Great news then, thank you so much for your confirmation! 👍️
I think that you can still configure the firewall rules and maybe this would help achieve what you are looking for?
Buenos días, Comprueba si el siguiente artículo te ayuda: Saludos
Yes, only the Support teams can tell you where the code was activated.dans how do i find out my activation code belongs to what account i used Commentaire de Alexandru_BD 18 déc.
I completely understand the inconvenience. If this would have happened to me, I would have disabled the alert mode, at least until it gets fixed.
Hallo, Dies liegt wahrscheinlich an der Art und Weise, wie Safepay aus Sicherheitsgründen den Zugriff auf bestimmte Hardware und Software isoliert und einschränkt. Selbst wenn Sie die Kamerablockierung in Bitdefender deaktiviert haben, arbeitet Safepay in einer stark eingeschränkten Umgebung, die bestimmte Geräte…
🔄 An update has been released for Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android - version with the following notable change: ✔️ Updated Scam Alert SDK
Hallo, Können Sie uns sagen, wie viele Slots Ihr Bitdefender-Abonnement/Lizenz hat? 5 oder 10? Haben Sie außerdem das vorherige Gerät aus Ihrem Central-Konto entfernt, um einen Steckplatz freizugeben? Wird Bitdefender mit dem Central-Konto synchronisiert, auf dem das Abonnement/die Lizenz ausgeführt wird? Welches…
Hallo, Ich kann mich nicht zum Verhalten der VPN-Komponente während der Installation äußern, da möglicherweise weitere Informationen zur Fehlerbehebung erforderlich sind. So können Sie jedoch herausfinden, ob Bitdefender Ihren PC schützt: MfG, Alex
Salut, Alors, vous aviez auparavant Internet Security et vous avez mis à niveau votre abonnement vers Total Security ? Si tel est le cas, alors les validités ne peuvent pas être fusionnées car les produits ne sont pas identiques. Dans ce scénario, les deux abonnements se chevaucheront jusqu'à l'expiration de l'un d'eux…
Hello @iPinque, First, where exactly do you see this message, is it in Central? If Bitdefender on your device displays that you are protected, then this means that the paid version has been successfully installed. The trial will be removed automatically from your account when it expires. However, if your device is still…
Hallo, Benutzen Sie einen Laptop oder ein Handy mit diesen öffentlichen Netzwerken? Wenn Sie einen Laptop verwenden, können Sie versuchen, den WLAN-Sicherheitsberater zu konfigurieren und prüfen, ob die Probleme dadurch behoben werden: Dann können Sie auch zwischen den Protokollen wechseln und sehen, welches in diesem…
Hello, As far as I know, the File Shredder cannot be removed from the context menu.dans How can I remove the File Shredder in the "right-click" menu? Commentaire de Alexandru_BD 18 déc.
Hallo, Dies hängt möglicherweise damit zusammen, wie ausgelastet bestimmte Server in diesem Zeitraum sind, oder es liegt möglicherweise ein Problem mit dem Internetanbieter vor. Sie können die Schritte aus diesem Artikel ausprobieren und prüfen, ob sich die Netzwerkgeschwindigkeit anschließend verbessert: mit freundlichen…
I think that's how it's supposed to work. Highlighting or changing the appearance of numbers when pressed provides immediate feedback to the user that their action (e.g., tapping) has been registered. This acts as a confirmation, reducing errors from accidental taps.
Hello, Where did you purchase Bitdefender from?dans The activation code being sent to my email won't activate my account. Commentaire de Alexandru_BD 18 déc.
Hi @Rock.87, I'm sorry to hear this, but I can't really forward such generic information. I think it's best to discuss this with Bitdefender Support, since they always have records of possible ongoing connection problems, and can provide specific guidance and workarounds, once they know all the details and symptoms. This…
And to provide an answer here as well, I think this depends on how the respective forums are organized, the resources they have, and of course whether they are hosted or developed internally by the company they belong to.
Bitdefender does have a bug bounty program which might be of interest to both of you @Rock.87 and @Flexx. Back in 2022, I've created the below post to announce it in the community: https://community.bitdefender.com/en/discussion/91976/are-you-an-ethical-hacker-you-can-become-our-next-bug-hunter Now, this isn't actually a…
Thank you so much everyone for providing your feedback here, this clearly shows that the instructions work! 😉
Hi, I'm also happy to hear this was resolved and I'm looking forward to your feedback as well @Petersl. Once everyone confirms, I think we can close the thread. Regards
@yankee0903 it looks like @Scott could not reproduce this on his device, based on his findings : But if there's really a bug there, they will find it and fix it, but just to set the right expectations here, most probably it will take some time.
Ok so this is good news, it means they are looking into it and based on the above message, it seems that this only happens when updating manually. Like I said, this is not the intended behavior. 🙂 @yankee0903 thank you for pointing this out! 🤝
Great! 😎
Funny @Flexx. 😄 But these two are not the same thing. Scamio is specifically designed for messaging apps and social platforms where users might encounter scam links in private or group chats. They can share suspicious links with Scamio to get an immediate safety assessment, and the chatbot also provides further advice on…
Hello, I think the Bank should confirm exactly what is preventing access and why. Otherwise, although it may seem that the secure browser is the culprit here, I think it's difficult to troubleshoot without knowing exactly where the login process is interrupted. Naturally, secure browsers like Safepay are designed with…
Hallo @Hendrick, Ich denke, hier gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten : Sie können entweder warten, bis Ihr aktuelles Abonnement abläuft, und erneuern Sie dann den Schutz manuell, indem Sie ein Abonnement erwerben, das bis zu 5 Geräte schützen kann, oder wenn es notwendig ist, die Geräte so schnell wie möglich zu schützen, können…
Hi @TimBirkin This product works for millions of users worldwide. I think there's a chance that it may just not work as expected in your configuration, given that we are talking about an older processor..? This could be one of the reasons. Can you confirm if the PC meets the minimum system requirements to install…
Hi, There's no secret, anyone can report any issues they may encounter on the forum directly to me or the mods, as my admin role is displayed next to my username, so it's clearly visible and it goes without saying that such things can be brought to the attention of the page admins. 🙂
Hi @yankee0903, Obviously, the preference to have this option disabled should be kept even after an update. So, I don't think this is the intended behavior. I would advise you to reply on the ticket you have and provide the Support representatives with the following information: OS, product version and if the issue can be…