some of them do the trick and speed it up even more or do I actually need to uninstall? Paul
  • Andrei: Thanks again. That appears to have helped significantly. Appreciate your help.
  • Andrei: Tried that but it did not help. Any other suggestions? Is keeping the real time protection enabled that important?
  • I did the repair and that seems to have worked. Now it does not have a very old date in the update section. Thank you all for your help. I appreciate it.
  • I now did the cumulative update and followed the instructions. Unfortunately, now in the general status tab it shows that he last update was 4-12-70. The date on my computer is current so I have no idea where it is coming up with this date.
  • Thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, I do not have a CD because I bought it online. When I go to updates--- settings--- the screen is just blank. Not sure what that is all about. I just downloaded the manual updates and installed the weekly update. That seems to have gotten rid of the microsoft red shield in the system…
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