Safepay startet nicht beim Aufruf der URL


bin neu bei Bitdefender und habe bei Safepay alle Bank-URLs hinterlegt und "automatisch öffenen" ausgwählt. Trotz allem startet Sfepay nicht, wenn ich die URL aufrufe. Egal, ob ich einen Link der Bank anklicke oder die URL händisch eingebe.

Hatte früher Kaspersky und dort lief das einwandfrei. Kennt einer das Prob und kann mir da weiterhelfen?

Danke schonmal für die Hilfe!



  • It sounds like Safepay is not starting automatically when you try to open a bank URL because it is not detecting the URL as a banking website. Here are a few things you can try to do:

    1) Make sure that Safepay is enabled. To do this, open Bitdefender and click on the gear icon in the top-right corner. Then, click on Settings and make sure that the switch next to "Enable Safepay" is turned on.

    2) Check if Safepay is set to open automatically for banking websites. To do this, click on Privacy and then on Safepay. In the Settings tab, make sure that the switch next to "Automatically open Bitdefender Safepay" is turned on and that the check box next to "Open banking websites automatically in Safepay" is checked.

    3) Add your bank's URL to Safepay's whitelist. This will tell Safepay to always open your bank's website in Safepay, even if it does not detect it as a banking website. To do this, click on the star icon in the address bar of Safepay and then click on "Add to bookmarks". In the Bookmark name field, enter the name of your bank and then check the box next to "Open automatically in Safepay".

    If issue persists, kindly contact the bitdefender support by visiting and scroll down to the bottom of the webpage where you can get in touch with support representative either by email, chat or over a call.

    Alternatively, you can also share your query with bitdefender support team by dropping them an email at

    The support team will reply back to your query within next 24-48 hours excluding weekends.


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    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Danke für die Hilfe, aber leider hat der Tipp nicht geholfen. Die ganzen Einstellungen hab ich schon probiert, trotzdem reagiert Bitdefender nicht auf die URL in der Whitelist.

    Dann muss ich wohl an den Support schreiben. Ginge das nicht, wäre das ein Grund, nach Ablauf der Lizenz wieder zu wechseln. Schade.

  • Well, then the bitdefender support will be the last step that can help you regarding this.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)