Nici un raspuns la e-mail meu trimis acum 3 zile. Ok, avand in vedere ca nici macar nu v-ati simtit sa raspundeti o sa va dau in judecata cerand daune de 100 de ori mai mari decat solutia de rezolvare pe cale amiabila pe care v-am propus-o. Nu e vina mea ca nici macar nu v-ati obosit sa raspundeti. Si da sunt unul din…
Really nice: Real-time Virus Reporting - Last 24 hours Virus name Infected files Trojan.FakeAlert.5 32.55% Nice % for the last 24h... Real-time Virus Reporting - Last 7 days Virus name Infected files…
A mai trecut o zi fara raspuns .... Nici nu cred ca o sa dea vreun raspuns, ceea ce ar fi tipic, facem o prostie care e 100% din vina noastra si dupa aia nu dam nici o despagubire ca nu a provocat nici o paguba (OS-uri care nu mai pornesc din cauza prostiei lor nu e considerat ca fiind vreo problema). Eu nu am glumit cand…
Acolo in test GData, F-Secure si eScan au motoare BitDefender, pe langa altele(GData mai are si al doilea motor de la avast). Daca te uiti la clasamentul final, toate produsele cunoscute au primit Advanced+ in afara de McAfee si AVG, iar restul sunt niste produse mai slabe(Kingsoft, Norman, etc). Daca nu folosea inca un…
thedukesd: ba esti carcotas, orice soft are buguri si greseli.important e ca sa`si realizeze scopul.bitdefender ca produs AV este cel mai bun din piata - aici ma refer la detectie de mai sunt mici neplaceri,asta e....un user experimentat si obisnuit sa foloseasca diverse programe mai mici sau mai mari stie sa…
daca asta e marea ta problema cu bitdefender, ca raporteaza gresit o versiune a unui program pe care`l ai tu instalat, da`mi voie sa te fac superficial.acest program AV are foarte multe feature`uri iar mici problemute pot aparea mereu.ce s`a intamplat acum e la fel o mica scapare. tu din fire esti mai carcotas…
If there were a better AV suite I'd switch to it, but Kaspersky is too memory hungry and Norton just ######, so I'll still use BD, but I will expect some compensation for my inability to work today. May I suggest to read the reports (main tests, performance tests, etc.) from this site…
Free migration to any antivirus I will chose with a license for that antivirus for 245 days. Why? Cause I use BitDefender Antivirus 2010 and a migration to other antivirus is a fair thing. A 245 days license for that antivirus cause i have 245 days license for BitDefender. Of course this will not going to happen as result…
I clicked on your links, but it wasnt in english so I could not read it Watch the pictures. I will translate for you what u need to understand. Romanian -> English "Nume aplicatie" -> "Application name" "Versiune instalata" -> "Instaled version" "Ultima versiune" -> "Last version" So my instaled version is newer then the…
When I pay for something yes I do like them to test their products first, like when I bought a burger from mcdonalds, i asked that they try it first, so he took a bite, then said all is well and handed me the burger... If you havnt anything good to say, go complain in another complainers topic, dont spam your rubbish here.…
Anyways good job on fixing it quick, stuff ups happen, thats life, and people just like to complain these days about anything, this is the first time I believe this has happened to BD, and only 64bit users, people should go research the stuff ups some of the other so called popular anti viral protectors have done. This is…
In that I will make the first suggestion(s): - A roll back option that creates a system restore point prior to any update. Maybe someone just have system restore disable (someone like me)... My suggestion? HIRE A REAL TEST TEAM CAUSE YOU DON"T HAVE ONE AT THE MOMENT!
poti sa ramai cu BD...toti meritam o a doua sansa, nu? din punctul meu de vedere nu meritati inca o sansa... experienta mea cu produsul vostru de-a lungul anilor a fost una proasta... a ratat sa vada virusi desi era updatat la zi... a vazut virusii dar surprinzator desi a sustinut ca a reparat problema un alt av a reportat…
no one can promise you that this kind of problem won`t appear again when using i suggest not to do that because an issue like this one will never ever happen again using BD. wanna bet? you want me to believe that they will hire a test team? hire cause atm i have all the reasons to believe that they don't have a…
When u don't test an update this is what it's happening... But from what I saw those days few firms are actually testing the things they release as they should do. No offence but most of the test teams are a bad joke (all of them will say they have a test team but bugs that will notice in 10s after the patch that happens…