trojan dropper logsnif A
Bonsoir à tous.
J'utilise Bitdefender 10 et windows vista pro. Bitdefender m'a détecté le virus suivant : trojan dropper logsnif A dans une archive rar. Il ne peut ni désinfecter ni supprimer le fichier en question. (ce fichier infecté se nomme WW_updatecjg.exe).
Ce virus est-il méchant ? existe t-il un fix pour le détruire ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
I (almost) understand French, but I can't speak it, so hopefully you'll understand English.
If possible, please attach the whole RAR archive to a post; if it contains sensitive information, attach just the infected file.
I'll have a look at them.0 -
Hello Vlad,
Thank you for your response. My english is not very good, but I will try.
I can't upload this file because it's too big. It's an add'on for a flight simulator game. You can download it here.
It can be install by a little program call "Loman"
I am in your disposition if you need more information. The file probably Infected is a little executable wich modify a command in the graphic.cfg game.0 -
I'll look into it tomorrow.
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Thank you vlad
Most of my friends use it with many anti-virus without problem.0 -
Sorry for the delay (I was out of office for a few days); it was a false alarm; the detection should disappear in a few hours.
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Thanks a lot !
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