BUG - Constant disk read/write while Bitdefender is installed
I have build on 5 computers. I uninstalled the old build completely and reinstalled it on all machines... and I still have to use a trick with restarting the service (Windows Management Instrumentation). If I don't restart the service, there is still a problem with constant reading of drives (including C:). Nothing has changed.
The latest supposedly fixed the thread main problem however the support also mentioned the problem of Bitdefender accessing USB drives constantly hasn't been fixed as yet. Then again I don't get it how this is possible to eject a drive safely whilest Bitdefender continuously accessing it without errors.
Thus I still have to restart Windows Management Instrumentation to stop it.
The latest build also has a bug, mind you my Bitdefender is Antivirus Plus, which Windows 10 somehow think has a firewall function thus a warning "Action needed in Bitdefender Firewall". It seems Windows firewall is functioning but the Action Needed security icon annoys me.
I should start a new thread for this problem however.
I should be grateful if you the English Support persons would update us more often here regarding the bugs. I have been following all related threads in French, thanks to Google Translate, and the French Support are more active with more updates.
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Main issue (constantly reading and/or writing) is not solved, Yann - from BD Staff - said it in French subforums.
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For me the new release (23.0.11. 48 on Windows 7 64bit) hasn't fixed the constant HDD/SSD read / write access issues.
The French forum mentioned above seems to suggest that this new release is known NOT to fix the constant read / write issue, so why did BD ask me to spend MY time and effort reinstalling BD when it was never going to fix the issue that was causing me the problem?
If this mess ever gets completely sorted BD owe us an automatic and free extension to our licenses / subscriptions to make up for the inconvenience and to compensate us for acting as unpaid and unwilling beta testers.
My patience with, and loyalty to, BD is now sinking below a recoverable level.
Additionally, the clearance of the "external drives/usb sticks cannot be ejected" bug has resulted in my support request for "Constant disk read/write while Bitdefender is installed" disappearing - probably because the two issues were unfortunately linked as one bug when they were originally reported.
Please could Sergiu C. advise if we need to open new support tickets for the now separated "Constant disk read/write while Bitdefender is installed" bug?0 -
* Performance still suucks.
* Nags saying my computer is unsafe when I turn things off still cannot be disabled. This is a serious NEW issue.
* Still no IMAP support.0 -
This problem seems to be much more complicated. Sometimes after booting the computer there is no continuous reading of the disks. In most cases, however, this happens. I start the computer and everything is fine. After restarting the problem returns... or not. I can't discover the rule. Previous build was "stable" - the problem has always occurred.0 -
I can confirm this issue is still very much present and a huge inconvenience. EVERYTIME I boot up my PC I have to go through the whole net stop/start winmgmt process.
Flash drives and hard drives flash away like christmas lights if I don't. How have they not figured out how to fix this after all the time they've had to figure it out?0 -
2 hours ago, coldlinks@mail.com said:
I can confirm this issue is still very much present and a huge inconvenience. EVERYTIME I boot up my PC I have to go through the whole net stop/start winmgmt process.
Flash drives and hard drives flash away like christmas lights if I don't. How have they not figured out how to fix this after all the time they've had to figure it out?
You need to see the other thread and reinstall Bitdefender.
Note to admin/mods, by splitting up the posts sadly you are going to see a lot of off topic comments which is only going to add to the confusion, just wait and see.0 -
8 hours ago, BDAlexS said:
You need to see the other thread and reinstall Bitdefender.
Note to admin/mods, by splitting up the posts sadly you are going to see a lot of off topic comments which is only going to add to the confusion, just wait and see.
Hello Alex,
The posts were split because there are 2 issues, of which only one (in the original thread) was fixed. The tags for each thread reflect this. I'm sure it would also be confusing if the other thread was tagged as fixed, but there were posts about the issue still occurring, because they were actually talking about the issue from this thread.0 -
12 minutes ago, Sergiu C. said:
Hello Alex,
The posts were split because there are 2 issues, of which only one (in the original thread) was fixed. The tags for each thread reflect this. I'm sure it would also be confusing if the other thread was tagged as fixed, but there were posts about the issue still occurring, because they were actually talking about the issue from this thread.
