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  • Thanks for the reply. I have been in contact with BitDefender (via Central) and they provided a solution. Thanks again. 
  • On 7/29/2018 at 2:32 PM, Bill_k said: When I recently got my new Dell PC it similarly came with McAfee, so I went into the Control Panel and uninstalled the McAfee software and then rebooted before installing BD. Best of luck and I expect it to go well and without any issues, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!…
  • 34 minutes ago, Bill_k said: Glad to hear that it went well! Not sure what exactly happened with your other PC to cause the OS corruption and you may never know but hopefully it was just an isolated incident. If you want to take a more conservative approach making the BD 2019 update on your other PCs you could wait until…
  • Well, I just bit the bullet and tried updating one of my laptops - SUCCESS! Had absolutely no problems. I will try this laptop after I get my other replacement.
  • 19 hours ago, Bill_k said: /index.php?/profile/151055-vpnavy/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="151055" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/151055-vpnavy/" rel="">@vpnavy - So sorry to hear about your problem! Can't you reinstall your Windows OS (still a big hassle) rather than having to buy a new PC? If you've…
  • Unfortunately, my "upgrade from 2018" went bad! I have "upgraded" numerous times over the years (loyal customer since 2012) without any problems. This time I couldn't get past "ADVANCED THREAT DEFENSE DISABLED." Tech checked a number of things and said a "reboot" will take care of the problem. Well, I went to my Windows7…
  • Yea - I tried both http: and https: with the same results. I found the URL on all the local newspapers, etc. - can't imagine it would already be hacked. It is probably a "false positive" but until BitDefender says it is ok - I will continue to be a chicken! 
  • Thanks Niksal12 - I just read (mind you - I didn't because BitDefender flag's the site as bad) from another site that is getting to the URL without a problem... "...In response to consumer inquiries, we have made it clear that the arbitration clause and class action waiver included in the Equifax and TrustedID Premier…
  • Same here - both firewalls are shut off! I use to be able to fix that problem by rebooting but now - that doesn't work. I would feel much better if I could test the firewall to make sure it is running. How did you validate that BitDefender's Firewall was actually running? Wonder if there is a way to check through the…
  • Well - my version of BitDefender went through an upgrade (you know - check for updates) and indicated I needed to do a Reboot. I rebooted and guess what - back to the same crap - both firewalls are off. I tried my previous solution (reboot) but both firewalls are off again. I guess it is time to look for another solution -…
    dans Firewall Off Commentaire de vpnavy août 2017
  • Try a reboot. BUT - when it comes up to the username screen - before you enter your password - give it a few minutes - let it sit at the screen for another minute or so. I have this gut feeling that it takes a minute of two for BitDefender to "do its thing" and when it hasn't completed - you get both firewalls offline.
    dans Firewall Off Commentaire de vpnavy août 2017
  • UPDATE: I just upgraded to Total Security 2018 (from 2017) and guess what? My firewall problem is fixed! Go figure...
    dans Firewall Off Commentaire de vpnavy août 2017
  • FWIW - I have had this problem for over a year. No real solution ever provided. However, when I go into BitDefender Firewall - it shows it is ON and it also shows the ports, etc. that are being monitored. I think it is a problem between Windows7 talking to BitDefender and BitDefender talking to Windows7. No matter what I…
    dans Firewall Off Commentaire de vpnavy août 2017
  • Thank you all for your responses. I searched and found many others experiencing the same problem. I am trying to decide if I should "play the game" or just uninstall and go with another product. Seems that BitDefender has a problem with no apparent solution other then to uninstall, remove all traces and reinstall - might…
  • Yuppa - that must be it. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the reply Sorin - no, I have never manually disabled my firewall. Now, I have gone through a few operating system updates - maybe that is when it happened? Again, I have never manually shut off the firewall. Thanks!
  • BUMP
  • Yes - but that isn't the point. Since Chrome (and Firefox, etc. will be following suit) doesn't support something I shouldn't have to look at stuff being flagg'd in the Vulnerability Scan that I can't do anything about. I should have an option of having it not show for a particular browser.
  • Had the same exact problem - ran REPAIR (on BitDefender) from the Windows7 Control Panel - fixed the problem.
  • OK - found what it is ( - apparently some pages run a viglink javascript. Viglink generates funds (adds affiliate codes to merchant URLs automatically like Amazon, Newegg, etc...) every time it is executed for the website owner. There are two companies that do this widely, one called Skimlinks and the…
  • Thanks Lionet for the quick reply. I checked to see if it was uninstalled and the sub directory is in fact gone. Yea, I backed up my Registry and then chickened out removing all 16+ references. Decided it wasn't worth the risk of screwing something up. I might give CC a try - but figure I will just ignore the Vulnerability…
  • Thanks Phil. I "think" it might be something that comes back (not consistently) from Google Search(s). Thanks for the reply.
  • ...some users are having various problems with the Profile settings...sorted just by leaving it in Autopilot but turning off the "Let Autopilot manage my profiles" (in the GUI>Tools>Profiles section). It now stays on the Standard profile... Ro. Thanks for the information. I will be honest with you - I spent over two weeks…
  • Hiya, Download and start installing the 2015 version from here - It will ask if you want to uninstall the previous version, say yes, you will have to reboot and then when the new version installs you should be good to go (although have your existing license key to hand…
  • No, they will show whatever you have installed on each system. The upgrade to new versions is done manually, not automatically. You need to uninstall the old versions and update to the new. One quick question - so, since I am good for 500 more days - can I assume I download total Security 2015 and that will work? If so -…
  • OK - found Bitdefender's "uninstall utility." Ran it - reinstalled - no more messages at boot time. Life is good again.
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