BD et la banque fantome...

elle s'appelait autrefois Avangate,puis 2checkout;et maintenant Verifone...
cette banque fantome qui change sans arrêt de nom est devenu innacessible!...
résultat je ne peux plus consulter et gérer mon compte avec tous les produits achétés
chez vous ou d'autres sociétés.mes multiples mails de reclamations à cette banque
douteuse n'y changent rien!...ils se moquent de moi et m'envoye des mails inutiles
qui ne mênent à rien! ne vous félicite vraiment pas de travailler avec une telle
boite à la limite de l'escroquerie!...empecher un client d'accéder clairement à son compte
est insupportable!...c'est pourquoi j'ai résilié tout mes abonnements.une fois arrivé à terme
je fermerai également mon compte bit décision est irrévocable! je n'exclu
pas de porter plainte auprès de la DGCCRF....🤬
@Alexandru_BD, @Mike_BD kindly check on this.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!
Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
1 -
I was just discussing this topic with my colleagues. I have located the ticket as well and noticed that a refund has been recently issued from our side. @jessi59 my French is not the best, hence my reply in English. First and foremost, I am very sorry to hear of this inconvenience and I would like to know exactly what happened in your correspondence with our vendor, so we can take the necessary steps to make things right.
In regards to 2Checkout, (formerly Avangate, now Verifone), this is the payment processor of products and services sold on the official Bitdefender website. They are not a "ghost bank", but a popular payment platform that provides a secure and streamlined checkout process and ecommerce solutions. This is a trusted company used by thousands of clients, including antivirus providers.
As a valued cybersecurity provider, we strive to offer our customers an unparalleled level of fast and accurate support, thus we have high expectations from our business partners as well. Please accept my sincere apologies for this inconvenience, I'm sure there has to be a misunderstanding somewhere and we'll do our best to straighten things out.
Going forward, one of our commercial leads will be in touch with you to discuss this situation, as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.
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