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2009 Free Edition License Key Is About To Expire


Could I please get a new one? Is this section even meant for 2009 Free? It says 2009 Products but I haven't seen any topics regarding the Free edition.

Also, how do I change the license key? :wacko:


  • Hello Zellon,

    Simply reinstall using the latest install kit from here or use the license key sent via PM (if possible).


  • Thanks a lot!

    Actually... I was going to ask what that file was, because I noticed it wasn't the same as the little net installer. Thanks again. <img class=" />

  • Cristi Raducu
    edited January 2011

    In your account you have 2 keys for BitDefender Free edition that expire in 229 and 356 days.

    Please check that you have the correct Window time/date.

  • That's just the thing... I don't know why it says that in "My Bitdefender". Because that's not what I'm seeing on my end...

    I just installed and this is what I see.


    What am I supposed to do? I'd be grateful for any help.

  • Zellon
    edited January 2011

    I have another question. It's unrelated, but I don't like making new topics.

    Is it normal for the program to ask me to reboot every single time I update? Even if there isn't anything to update? I don't remember this happening before....

    Here are some pics.

    This happens after I update.


    Then this happens.


    Is this some new thing? Is it normal? Should I post my PC specs? Thanks.

  • Hi Zellon,

    No, it is not normal. In order to fix this situation, I recommend you to:

    - go on, when the window with the BitDefender file appears, please choose the "Save to disk" option. Save the tool on the PC, run it and restart the computer when prompted.

    - then go to and download BitDefender Free edition.

    Thank you!

  • Uninstall tool didn't work right. Could not delete much of anything. It did, however, cause the normal way of uninstalling not to work... so I tried the installer to see if it had a "remove" option and it did. It also did not work, however, it let me select to run it's own uninstall tool, which worked.

    I then reinstalled and my key is still expired. I tried to use the key George sent me, but it did not work. I guess I waited too long to use it. I then decided to uninstall (same way as before with same results). I then decided to manually look for and remove all registry keys and file associated with Bitdefender. It seems as though uninstalling removed everything as I could not find anything worth removing. Reinstalled with the same results.

    This is becoming a real pain... I don't understand why it thinks the key is expired... maybe it really IS expired and there is a small glitch on the other side? It's hard to say... but I think I really have used it for a year. I recall watching the expiration bar slowly crawl towards zero...

    If someone could resend a new key that would be great. I will see if that will fix my problem.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Zellon,

    Can you send me a PM with the license you received George, please ? Also, please include a screenshot with the error message you are receiving.

    Thank you!

  • Zellon
    edited January 2011

    PM sent! Thank you for your time.

    Tried to send attachment via PM but did not work. Posting here.

    Here be the screenshot:


    Edited because I clean forgot about the keys that were screen captured... <_<

  • Hi Zellon,

    I sent you a reply with the key you need to use in order to register your BitDefender.

    Thank you!

  • Thank you for trying to help me, but unfortunately, the key you sent me is the key my Bitdefender says it is registered with already.

    I'll tell you what... My system is undergoing a few unrelated (I think) problems. I will uninstall Bitdefender until I can fix those problems. When it is all said and done I will reinstall and deal with these issues at that later time. Who knows, maybe all will be well. Thank you for taking the time.

  • Hello, I also have Bitdefender Free Edition on 2 computers. Both say the key has expired...I have two questions;

    - Is there a newer version of the Free Edition? I only have 2009 version.

    - How can I recieve 2 new keys, one for each computer?

    Thanks so much for your help!

  • Mihaela M.
    edited February 2011


    Zellon: In case you encounter any other issue with our software, please post here.

    collaydesign: I sent you a PM with the license key you need in order to keep your PC protected. Note that BitDefender FREE 2009 is the last free version launched.

    Thank you!

  • hi michaela,

    can you pls send me a new license for bitdefender 2009 free edition also? my account also expired.

    my account name is

    thanks... Bitdefender is my recommended antivirus for my friends.

  • Hi lezster.borja,

    I sent you a PM with the license key you asked.

    Thank you!

  • Hi lezster.borja,

    I sent you a PM with the license key you asked.

    Thank you!

    I am having the same issue with my 2009 Free Edition.


    Any help?


  • Mihaela M.
    edited February 2011

    Hi AustnJPR,

    For your issue please see THIS post.

    Thank you!

This discussion has been closed.