What is Windows 10 Local area conection 10 doing in firewall?
Ok I had so many problems since I installed BIS2017, evreyones nows the limited conection,network fail & all that stuff that hapens on windows 10. You usually have to set on adapters "Ethernet" from public to home or trusted just like here bitdefender pseudo tuneling so if pseudo tuneling apears also put on trusted for…
Facebook Pop Up "blr 1"
Primesc acest mesaj pe facebook de fiecare data cand intru, cu toate ca am instalat BIS2013. Am curatat cookie, am scanat si cu bis si cu alte programe si nu detecteaza nimic, e o infectie pe pc sau e un atac catre facebook? Linkul este detectat ca malware in broserul special al bitdefenderului. Astept un raspuns sau…
Antiteft Problem - Laptop Furat
Incerc sa gasesc un laptop furat, mai are doar 2 zile din trialul de la TS2013-90 de zile, pana acu nu a detectat decat orasul si ora cand a fost folosit laptopul. Deasemenea a fost raportat si la politie. Vreau sa stiu daca echipa bitdefender sau cineva care lucreaza acolo poate detecta ip-ul dupa care produsul si-a facut…
Can't Change A Aplication Rule Seted By Mistake!
Ok I was with the firewall on paranoic and I accidently seted a program on block & I cheked the remember box. Know evrey time I start that program appears on denny in firewall even if I manualy change it on allow? How can I fix this?
Bitdefender Nu Mai Functioneaza Corect
De cateva zile antivirusul si unele dintre setari nu mai functioneaza corect. I-am dat repara cu cateva zile in urma si credeam ca am scapat de problema insa astazi mi-a reaparut. Setarile de la nivelul personal de protectie nu mai sunt corecte, ba chiar unele dintre ele au disparut, iar daca ii dau sa remedieze problema,…
Antiphishing Nu Apare In Browsere
Am observat ca bara de instrumente antiphishing nu mai apare in browsere. Iar azi cand am aprins pc-ul, am primit un mesaj de la bitdefender care cerea sa trimit informatii, spunand ca usernameul etc ar putea fi trimise pentru inbunatatirea produsului, insa am ales nu, apoi cum am intrat in browsere am observat ca bara…
Help Bitdefender Blocheaza Adresa Ruterului?
Folosesc de mult timp ruterul insa nu m-am trezit nici-o data cu adresa ruterului blocata de bitdefender. S-a introdus vreun update nou ceva care blocheaza adresa, sau poate fi suspiciune de infectie, cu toate ca am scanat si cu spywaredoctor si nu am gasit nimic?
Bitdefender Systemtry
I have a problem with the bitdefender systemtry icon. I restarted my pc and I observed that the bitdefender icon doesn't apears in the taskbar. I reinstaled bis2010 and it was there, but afther a nother restart it wasn't there. I open it from the shortcut and evrything is ok, except that only the icon isn't in the taskbar.…
Bis 2010 Problem With Dns Cache
I instaled bitdefender internet security 2010, but I selected disable dns cache and know I can not forward my utorrent port corectly, only if my firewall is off. I unistaled bitdefender, then I instaled again with option "disable dns cache" turened off but nothing hapend, so how can I repair this problem.
Can't See The Network.
I have a PC conected to ruter by cabel and a laptop by wirles. On the PC I have vista ultimate and bitdefender IS 2010. I understand that if I want to see my laptop I must set network discovery on, but it's set on custom and if I select on and pres Apply, doesn't work. This is the ruter page On pc I…
My Scan Buttons Does't Work.
Hy I trying to start the 6 weeks malware scan, but when i push the buton nothing happens. I'm using vista ultimated 32 bits. I understand i need this http://www2.bitdefender.com/files/Knowledg...ystem_32bit.exe but the link doesn't work. Can somoane help me please?