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camarie · Principal Software Developer · BD Staff


  • @virtual_francky Sounds like a bug. Will ask the guys if there is a known issue, but until then can you open a ticket with the support, please? This way we can get some logs and keep track of it.
  • This is happening with the latest update?
  • "J'ai peut-être joué, ou utilisé des applications de flag comme "work" (suite Office)" Cela pourrait être une raison pour enquêter. Je ne sais pas encore en détail comment cela influence, mais je soupçonne qu'un profil pourrait s'activer lors de certains événements extérieurs (jeux en plein écran, par exemple). Bien que…
  • Pour moi, cela ressemble à un bug. Je ne sais pas pourquoi cela se produit sans avoir plus de connaissances, mais je demanderai aux collègues concernés d'essayer de reproduire cela. Faites-vous quelque chose de particulier pour obtenir ce comportement ? Ou remarquez-vous simplement qu'après un certain temps, le paramètre…
  • @phnelth It's how is implemented. Without getting in too much gory details, Safepay is a self-shielded environment from the outside world. This is why it opens in a separate desktop, for example - if some s.c.r.i.p.t. or print screen or keylogger attempts to hook a window from the default desktop, it cannot do it in…
  • Forwarded to the guys taking care of AV Free, I am not involved in the project.
  • All reasonable points. Safepay is used by quite a number of users - although you do not, as it seems, and it's perfectly fine. VPN is used by a very large number of users, and for a good reason. VPN needs a convenient and silent installed tool that does the job. The automatic VPN installation is a convenience. We could,…
  • E posibil sa fie un bug in produs. Modulul de vulnerability retine ultimele intrari din Windows Update si se poate ca cele doua sa fie deja instalate, dar sa ramina incorect in lista de update-uri de instalat de la o scanare anterioara. (Nu exclud nici o problema chiar de la componenta Windows pentru update, oricit ar…
  • Thank you for the feedback. Yes, it was quite a fix, and I am glad that we managed to solve this one.
  • Appreciate it. I understand that fixing one problem, although of a considerable weight and annoyance (also for us as well), does not fix all the things that can do better. There is a multitude of factors here which I won't bore you with, but at least from what is in my power I will continue to push for squeezing…
  • Avast Free have a significant less features, I suppose. But as I said already, I got the point about the optimization.
  • @RomKnight The problem discussed was one that escalates relatively quickly in certain conditions, where the RAM usage could grow to several GB. 600 MB is normal, considering the multitude of modules loaded in memory to ensure the product functionality. Now it might be true that Norton might run with less memory, but it…
  • Followup: we are unable to reproduce this issue. Can you contact the support, please, so a ticket can be opened and see what is happening? Just to be clear. If the button does not stay on off after set, it looks like a bug indeed. But if one expects that no traffic at all is to be done to the Bitdefender servers, that is…
  • Looks like a bug, although I cannot reproduce it. I'm escalating this to the team.
  • @Fd1 It's a little bit more complex than that. This is only the introduction: Add to this the setup/installer, the settings that should be persisted/loaded/saved, UX, multiple languages; then security, interprocess communication, menu item verb selection and availability, type of selected items (if any), virtual items,…
  • @Petersl Noted. The import/export feature looks indeed useful.
  • I don't know about a beta, since this involves a lot of tedious internal things (testing, release a beta, announcements and all the assortment costs). If this will make thru a release, it will be most likely released as a regular update with the default on off.
  • The reason for allowing it only in certain executables comes from - you guessed it - bugs/crashes. We did test it in a number of other hosts, and we encountered various malfunctions, albeit not straight on 100%. The decision was not an easy one, but it was a conservative one: one cannot run in a host known to not play nice…
  • Update: issue "[Feature request] Save/restore FW settings on demand" created. I think it might be useful in certain situations, especially because manually setting these are, as you said, tedious.
  • This is implemented for some time now, but it requires a step when uninstalling. So basically when uninstall/reinstall, the option to choose is to pick Reinstall, not Uninstall. This will back up the settings (perhaps not all of them, but I will follow shortly) in Central (i.e., and when the…
  • Atc directories looks like created by the ATC module, yes. About notion_win_x64.exe, can you provide us some screenshots with the detection, quarantine, events ?
  • Ah, my bad, did not get it :) Will do, thanks for pointing this out.
  • I am one of the developers, this is why I wanted to lay out the details regarding this. The feature request has already been created by me; although I am not (anymore) involved in the contextual menu area, I wrote a number of them so I know what to do. Most likely I will produce a proof of concept so the team can judge and…
  • Update: print to PDF is implemented (using Windows optional feature "Print to PDF") and currentyly enters the testing. I am not sure how it will be on the end, but the bulk of the work is done.
  • That depends if there are kits published or not. These are not build (officially) for every update, at least not immediately. It's similar with Windows Update (or any other update) - one can get multiple update items, but there is no Windows version for each and every one of them.
  • I'm afraid it is not so simple. Windows Explorer uses a documented mechanism of defining, implementing and loading approved contextual shell extensions (actually, there are quite a number of such extensions of other types, but I digress). Implementing such extension is non-trivial, and requires the host application to…
  • I will propose the feature, but I think the priority will be pretty low. I am not sure what it will be (or if, or when) at this time.
  • Sous Windows 11: peut-être cela vient des paramètres Windows ? Sous Windows 7: il est possible que l'ordinateur ne dispose pas des certificats de signature à jour.
  • @Claude Patenaude Y a-t-il une erreur spécifique signalée par l'installation, les captures d'écran, etc. qui peut nous aider à comprendre l'erreur ?
  • I don't know myself. Let me ask around the guys and get back.