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boldor31 ✭✭
Modifié (décembre 2012) dans Produits bitdefender 2013


suite à l'installation de BITDEFENDER TS 2013, j'ai des BSOD avec le message d'erreur indiqué dans le titre.

J'ai suivi quelques recommandations mais rien de change. il est actuellement désinstallé (à l'aide de l'utilitaire uninstall tools).

j'ai envoyé par OVH les informations demandés ici :

L'adresse OVH pour récupération est la suivante:

j'ai également envoyé le rapport par l'intermédiaire de le numéro étant 2565259

Je n'arrive pas à transmettre les .dmp (récupérés à cette adresse C:\windows\minidump )

Merci pour votre aide.


  • boldor31
    boldor31 ✭✭
    Modifié (décembre 2012)

    rapports complémentaires à partir du programme whocrashed :

    Plusieurs crash suite à désinstallation et réinstallation du BDTS 2013


    On Tue 25/12/2012 17:54:32 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122512-7488-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)


    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys .

    Google query: bdfndisf6.sys DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


    On Tue 25/12/2012 17:49:33 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122512-6318-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF88001FD1FCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88001FD1FCD)


    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys .

    Google query: bdfndisf6.sys DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


    On Tue 25/12/2012 10:09:33 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122512-6162-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)


    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys .

    Google query: bdfndisf6.sys DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

  • fedor
    fedor Defender of the month mod
    rapports complémentaires à partir du programme whocrashed :

    Plusieurs crash suite à désinstallation et réinstallation du BDTS 2013


    On Tue 25/12/2012 17:54:32 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122512-7488-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)


    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys .

    Google query: bdfndisf6.sys DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


    On Tue 25/12/2012 17:49:33 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122512-6318-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF88001FD1FCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88001FD1FCD)


    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys .

    Google query: bdfndisf6.sys DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


    On Tue 25/12/2012 10:09:33 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122512-6162-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF88001C0DFCD)


    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys .

    Google query: bdfndisf6.sys DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

    bonjour boldor31,

    je pense a un conflit.

    a tu d'autres protection antivirus,antimalwares,.....?

    si oui il faut les desinstaller.

    desactive le pare feu windows,desinstalle le controle parental de windows live s'il est installer ou toute autres controle parental.

    bonne journee.

  • boldor31

    merci pour la réponse.

    non il n'y a aucun autre logiciel. BDTS est installé sur un système vierge et récent. je pense plutôt à un conflit avec un driver mais je n'arrive pas à identifier

  • fedor
    fedor Defender of the month mod
    merci pour la réponse.

    non il n'y a aucun autre logiciel. BDTS est installé sur un système vierge et récent. je pense plutôt à un conflit avec un driver mais je n'arrive pas à identifier

    bonsoir boldor31,

    essaye mettre a jour tes pilotes avec ma config:

    bonne soiree.

  • boldor31

    j'ai déjà fait la mise à jouravec ce site mais je retente.

    je vous tiens au courant.

  • boldor31
    boldor31 ✭✭
    Modifié (décembre 2012)

    nouveau rapport de plantage après mise à jour des drivers et installation de BD (au moins cette fois çà le plantage arrive AUSSITOT)....

    On Wed 26/12/2012 20:29:33 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\122612-5662-01.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: bdfndisf6.sys (0xFFFFF8800A091FCD)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF8800A091FCD)


    file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\bdfndisf6.sys

    product: BitDefender Firewall

    company: BitDefender LLC

    description: BitDefender Firewall NDIS6 Filter Driver

    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: bdfndisf6.sys (BitDefender Firewall NDIS6 Filter Driver, BitDefender LLC).

    Google query: BitDefender LLC DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


    On Wed 26/12/2012 20:29:33 GMT your computer crashed

    crash dump file: C:\Windows\memory.dmp

    This was probably caused by the following module: fbxusb64.sys (fbxusb64+0x209F)

    Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF8800A091FCD)


    file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\fbxusb64.sys

    product: Carte réseau virtuelle FreeBox USB pour Windows AMD 64 bits

    company: FreeBox SA

    description: Carte réseau virtuelle FreeBox USB

    Bug check description: This indicates that a kernel-mode driver attempted to access pageable memory at a process IRQL that was too high.

    This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

    A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: fbxusb64.sys (Carte réseau virtuelle FreeBox USB, FreeBox SA).

    Google query: FreeBox SA DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL



    - ordinateur neuf

    - système neuf

    - mise à jour effectuée avec

    - pas d'autres solutions antivirus ou autres programmes similaires installés.

    - pare feu windows automatiquement coupé par BD

    - je désinstalle un produit récemment acheté pour les fêtes !!!

    A l'aide YANN !!!! :blink:

  • boldor31

    Bonjour à ceux qui lisent le post.

    Je viens de désinstaller le pilote freebox (V4) et réinstaller BDTS 2013. Utilisation en cours.

    A suivre. <_<

  • boldor31
    boldor31 ✭✭
    Modifié (décembre 2012)

    le conflit provenait bien du driver de la freebox (un câble USB connecte par erreur - une connerie quoi !)

    merci a toi fedor pour ta participation.

  • fedor
    fedor Defender of the month mod
    le conflit provenait bien du driver de la freebox (un câble USB connecte par erreur - une connerie quoi !)

    merci a toi fedor pour ta participation.

    bonjour boldor31,

    ok de rien.

    bonne journee.

    probleme resolu.