Sm3K3R ✭✭✭


  • Cris , tie nu ti se pare ilar si epic in acelasi timp ca un soft antivirus isi detecteaza propriile fisiere ca virusi ? Culmea ,detectate cu numele de Fake Alert Ceva concedieri ? Si ati inceput-o cam din ianuarie cu BD 64 bit ,cand era sa-mi pierd toate datele de pe un HDD ,imediat dupa un update al fisierelor…
  • What operating system ? As you can read in my topic there came other issues too ,along with the update ,on W7 64 bit though -> So in fact the gaming mode is not working ,they brake its interface aspect and the functionality . Anyway ,i never managed to play a game…
  • It brake again yesterday .The update regarding scan bar messed up BD for me. Tryed to reinstall BD but after reinstall Windows Action Center started reporting that BD antivirus is turned off. I was asked several times if i trust BitDefender LLC when trying to fix the issue.By the way i took a look at the BD certificate and…
  • It seems that after 3 more PC restarts it recovered by itself .
  • Ha-ha-ha ,now i ve restarted and BD has issues for integrating in the Windows Action Center ,i was asked if i trust this program ,lol. What did you do to it ? Unbeliveble! It was simply working few hours ago ,before the update ,god ###### it. If i uninstall it again ill be damned i f ill ever use it again ,i swear.
  • Multumesc Cris! S-ar parea ca ce am pus in print e locatia unde functia Search isi pastreaza istoricul ,si logic ,numele fisierului aparea pentru ca-l cautasem anterior . Cred ca se poate inchide topicul si eventual arunca intr-un Recycle Bin.Pana la urma un HIPS agresiv te poate face sa crezi ca esti infectat cu ce-ti…
  • Si pentru ca tot m-am facut de ras revin si cu logul reset tcp stack reset SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dhcp\Parameters\Options\15\RegLocation old REG_MULTI_SZ = SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\?\DhcpDomain SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TcpIp\Parameters\DhcpDomain added…
  • Ai dreptate Cris . Fisierul respectiv e un print .In faza initiala am facut niste printuri si s-a salvat sub un nume gresit s-ar parea .Am crezut initial c-am pierdut printul si cand am vazut acolo fisierul cu dll am considerat ca se pitise in locatie insusi virusul (poate si nesomnul si-a spus cuvantul) Oricum din print…
  • FIXED here too without adding any exception . I don t know what exactly happened ,but i can tick all riskware options and i can have AVC enabled (though usually i keep it off),now when i turn ON Gaming Mode the lag is no more ,so Gaming Mode is doing its job. During the day i had one lock up in Dirt and some BD updates…
  • AVC has no effect on the issue no mater its state ,On or Off.As i already showed its the riskware thing that generates the problem.
  • Adding the game path to the exclusions didn't help. Disabling antiphishing didn't help. I have Active Virus Control set to Agressive, I have lowered it to Default but it didn't help. And I have riskware disabled too. For me the only thing that works is disabling antivirus. Have you manually entered Game Mode,right click on…
  • Ok ,i ve done some researching by myself into the issue with UT 3 I.Adding the game path at exceptions doesnt do the trick.For clarification the path would be X:\Folder Y\UT 3 (game folder) in this case and the game appeares in the exception list as listed . II. 1.I ve tryed a thing ,a clean BD installation ,so uninstalled…
  • E corect ce zice Cosmin ,dar cel mai bine incerci setarile celelalte ca e posibil sa mearga si fara sa te joci cu driverele. Dezactiveaza modulele de filtrare/protectie web ,http filtering ,antiphishing ,modulele de filtrare messenger si filtrare mail ,precum si Control date (cookies ,private data ,******) sau criptare mes…
  • Berneanu Cristian ,there seems to be an issue with Unreal 3 engine based games. I have a huge performance drop in Unreal Tournament III version 2.1.I m using an Nvidia (8800GT+182.50 driver) card so LordJuanlo seems to have right.He has an Intel based system mine is AMD based.XP SP 3 here.Performance drop as in huge lags…
  • Exista in Device Manager ,la Non plug and play drivers.Poti sa le dai disable sa vezi ce se intampla. S-ar parea ca problema poate fi izolata si dezactivand orice modul de filtrare web ,http filtering ,antiphishing ,modulele de filtrare messenger si filtrare mail ,precum si Control date (cookies ,private data ,******) sau…
  • Add any minidumps if you have them.Upload them to sandspace so support will look into them. And make sure you tell Zone Alarm about the issue too. Info is needed ,but dont expect for the problem to be fixed quick .
