Trojan.GenericKD.72209517 / crystaldiskmark8_0_5.exe - welche Gefahren drohen

Guten Tag in die Runde,gestern meldete mein Bit-Defender:
Die Datei:\Users\crystaldiskmark8_0_5.exe ist mit Trojan.GenericKD.72209517 infiziert und wurde in die Quarantäne verschoben. Habe jetzt einen ausführlichen Systemscan durchlaufen lassen.
Soweit scheint alles ok.
Da ich das Programm schon vor einigen Tagen heruntergeladen und auf einigen Rechnern damit die Festplattenleistung geprüft habe, frage ich mich, was der Trojaner in dieser Zeit schon getan haben könnte.
Daher die Frage an Euch, ob jemand weiß, worum es sich bei diesem Trojaner handelt.
Danke schon mal


Beste Antworten

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    Antwort ✓

    Trojan.GenericKD by Bitdefender is a general detection term for suspicious files or programs that exhibit characteristics similar to known trojans. It's a placeholder name used until Bitdefender can fully analyze the file and categorize it as a specific type of Trojan.

    Since Trojan.GenericKD is a general detection term, it's difficult to say exactly what this specific malware can do. Being in the Trojan category, it can perform any of the malicious functions that any Trojan can do.

    As for the link I provided in my previous comment, the detection has now been removed by Bitdefender. You can check the VirusTotal link stated in my above comment.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

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    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    bearbeitet April 2024 Antwort ✓

    1) If you delete any file from quarantine, it is removed from your system permanently.

    2) The file that you are downloading got detected because of the real-time protection feature in Bitdefender, which scans files as soon as you start downloading or as soon as the download gets completed.

    3) If the file is self-extracting, Bitdefender will scan the extracting files in real-time and will detect only the files that are malicious or act as malicious.

    4) As told earlier, Trojan.GenericKD by Bitdefender is a general detection term for suspicious files or programs that exhibit characteristics similar to known trojans. It's a placeholder name used until Bitdefender can fully analyze the file and categorize it as a specific type of Trojan.

    Since Trojan.GenericKD is a general detection term, it's difficult to say exactly what this specific malware can do. Being in the Trojan category, it can perform any of the malicious functions that any Trojan can do. This is also true for Trojan.Generic detection.

    Moving towards, Malware (ai Score=85), Bitdefender Malware Detection is a robust feature within the Bitdefender security suite. It employs sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence to identify and neutralize malicious software, including viruses, Trojans, spyware, and other threats. When the AI Score reaches 85, it indicates a high level of confidence that the detected file is indeed malware.

    5) The VirusTotal link has been shared with the malware researchers, and it will take a maximum of 72 hours to receive a reply from them.

    You can always submit a file or website to the malware research team by visiting the stated link . If any changes are made to file, such as the removal of detection or the creation of detection, it will happen within a maximum of 72 hours. This way, you will know whether the file is malicious or not.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    Antwort ✓

    You can share the file on the link you shared in your above-stated comment, but I already did the same on your behalf. The detection may or may not be removed after a time period of 72 hours. After that, you can refresh the VirusTotal scan result or update your Bitdefender product and scan the file again. If the detection stays, the file is considered malicious. If the detection is removed, the file was incorrectly blocked and the detection was removed.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)


  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    bearbeitet April 2024

    CrystalDiskMark is benchmark software that measures the transfer speed of various media storage drives such as HDDs, SSDs, USB memory, SD cards, and NAS drives.

    The detection is most probably a false positive, and various versions of the same software have been reported to malware researchers to have the detection rechecked and removed.

    As of now, you are protected, and there is nothing wrong with your system. If possible, could you upload your version of CrystalDiskMark on and share the link here? This will allow it to be shared with malware researchers for rechecking.

    I have forwarded the below mentioned version of CrystalDiskMark to malware researchers to get it rechecked and removed from detection database, but I would require your versin of software also.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Dear Flex,
    Thanks for the information.

    As I removed the programm from the system and the USB-Stick, I don´t know how to find it again or get it out of quarantaine - sorry.
    I can´t say, which version I have downloaded. I had one version, where I got a screen in Japanese, which installed itself after pressing "ENTER".

    So I hope, it was not a trojan.

    But do you know, what Trojan.GenericKD.72209517 would do, if it was there.

    Thanks and best regards

  • Thanks for the information. which was helpfull for me.
    I wondered, why your files were removed by bitdefender (probably before I made the download) and my file was detected positive.

    So I got the file out of quarantaine and uploaded it.

    The file is a selfextracting archive with mor than 340 files.
    Scanning with my own bitdefender again shows 2 hits now:


    In VirusTotal ist is detected by 9 of 60 VisusScanners:

    6 (included bitdefender) describe it asTrojan.GenericKD.72209517
    1 describes it as Trojan.GenericKD.72209517(B)
    1 describes it as Malware (ai Score=85)
    1 describes it as Trojan.Generic.D44DD46D

    Here is the link:

    My file is back in quarantaine now.

  • Thanks again to Flexx for the information.
    One last question:
    You said, the file I uploaded to VIRUSTOTAL is shared to the malwareresearchers and there will be an answer within 72h.
    Does it mean, I should not upload it to

    And if so, how do I get the answer for the file I uploaded already to VIRUSTOTAL

    Thanks and best regards

  • Seems to be ok.
    In Virustotal at the moment only 3 Programms detect a virus. Bitdefender is not detecting in Virustotal and also in my own system.
    Thanks for support.

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    bearbeitet April 2024

    Nice to know that your issue has been resolved.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)