So we have a guy here complaining about locked USB cards not thinking it is fixed. As far as he is concerned right now it isn't. Would it not have been easier to just stick with the original thread with both issues, this avoid crosses posting on either thread?
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I am not seeing where he is saying he cannot eject them. He says:
"Flash drives and hard drives flash away like christmas lights if I don't."
That to me indicates that the issue is the one from this thread, which is that the drives are under constant use.0 -
On 10/11/2018 at 9:58 AM, SplittingDistant said:
Please could Sergiu C. advise if we need to open new support tickets for the now separated "Constant disk read/write while Bitdefender is installed" bug?
You can say in your old ticket which issue is still occurring, and if you send me the ticket ID, I will make sure you will receive an email when the fix for this issue is released.0 -
Be warned: My second USB HD is now also broken by this @ # $% # software" data-emoticon="" src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6031943/uploads/ipb_attachments/emoticons/default_angry.png" title="
" />
" data-emoticon="" src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6031943/uploads/ipb_attachments/emoticons/default_angry.png" title="
" />
" data-emoticon="" src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6031943/uploads/ipb_attachments/emoticons/default_angry.png" title="
" />
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I installed the new version and i can eject the usb-drives almost normally (tried several times and received only once the message, that the drive is in use).
- there is still a constant read / write on the stick!!!
- in Firefox 62.0.3 (64 bit) most of my websites are blocked "Diese Verbindung ist nicht sicher" (this connection is not secured). The only solution for the moment is, to deactivate the option "Verschlüsselter Web-Scan" which controls the secured connections . Chrome and Edge work...
I'm really disappointed about Bitdefender.
I'm not a computer genius but i have a lot of know how - without that, at the moment, my computer would work...0 -
1 hour ago, swiss_user said:
- in Firefox 62.0.3 (64 bit) most of my websites are blocked "Diese Verbindung ist nicht sicher" (this connection is not secured). The only solution for the moment is, to deactivate the option "Verschlüsselter Web-Scan" which controls the secured connections . Chrome and Edge work...
For Firefox, please import the security certificates manually:
- open Firefox
- press on the menu button in the upper right that looks like three bars one under another
- go to Options
- go to Privacy & Security
- press on View certificates
- go to Authorities
- delete any Bitdefender entries in the list
- press on Import
- navigate to C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\mitm_cache
- select fake-ca.crt and press on Open
- check all the boxes you are prompted with
- press on next until the certificate is installed
- in the same certificate window, click on the Bitdefender Personal CA.Net-Defender certificate, then on Edit Trust
- check the box "This certificate can identify web sites"
Restart Firefox. A restart of the computer may also be required.0 -
6 hours ago, Sergiu C. said:
I am not seeing where he is saying he cannot eject them. He says:
"Flash drives and hard drives flash away like christmas lights if I don't."
That to me indicates that the issue is the one from this thread, which is that the drives are under constant use.
Fair point.0 -
8 hours ago, Sergiu C. said:
For Firefox, please import the security certificates manually:
- open Firefox
- press on the menu button in the upper right that looks like three bars one under another
- go to Options
- go to Privacy & Security
- press on View certificates
- go to Authorities
- delete any Bitdefender entries in the list
- press on Import
- navigate to C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\mitm_cache
- select fake-ca.crt and press on Open
- check all the boxes you are prompted with
- press on next until the certificate is installed
- in the same certificate window, click on the Bitdefender Personal CA.Net-Defender certificate, then on Edit Trust
- check the box "This certificate can identify web sites"
Restart Firefox. A restart of the computer may also be required.
Hi Sergiu C.
Thank you for this fast answer and a functional solution!
Nevertheless - such problems shouldn't happen... Mainly because the old version BD 2018 was fully functional and almost flawless. The actual version is at the most a beta version :-(
I hope, that you find a solution for the drive access soon.
