"Update recommendation" permanently displayed even when Total Security is up to date.
In the main Total Security window I get a notification "update recommendation" regardless of whether the update was done or not. It's a small problem, but a little annoying... I can press "Update now" button but it makes no sense because everything is already updated. I've had this case before. Then I reinstalled the…
Opera start page problem / slowdown with Bitdefender
After the latest update Opera and Total Security loading of Opera start page has slowed down considerably. The problem is related to the "Online threat prevention > Settings > Web attack prevention" option. Disabling this option helps, but it's rather a bad solution...
Minor problem with "Scan flash drives" option in Antivirus section
The default setting for this option is "Autoscan". This works well. If I choose "Ask every time", I expect that the program will ask me if I want to scan the flash drive. But the effect is different - although there is no automatic scanning, the program asks if I want to "immunize" the flash drive... even when the USB…
BUG - Constant disk read/write while Bitdefender is installed
I have build on 5 computers. I uninstalled the old build completely and reinstalled it on all machines... and I still have to use a trick with restarting the service (Windows Management Instrumentation). If I don't restart the service, there is still a problem with constant reading of drives (including…
"Ask every time" option for flash drives goes wrong...
The setting "Ask every time" for flash drives asks every time but for... immunize drive (even for immunized drives), not for scanning. The "Autoscan" option works properly - performs scanning drive when connected.
A problem with SSL Scanning in Thunderbird (Gmail)
When "Scan SSL" option is on (Total Security 2018) Thunderbird reapeatedly asks for pop.gmail.com:995 security exception. I can add this exception, then after a few starts Thunderbird asks for this exception again. Very annoying... " data-emoticon=""…
Search advisor problem in Opera 52, Total Security
In Opera 52 (52.0.2871.30, the latest, x64) Search Advisor does not work only for Google. Bing, Yahoo, etc. are OK (Search Advisor displays signs).
Wallet Agent process
I recently came back to Bitdefender after a long time. Everything is OK. TS 2018 is great. It is probably not a big deal, but Bitdefender Wallet Agent resides in memory despite Password Manager is disabled. It starts only when I start Bitdefender user interface. After booting the system Bitdefender Wallet Agent is not…
Windows 8 Security Development / Future?
We are quite frequent updates of Internet Security (and all other "2015" versions)... but what about Windows 8 Security? Is it some kind of blind branch of evolution? All 2015 versions have Windows 8-like interface and they are very similar to Windows 8 Security, but all 2015 versions are improved regularly while Windows 8…
[Profiles] Invalid Settings (Autopilot Issue?)
As I understand it, the default autoupdate period is 1 hour for Standard profile and 2 hours for Work. Sometimes the autoudate period is set to 2 hours even though Standard profile is active (also Search Advisor was off once - the normal state for Work profile). I have a feeling that this phenomenon occurs (but only…
[FaD] Bitdefender Agent Tray Icon Appears After A Very Long Time
When I reboot or start my computer (WIndows 10 x64), Bitdefender Internet Security 2016 appears to work pretty normal but the tray icon appears after a very long time (2 - 3 minutes). Strange...
Game Mode... But Only Sometimes
Bitdefender sometimes chooses Game Profile when running LibreOffice 5.x (LO is not a game ). However, usually chooses Work Profile properly. This is not a big problem but I'm curious why?
English Version Or Localized?
Are new versions / builds of Bitdefender available in all languages at the same time? Or maybe the English version is always the first and versions for other languages are available after some time?
[Antispam] - 110, 25 Ports Only?
As far as I understand, the antispam module is redundant when my mail client uses ports other than 110 and 25 and it can be disabled?
Antimalware Service (windows 10) Running After Startup For Several Seconds.
I have IS 2016 installed and working. But directly after Windows startup I still have the Antimalware Service Executable visible in the taskmanager. After ~15 - 30 seconds this service disappears (probably the Internet Security stops this service). Is this normal? Or maybe Antimalware Service should be stopped permanently…
Trying To Upgrade Internet Security...
I am trying to install Internet Security 2016 using central.bitdefender.com with no success. I clicked on the "My Subscriptions", then on the "Activation Code" and I pasted my old activation code (with ~700 days left) and only got the message "The key you've entered is invalid". The "Install Bitdefender" button leads to…
Security Report In Default Browser... But Not In Opera
Bitdefender works great with Opera now and it is great but there's one little thing - when Opera is set (and works) as default browser, Security Report opens in... Internet Explorer (?!). A little strange.
Bitdefender Internet Security 2015 Slows Down Opera 24 / 25
Opera 25 (and 24) slows down terribly with Bitdefender Internet Security 2015 ( and earlier, Windows 7 and 8.1 x64). The user interface in Opera becomes sluggish. The problem disappears when Active Virus Control is OFF. It is possible that the problem is similar to that which occurred in Chrome lately.
Internet Security - Small Problem With Context Menu
The order of options in the context menu should be reversed. Now "File Shredder" is the first option and the second is "Scan with Bitdefender".
Photoshop Elements 13 / Lightroom - Inappropriate Profiles?
Bitdefender starts "Game Profile" for Photoshop Elements and does nothing ("Standard" profile) for Lightroom (?!) It's probably a strange choice... I can add Lightroom manually to "Work Profile" and it works, but Photoshop works always in "Game Mode".
Quick Scan No So "quick" - Userinit.exe
I noticed that Quick Scan quite often struggles for ~5 minutes or more (!) on "userinit.exe" (the last file scanned, usually at 89%). Is this normal? Windows 8.1 x64.
"optimize" Is Still Potentially Dangerous.
Previously described issue with Visual Studio has been resolved but I noticed another, probably less significant problem - Registry Cleanup function detects a failure in the correct (?) registry key: "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\HTML Help" and with "IMTCEN14.CHM" key value. It's a little scary to use "Optimize" in such…