Disabling Licence Key...
Wierd question but... is there any way to desactivate a licence key when a customer doesn't want to pay for it? The key is registered to the email user but I can access his bitdefender account. Thanks
Pc Slower With The New Solutions
Hello, is anyone getting very slow pc running with the 2014 antivirus? I have 3 systems totaly diffferent, one on XP, one on Vista and the other one on W8. All systems have at least 3Gb of memory. Sometimes when I'm coming back from game mode (I found out how to make the problem), the hard drive start rushing hard without…
Wallet Et Publicité De Bitdefender
Bonjour à tous! Je suis assez déçu du nouvel antivirus. Premièrement, wallet est inutile face aux utilisateurs, c'est déjà assez compliqué pour un utilisateur de conserver ou de se souvenir d'un mot de passe alors si on ajoute quelque chose de plus compliqué, l'utilisateur va faire byebye BD. Et de plus, on ne peut le…