Salut, Fixul este facut, mai trebuie doar programat update-ul. Va fi urcat intai pe 2012 si la scurt timp si pe 2013. A durat asa mult doarece a trebuit izolata cat mai exact problema pt ca fixul sa nu produca si alte probleme.Au fost afectate doar conexiunile PPPOE IPv6, cum are RDS-ul, datorita unui pachet care ajungea…
The rules are parsed from top to bottom. If you want to only get traffic from Azureus on Public you must do the following: - first create a rule to Allow traffic only for Network Type "Public" - then create another rule to Deny traffic from all Network Types. As the rules are parsed, it will check if your TAP Win32 Adapter…
Cand apare un fix o sa anunt eu sau un coleg din support aici. Thanks pt intelegere.
Se pare ca inca primesti adresa publica de IPv6 de la RDS. Incerca comanda asta dupa conectare(nu garantez ca merge pe conexiuni PPP): netsh interface ipv6 delete address "Broadband Connection" 2a02:2f02:5021:f001::4f71:7015 store=active obs: daca numele conexiunii PPP nu e Broadband Connection modifica tu cu numele corect…
@bizzysgs Poti rule te rog un ipconfig /all si sa atasezi aici output-ul? Thanks
Cei care ati avut BSOD-uri aveti cumva activat serviciul de IPv6 de la RDS?
Si pana atunci a mers okei cu aceeasi vers de uTorrrent? In sensul ca nu s-a modificat nimic in sistem pe partea de software?
Imi puteti spune va rog mai exact cand a inceput sa apara problema cu BSOD-urile?
Can you give an example of the network path you're trying to use to connect via RDP to your PC? eg: IP of your PC (ip/subnet), ip from where you're trying to connect and if you''re using VPN to connect to your domain the RDP, or directly try to RDP to your PC Thanks
Go to Network Details on the Firewall Pad and set your Network Type to Home/Office. The general rule or RDP works in conjunction with the network type you select. For example, if you set it to Public, it will allow connections from your subnet and deny connections from other subnets/Internet. If it's set on Home/Office (as…
@Merritt A new driver was shipped via BD Update. It should fix the BSODs.
And the screenshot...
Hello MKairys, I went on a hunch when i suggested to disable AVC earlier. But we went ahead and tested the Cygwin app and we found out the access violation issue posted here by other users could be the culprit. We installed Cygwin with AVC enabled and sh.exe crashed right away. We installed the correctly and ran the…
Thanks for the info. It would seem that packets are treated somewhat differently by the driver when the Cisco VPN Client is used. We tested with it, but i think we used an older version. We'll have to look into that. As a workaround, could you please try this: if you get the same IP when you connect to the office, add that…
Hello rpareja, We've recently tested Realvnc 4.5.1 in the following configuration: - connect to office using Microsoft VPN Client - the VPN adapter was set to SAFE Trust Level and Stealth REMOTE (check this in Firewall - Network tab) - started VNC Viewer, entered IP of the computer from the office network - Connect,…
patx, The issue is known and the fix will be delivered via update on Tuesday. Thanks for reporting the bug.
@Chickenlittle Can you please tell us the exact OS, is it 32bit or 64bit Win7? What internet adapter are you using and how are you connecting to the internet? Do you have direct connection or you are behind a home router? Do you have Nvidia Network Access Manager installed? @WingmanSVT As Alex said before, could you find a…
Matthias H , The issue is known, and a fix is underway. On Tuesday the fix will be released via Update. I hope it is fast enough for our users. Until then all i can say is to try to avoid putting the computer to sleep.
MKairys , Go into Expert Mode, then Antivirus then click on BD AVC Settings and disable it. See if the app crashes again. It is possible that cygwin1.dll is injecting itself into processes and Active Virus Control is blocking it.
kebactinh, Could you also please go to the Windows\Minidump folder and send us the minidump file? You can use a online filesharing service, because i don't know if you can attach the minidump file on the forum.
DrAlpha, Could you please go to the Windows\Minidump folder and send us the minidump file? You can use a online filesharing service, because i don't know if you can attach the minidump file on the forum.
The issue is fixed, a new driver will be available via Update in the upcoming days. Thanks for the report.
naughtygaz, BD2009 does not work with Windows7. Although BD will install successfully, its services won't work properly. If you check out the box, or the Help file, you'll see that Win7 is not on our supported Operating Systems list. The next version of BitDefender will support win7. Check out the BD2010 Beta thread
Un raspuns pentru domnul sau domnisoara care ne-a dat la toti PM Dazactiveaza Privacy Control, Parental Control si HTTP Scan (pt asta mergi in tabul Antivirus apoi Custom Settings si jos e Scan Http-asigura-te ca este debifat). Da un restart la calculator si vezi daca merge IE. Este o problema cunoscuta ca sa mai taie din…
Pouvez-vous me dire si vous avez SP3 installé? Si oui, allez dans le répertoire windows\system32 et poster ici le version de rndisfmp.sys Je suppose qu'il s'agit d'un modem d'Orange. Merci.
It was actually an update issue and yes, it's been fixed today via update. It was discussed here
Salut Daniel, Problema cu start-up time-ul mare a aparut cel mai des pe vista64. Raportarile din piata au indicat ca apar delay-uri de pana la 1,5 - 2 minute la pornirea windows-ului. Astea fiind cele mai mari. Din cate vad tu ai Vista32, in mod normal nu ar trebui sa se intample asa ceva. Noi am testat faza cu delay-ul…
Go to Firewall-Advanced tab and check the box next to "Apply the same profile to all networks".
Could you give the people reading here a reason for not trying what i asked? All of us are trying to help, nothing more. You said "I also do not get any response from BD so you're my only hope obi-wan". Well, you got a response but you won't do anything with it.
Gaelen, Go to start - type gpedit.msc and take a look at the printscreen. Enable the policy and choose Warn or Ignore. First try with Warn. Reboot and install BD again. The windows should show up. Tell me if it worked. Keith, The diver is digitally signed, but with a third party signature, not from microsoft. It was,t…