Then, BD will get a smiley again...0 -
I've had this issue before, but learned a way that always gets my firefox working right when installing or having to reisntall bitdefender. As soon as you're done installing or reinstalling bitdefender, the first thing i do is start up firefox as soon as bitdefender installed, this always works for me, and I have never gotten SSL Ceritificate issues on websites. Anyways this has always worked for, not saying it will work for you for sure but it's worth trying it out next time you have to reinstall Bitdefender or something.0 -
Same issue here. i disconnected all my WD drives for fear of them failing because of the constant activity. now i only connect when i need something then disconnect (at least im allowed to eject the drives, which is an improvement) but im hugely disappointed and frustrated -such a serious issue shouldn't take long to be fixed, it's affecting productivity and costing me a lot of time and inconvenience. looking forward for a patch very soon!0 -
For those who still have the problem did you try the ****** after opening your session ?
Put your ****** in\Tools\ and name it "TempFixBD.bat" (it's an example)
@echo off
net stop IAStorDataMgrSvc
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop Winmgmt
net start Winmgmt
net start IAStorDataMgrSvc
net start iphlpsvc
Adapt the lines above if you have Intel AHCI driver service or not.
Open task scheduler
In main task scheduler library (first usable level) Click "new task" in the right-side pane
Then use the following settings
Give a name like "TempFixBD" ; dont forget to tick "maximum privileges"
Launch ****** on session logon :
Actions : launch program
That's it
Doing this immediatly stops read activity after the computer is booted. You can safely put it to sleep and the ****** doesn't need to be started again0 -
1 hour ago, jibi049 said:
For those who still have the problem did you try the ****** after opening your session ?
@echo off
net stop IAStorDataMgrSvc
net stop iphlpsvc
net stop Winmgmt
net start Winmgmt
net start IAStorDataMgrSvc
net start iphlpsvc
Doing this immediatly stops read activity after the computer is booted. You can safely put it to sleep and the ****** doesn't need to be started again
Bonjour, cela ne fonctionne pas chez moi car la tâche est lancée avant BD et il faudrait qu'elle le soit après. Amts.
Hello, it does not work at home because the task is launched before BD and it should be after. Amts.
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Edit: curieusement parfois cela fonctionne, j'ai aussi changé le nom de la tache.0 -
Hi all
DVD is affected, my PC is continuously accessing to the DVD slowing down the app startup.
Thank for your feedback
Marco0 -
It is a mystery for me. After two days the problem of constant disk reading is gone. I didn't do anything special. I just started my computer after two days. Still the same build. Strange. I have to take a look at it in the near future.0 -
I can confirm that the issue of the safe removal of an external harddrive is fixed.
However the issue with constant disk read/write (blinking) is not solved.0 -
Sudden brainwave. Has anybody tried disabling Windows fast start?0 -
I don't use fast start because of my SSDs
Constant read happens on every boot.0 -
1 hour ago, jibi049 said:
I don't use fast start because of my SSDs
Constant read happens on every boot.
When was the last time you checked? If you are using Win10 often it turns itself on after an update (even with SSDs).0 -
The feature is already on, however the setting to disable hibernate (with powercfg -h off command) doesn't seem to be overwritten between updates. With hibernate off the fast startup option is also disabled.
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My happiness was premature. This problem is indeed related to the fast start option. With the fast start turned off, the problem of continuous disk reading occurs after each boot.0 -
17 minutes ago, komtur said:
My happiness was premature. This problem is indeed related to the fast start option. With the fast start turned off, the problem of continuous disk reading occurs after each boot.
Weird. I would expect it to be the other way around.0 -
I think this is because "our" fix (winmgmt restart) was performed with "fast start" on. Probably "fast start" stores a lot of settings, so when the computer was turned on again , the Bitdefender's state was the same as after the fix was made. When the fast start option is turned off, the computer performs a cold start every time - all settings are "reset", so the fix with the service restart stops working...0 -
I found an easier "workaround". Instead of stopping/starting the service (and all the dependent services), we can instead pause and resume the management service like this:
@echo off
net pause Winmgmt
net continue Winmgmt
This method does not depend on if you have IA storage or some other controller.
