[offtopic] Retea 2 Pc + Internet
Buna ziua... Am si eu o problema de rezolvat si as vrea cea mai buna solutie, daca se poate. In primul rand, nu stiu daca fac bina sa deschid acest topic aici, dar topicurile vechi nu merg asa ca... Eu am o verisoara la tara, stam la distanta de 50 - 70 m una de alta, amandoua avem calculatoare cu placi de retea, ea este…
Nu Vad Unitatea De Cdrom
Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat dar pana acum mi-a mers atat unitatea de cd cat si unitatile virtuale create cu daemon tool. De ieri nu mai merge nici cdromul fizic nici unitatile virtuale. Am incercat dezinstalare si instalare dar aceeasi problema...Are cineva sugestii? PS: CATRE ADMINISTRATORII FORUMULUI - DE CE NU MAI AM VOIE…
First a reply for Cris: the people who use DC shouldn't put there programs or games that shouldn' t be shared, so don't pick on me for pirate programes. But that is OK, I understood your point (I hope:)). Now the problem: I have Avira antivirus installed on my computer. I belived it was a good antivirus program at least…
Image Cd
hey guys, I downloaded daemon tools and I took Disciples II from DC++ (2 CD iso ). The first cd -install, worked just fine, when I mounted the 2 Cd - play, it showed the disciples window where it was written play but when i pushed the play button it gave this error :cd-rom drive error(the virtual drive from daemon). I…
Bootable Cd
What is the difference between a normal Cd and a bootable cd. I mean if I want to make a cd for Windows XP it must be bootable to work, right? How can i make a bootable cd with windows?
Iso Files?
question - I have found files with iso extension (I think that is the extension). they have big dimensions like 500-600 MB and they have the image of a cd near them. tell me some information about them, how can I open them, is there a certain programe to see them...?or what?
Temporary Internet Files
Can you tell me something about the temporary internet files... I verified this folder and I have so many. I should erase them, yes or no?
I installed zone alarm firewall, and it blocked a big number of attempts of acces to my computer. That is ok, because that is its purpose, right? But there were some attempts that I didn't understood and I didn' t like. 86-123-209-244.rdsnet.ro( Port 3208 TCP 1922 ?????? Rds-rcs is…
Care e problema?
Salut tuturor... Sa va descriu ce am mai patit acum. Dupa ce am tot intrat pe net am zis sa mai dau o scanare cu avira, calculatorul imi mergea cam incet. M-am gandit ca am luat iar un troian, ca am mai patit-o. Pornesc avira si in acelasi timp pornesc si antispyware. Am mai facut asta o data si nu am avut probleme, mi-a…
pentru Andrei ASM ports found open? din nou
Ma scuzi dar engleza mea este cam ruginita si prefer romana:). Mesajul se adreseaza tuturor in masura sa ma ajute cu sfaturi... Am intrat din nou pe securizare.ro si am dat testul anti hackeri. Acum imi apar alte porturi deschise: Telnet si SMTP Mail Server Port. De ce? Tinand cont ca am mai facut scanarea asta de cateva…
Ports found open?
Hi everyone! I have a problem. I went on www.securizare.ro, I performed the on-line anti hacker scan and I have this: "open and unsecure: POP3 Mail Server Port". What does it mean, what can I do? PS: I did that scan before, and I had the result that all ports were secure, but now...
IT security
I have a question, can someone see what you are doing on the internet? If yes, then how is that possible? If someone knows your datas, ip adress, subnet mask, and others then he can invade your computer? how can I protect myself in that case?