Client Pro Plus und Win XP SP2

Hallo Allerseits,

ich stehe hier vor einem kleinen Problem:

Wir haben in der Firma überwiegend Win2000-Clients im Einsatz und zwei XP (SP2)-Kisten.

Während bei den W2K's die Clientinstallation mit dem Enterprise Manager via Deployment hervorragend ablief, machen mir die XP-Kisten Sorgen, denn aus irgendeinem Grund verweigern die die Verbindung vom EM zu ihnen.

Wollte denen nämlich erst den BDLM eindrücken, um den Status für den EM zubekommen..

Ich weiß, dass das SP2 recht eigenartige Sicherheitsvorstellungen hat, darum hab ich zuerst die windowseigene Firewall deaktiviert, aber irgendwo blockiert noch etwas den Traffic vom Server zum XP-Client.

Hat da jemand ähnliche Erfahrung und/oder eine Lösung parat?



-- BD Enterprise 2.6 (janz frisch..)


  • Hallo ,

    Ich habe folgendes von dem Support gekriegt, ich hoffe sie können Englisch, wenn nicht versuche ich alles zu übersetzen.

    "1. If the Xp workstations are running Xp home edition then the customer

    will have to create a stand alone deployment pack, just like the packs

    made for windows 98.

    2. If BDLM was installed on the XP workstations please check the


    - The service BitDefender Local Manager is running. Restart the service if stopped.

    - The value XMCServ from the file bdlm.ini is equal to the host name or IP address of the Enterprise Manager server. If

    the communication with the server was established the file will contain an ID value in the [LocalData] section.

    The file bdlm.ini is stored in the folder:

    %CommonProgramFiles%\Softwin\BitDefender Local Manager\

    To correct the XMCServ value, stop the service BitDefender Local Manager, open bdlm.ini, change XMCServ to the correct

    value, save the changes and restart the service.

    - The workstation host name must be shorter than 15 characters and do not include Unicode characters. In later versions of

    Windows the host name can have up to 256 characters, but NetBIOS shortens it to 15. Rename the computer and verify the

    change is reflected in bdlm.ini.

    - Ensure the firewalls on both the client and the server allow communication on port 4077.

    If the situation persists, send us the following information:

    - The file bdlm.ini from the client.

    - The file machines.dat from the server.

    - Screenshots of the Management Console (Clients view and Antivirus Status view), mentioning what is wrong in these views.

    3. If this is not a fresh Enterprise Manager 2.6 installation, but it

    is an upgrade from 2.5 please let us know and send us the machines.dat

    from the server.

    Also we will need some more information about how the deployment was

    done, if there are other BitDefender products installed on the server,

    a brief description of the network (if the customer uses workgroups or

    an Active Directory domain)"


    Rudi Gabriel Bedy