I hope a fix will get released soon because it is very annoying.0 -
1 hour ago, komtur said:
I think this is because "our" fix (winmgmt restart) was performed with "fast start" on. Probably "fast start" stores a lot of settings, so when the computer was turned on again , the Bitdefender's state was the same as after the fix was made. When the fast start option is turned off, the computer performs a cold start every time - all settings are "reset", so the fix with the service restart stops working...
Not sure what you mean.
Fast start caches your most frequently used applications and processes so they start first with windows. A process needs to be running all of the time however to monitor what apps and processes are most frequently used, so they can be cached first (from the users activity). My theory is that BD may have been chasing this process.
It doesn't make any sense to me that there would be an issue with fast start off. Of course I may simply be supplying a red herring and it's for nothing to do with fast start.0 -
23 minutes ago, BDAlexS said:
Fast start caches your most frequently used applications and processes so they start first with windows.
It doesn't make any sense to me that there would be an issue with fast start off. Of course I may simply be supplying a red herring and it's for nothing to do with fast start.
Maybe fast start stores the state of my computer achieved after the fix? So after next start the fix is still "active".
In my case, if fast start is turned off, the problem of continuous reading always occurs.
Anyway, I hope they'll finally fix this annoying problem...0 -
14 minutes ago, komtur said:
Maybe fast start stores the state of my computer achieved after the fix? So after next start the fix is still "active".
In my case, if fast start is turned off, the problem of continuous reading always occurs.
Anyway, I hope they'll finally fix this annoying problem...
If fast start is off then it's completely off and will effect nothing and do nothing especially a reboot. Nothing should effect BD. So that's really strange.0 -
When fast start state is on, I can use the fix and then power off. After next start (power on, not just restart) the problem does not occur. But it is only in case when fast start is enabled. That's why I think fast start, when enabled, can "store" the result of the fix. When fast start is turned off, the problem occurs every time I start my computer, regardless of whether I used a fix before shutdown. This may be a specific case (?). I would have to check this more thoroughly to be sure.0 -
53 minutes ago, komtur said:
When fast start state is on, I can use the fix and then power off. After next start (power on, not just restart) the problem does not occur. But it is only in case when fast start is enabled. That's why I think fast start, when enabled, can "store" the result of the fix. When fast start is turned off, the problem occurs every time I start my computer, regardless of whether I used a fix before shutdown. This may be a specific case (?). I would have to check this more thoroughly to be sure.
You should probably read this and perhaps do some googling on how fast start works:
When it's off it's off. Simple as that. I'm not sure what you are on about sorry.0 -
I'm experiencing this problem regardless of the Fast Start on or off - mine was/is off, I personally don't think it is needed with SSDs.
Still manually restarting Windows Management Instrumentation at each start.
To Support,
Please update us on this. Can you tell us of ETA new product update to fix this?
0 -
5 hours ago, bqpd said:
Still manually restarting Windows Management Instrumentation at each start.
Just pause the winmgmnt service for a moment. There is no need to restart. Someone has already written about it here.
20 hours ago, BDAlexS said:
You should probably read this and perhaps do some googling on how fast start works:
Thanks for the link!
"Fast Startup is a combination between the normal shutdown and Hibernate function. Your Windows 10 PC will shut down normally, as usual, close all running apps and log off all users.Now, the state of Windows is similar to the state when you boot it up but haven’t logged into any user yet. However, all necessary Windows features and drivers are loaded and ready to use. Therefore, Windows will save this state to the hibernation file, and then power off the computer."
This explains the correlation with the "problem of constant reading" in my case. With Fast Startup enabled I restart (or pause for a moment) the service and the problem of constant reading disappears. From that moment I can turn the computer off and on and the problem does not occur again. Fast Start (when enabled) retains the effect of the fix in my case. When Fast Startup is disabled the computer starts "from scratch" each time and any saved settings disappear. But of course Fast Start itself is not directly related to the problem.
