X Your Safety Was At Risk?

I get "X Your Safety Was At Risk" often (see attachment).

We recommend keeping Bitdefender Autopilot ON at all times. To strengthen your protection level, please check your settings: Maintain Firewall enabled

I never shut it off! What am I missing?



  • Hello,

    Most likely during the course of that week you had the Firewall disabled, At this time even 5 minutes signals the security report.

    Have you disabled it temporarily to allow a certain program/printer ?

  • Thanks for the reply Sorin - no, I have never manually disabled my firewall. Now, I have gone through a few operating system updates - maybe that is when it happened? Again, I have never manually shut off the firewall.


  • Hello,

    Most likely the update affected one of the Windows Services the product relies on.

  • Yuppa - that must be it. Thanks!