Javascript Code Injection : Html Errors [En correction]
Le code javascript injecté dans chaque page ne passe pas les vérificateurs html :
<******></******><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/B1D671CF-E532-4481-99AA-19F420D90332/netdefender/hui/ndhui.css' /><!--[if lt IE 8]><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/B1D671CF-E532-4481-99AA-19F420D90332/netdefender/hui/ndhui_ie7.css' /><![endif]--></head>
Error : line 125 column 7 - Erreur: required attribute "type" not specified.
Je pense que les tags <******></******> sont en cause. Ceci peut être corrigé si nécessaire afin d'avoir des pages html propres ?
Merci bien.
Bonjour SpaceBoy,
Je vais en faire part à mes collègues mais je pense qu'il est sans doute normal que ces ajouts de code ne passent pas les vérificateurs.
Le seul moyen pour faire disparaître ces injections est de désactiver la barre d'outils de Bitdefender depuis l'onglet 'Protection vie privée'.
Yann0 -
Pas besoin.
Remplacer les
<****** type="text/javascript"></******>
et plus d'erreur. Facile non ?
Merci bien,
Didier.0 -
Bonjour SpaceBoy,
Le choix de ces balises par l'équipe qui s'occupe de Traficlight est certainement fait pour une raison précise.
Je fais part de votre remarque aux développeurs pour savoir ce qu'il en est.
Yann0 -
Ce problème de balise va être corrigé lors de la mise en place de la prochaine Build (15.0.38) qui doit avoir lieu la semaine prochaine.
Yann0 -
La mise à jour corrective est en cours de correction.
Yann0 -
Bitdefender Online Threat Prevention ensures a safe browsing experience by alerting you about potential malicious webpages. However, there is a small chance to mark a safe website or online application as unsafe. This will cause web protection to block them incorrectly.
Should the same page, domain, IP address, or online app be blocked repeatedly, they can be added to exceptions so that they will not be scanned by the Bitdefender engines, thus ensuring a smooth web browsing experience.
To add an exception:
1. Click Protection on the navigation menu on the Bitdefender interface.
2. In the ONLINE THREAT PREVENTION pane, click Settings.
3. Click Manage exceptions.
4. Click + Add an Exception.
5. Type in the corresponding field the name of the website, the name of the domain, or the IP address you want to add to exceptions.
6. Enable the switch next to Online Threat Prevention.
7. Click Save to save the changes and close the window.
Only websites, domains, IP addresses, and apps that you fully trust should be added to this list. These will be excepted from scanning by the following engines: threat, phishing and fraud.
JavaScript is a dynamic and very flexible language. But, it is worth repeating and that is the very reason developers can accidentally introduce mistakes which can backfire at them.
Linting is a process through which you can have someone keep an eye on you and shout at you when you write something which you are not supposed to. Except it’s not a real person, but a tool at your disposal.
Some of the tools you can play around with are:
1) Use visual studio code with eslint.
2) JSLint
You can use one of these tools to write secure code while developing an application.
I hope this helps,
Best Regards,
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