Anyway, we are waiting for the final fix.0 -
I've finally been forced to reboot my main PC due to a lockup, so it's now also running the 2019 version with the abovementioned issue. It says Bitdefender Total Security 2019 Build Is this the latest version, or is there an update available?0 -
10 minutes ago, coldlinks@mail.com said:
I've finally been forced to reboot my main PC due to a lockup, so it's now also running the 2019 version with the abovementioned issue. It says Bitdefender Total Security 2019 Build Is this the latest version, or is there an update available?
Probably a good idea to read the thread before posting (see first post here for your answer, is being discussed throughout).0 -
3 hours ago, BDAlexS said:
Probably a good idea to read the thread before posting (see first post here for your answer, is being discussed throughout).
Thanks, I know this, but with everything that's happened so far (not much in terms of fixes) I wasn't sure if perhaps they'd decided to backdate the app. At this point nothing would surprise me.
I've applied the update, but won't have an opportunity to reboot again before tomorrow.0 -
14 hours ago, komtur said:
Just pause the winmgmnt service for a moment. There is no need to restart. Someone has already written about it here.
Eh, komtur, there is indeed no need to be rude.
You sounded like pause is the only right way available to stop it. If you say so please state any disadvantages of just restart.
I don't have a ****** made up I just do manual restart from Services, restart is a click less than using pause/resume.
0 -
I really didn't want to be rude...Sorry if you received it like that.
Green456 a few posts above explained quite well why his method is better than that of restarting the service. In my case, pausing the service is faster and does not interfere with dependent services. But it is still a temporary solution. Today's update (requiring a restart of the computer) of Bidefender did not help.0 -
I have bought BitDefender Total security 2018.
It worked fine.
Now, with the 2019 version that I did not buy but was installed without asking anything, it is destroying my drives. I see that without protection, I have no more bugs. Do you think you'll compensate your customers?0 -
komtur, no worries, guess I misread your reply, I apologise for my misunderstanding.
The restart option it seems, at least in my system, is not interfering with anything important, but then I am not 100% sure of that however.
This bug has been known for at least 6 weeks without a fix, this is pretty awful for Bitdefender's reputation.
Will you please, Support, update us on this?0 -
I agree 'bqpd', we need an update from support.
It's been six days since we've heard from Sergiu C.
So please can we have a progress update from support?
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If you do the net pause command too soon after a logon then it won't work. Maybe because the service is still starting when I logon.
If you do it a bit later it will work. Maybe a Timeout command should be added in the ****** when it runs.0 -
Can someone please tell me how do you check and see the bitdefender's constant disk access?
I just updated bitdefender 2018 to 2019 and the version is : The only way I thought of
was to open windows task manager and bitdefender disk activity shows 0 MB/s . Rarely it shows
0.1MB/s but goes back to 0 again and stay on zero. The process is called "Bitdefender Security Service"
So it seems that this problem is non existing for me! Unless there is another way to check and test!?
I rebooted and restated windows few times and still get same results.0 -
5 hours ago, vampgirl said:
Can someone please tell me how do you check and see the bitdefender's constant disk access?
I just updated bitdefender 2018 to 2019 and the version is : The only way I thought of
was to open windows task manager and bitdefender disk activity shows 0 MB/s . Rarely it shows
0.1MB/s but goes back to 0 again and stay on zero. The process is called "Bitdefender Security Service"
So it seems that this problem is non existing for me! Unless there is another way to check and test!?
I rebooted and restated windows few times and still get same results.
The easiest way to check is by plugging in a USB flash drive with an LED light indicator. If the light continues to blink long after the on-access scan, and doesn't stop, you're also affected by this issue.
That being said, out of 19 machines, some on Windows 7 a couple on 8 and most on 10, I haven't come across a single machine that isn't affected by this bug.0