  • Or in Expert Mode -> Antivirus Shield -> Custom Settings ,for the real time scaner and uncheck the boxes that alow messenger trafic filtering.
  • This incompatibility is rather old and i dont think it will be solved to soon having in mind the other issues that are pending now.You can try PC Tools Firewall 6 Free ,Comodo free or Outpost Firewall Free ,they should work just good with BD. You can try aditionally Sunbelt 4 .x Firewall free (ZoneAlarm rules like),but if…
  • I can t tell you to much .I never use security software suites and i dont use Vista . I m sure the support team will try to replicate your issue and solve it. Have you tryed to run the support tool in Safe Mode ?
  • Then most probably your Operating System is messed up.The fact that the diagnostic tools doesnt work indicates that .I dont know if its BD in fault here ,but if you happen to have some system backup from before the issue ,maybe you should do the restore. In your place i would start making sure the hardware is ok ,harddrive…
  • Disable HTTP scaning ,e-mail trafic scanning ,antiphishing and messengers trafic scans ,from within Custom setings in the real time scaner protection control panel. Do this when no web aplication is running and restart PC ,it should work.Test which of them generetes the issue.After each setting would be indicated a PC…
  • did you guys try Sandboxie 3.38? I have this version and no issues like yours. The problem is solved and it may be that some specific configurations encountered the issue. Maybe you were the lucky one.As i wrote in the thread ,on a clean install the issue would occur only at file uploading/downloading from/to the…
  • Have you uninstalled BD with the uninstall tool before trying a reinstall ?
  • Ai putea incerca un mic workaround. Reactivezi firewalul din Windows si dezactivezi NDIS filter driver (ce apartine Bitdefender).NDIS filter e accesibil in LAN Proprieties ,tabul General ,debifezi cazuta din fata NDIS si dai restart.Firewalul din Windows trebuie neaparat tinut activat dupa aceasta procedura. In locul…
  • This is the link with the delay issue ,huge thread isnt it -> And here is the thread with the drivers that work all over Microsoft OS -s ,including W7 64 bit -> Enjoy your sound card and your PC . Glad…
  • Eu cred ca trebuie sa verifici si routerul cu atentie. Ce router ai ?Ai instalat ultimul update de firmware ? E posibil sa fie o problema de compatibilitate intre Vista/placa de retea si router. Daca dezinstalezi BD-ul conexiunea merge tot prost ? Incearca si seteaza in driverul de retea conexiunea/Link Speed la 10m…
  • OK ,thank you !
  • Hi, This is the picture with the file version .File seems to have been modified last night ,at the update moment though.No bluescreens untill now and i hope it will stay like this. One more question ,kind of off-topic. I have a BD 2009 AV license on my old PC.On the same old PC ,i ve tryed/trialed BD 2010 AV some weeks ago…
  • My problem seems to have been fixed with the last update ,though the update didnt went smooth when the file was replaced . HydraHeaded ,is your issue solved now too ?
  • Got one PC BSOD with Bdselfpr.sys cullprit,few minutes ago after some big update (2,4megs) ,right at startup ,when the desktop was loading .At the first restart BSOD-ed after the update ,then it loaded normally.So at the second restart after the update everything behaved normally .It happened only once ,but I find it…