Guidelines for Product features & Ideation

We are always excited to hear your suggestions and ideas about Bitdefender products and services. To ensure our product developers can use your suggestions, we have a couple of guidelines, to help you get the best out of the Product features & Ideation section:

  • It is essential that all ideas include a user story, that is, what is the problem and why you think the feature is needed. It helps us to understand the use case, and even when commenting on a suggested idea, adding a personal input is appreciated as well.
  • An idea getting a top vote does not guarantee the feature will be implemented. We will try to satisfy as many needs as we can with our product additions (and hence, why the user story is so important).
  • Whenever we consider an idea, we have to think about all types of usage. When adjusting the products or developing new features, the product teams always take multiple criteria into account. Even though a feature may seem effortless to implement at first, the developers are also considering aspects such as the value the respective feature brings to the average user, as each modification must be designed for both advanced users and less tech savvy users as well, to meet overall requirements. Please keep this is mind with any suggestion.
  • Please include images, and detailed descriptions. "Thin content" ideas will be declined.
  • When commenting on an idea, we appreciate you adding more context when you agree or disagree by including your own user story.
  • This is not the spot to report functionality issues with your Bitdefender product or subscription. Please reach out to our community by posting a thread in the relevant category, or contact the Support Teams for remote assistance, if necessary. Any posts submitted that are not product ideas could be removed.
  • Please do not suggest ideas that were offered before. You can check if an idea has been already submitted, by entering relevant keywords in the search bar.
  • The product developers always analyze feature requests based on many criteria and some will not be implemented, even if they may have low complexity, as long as they do not provide value for a relevant mass of users. The priority is to develop new things that bring additional benefits and protection for all users, as the threat landscape evolves. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that your suggestion will make it into production, nor that you will receive detailed reasoning behind the dismissal of your idea.
  • While some features might be declined from start, others may have greater chances of being developed in the future. However, this doesn't mean that some ideas are good and others are bad. Any idea is welcome and usually, there's a need behind that idea.
  • To set clear expectations, we do not guarantee that an answer to an idea will be provided straight away. If there is a demand for a feature and if there are ways to do it, there are chances for development in the future. Although some ideas may not gain traction at first, suggestions can be reviewed later on and included in the roadmap along with other developments, when the time is right.
  • Registered members can also vote and comment on submissions to help crowd-source the best ideas. By default, all ideas can be upvoted. If you click to upvote an idea, +1 is added to its Ideation score. Members submitting ideas will receive +1 point for each upvote their idea receives.

Don't have an idea on how to improve Bitdefender? Vote to tell us what you think of other people’s ideas. To help us even more, add your comments with your detailed opinion on any idea.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

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