Windows 7 + Bitdefender Is2011 + Google Chrome

Windows 7 Home Premium (64bit)

Chrome (9.0.597.94)

Bitdefender Internet Security 2011

With my current system configuration browsing in Chrome is very slow. When I do a test I get pings in excess of 540ms whereas the same test in IE8 gives a 50-60ms ping (mobile broadband connection). I did a simple test with Chrome and IE open simultaneously where I typed a URL into both browsers' address lines and submitted on Chrome first and then on IE. IE loaded in half the time it took chrome, even though the address was entered second.

With some thorough googling I found other people having the same problem with nod32. In their case a simple setting resolved the issue.

I don't know whom to blame for this, Chrome or Bitdefender, but I'm hoping to get an answer from this side.


  • Windows 7 Home Premium (64bit)

    Chrome (9.0.597.94)

    Bitdefender Internet Security 2011

    With my current system configuration browsing in Chrome is very slow. When I do a test I get pings in excess of 540ms whereas the same test in IE8 gives a 50-60ms ping (mobile broadband connection). I did a simple test with Chrome and IE open simultaneously where I typed a URL into both browsers' address lines and submitted on Chrome first and then on IE. IE loaded in half the time it took chrome, even though the address was entered second.

    With some thorough googling I found other people having the same problem with nod32. In their case a simple setting resolved the issue.

    I don't know whom to blame for this, Chrome or Bitdefender, but I'm hoping to get an answer from this side.

    Just posting to say I had exactly the same problem as you.

    Also the same results with speedtest.

    This is a major flaw in bitdefender. It's needs fixing ASAP. I did have the trial version but had no choice but to uninstall because of this issue.

    I actually liked bitdefender otherwise and would have bought it if it worked but if it doesn't work properly with chrome then it's no use. So now bitdefender has lost a sale.

  • Thanks for the post. I guess there are countless people experiencing this without even knowing it. I blamed my mobile connection for the slow browsing in chrome and only after comparing with IE I realized the connection is not to blame.

    This is indeed a MAJOR flaw and hopefully BD comes with a fix or at least an explanation.

  • Hello,

    Have you tried to disable any of the BitDefender modules to see if the issue will still occur ? Please disable one by one the following modules:

    - Firewall;

    - Antivirus -> Advanced Settings -> Disable AVC and IDS;

    - Real Time Protection (Antivirus -> Shield);

    After each of the steps above test to see if the issue still occur and please post the results.

    Also do you have the latest build installed ? Right click on the BitDefender icon in the System tray and select "About", make a screenshot then post it here.

    Important: please read the following Microsoft article that explains the issue you encounter:

    To workaround the problem, you could change system-wide “TcpAckFrequency” registry setting to 1. To learn how to do that you can either contact Microsoft Customer Care or read the article below:


  • Thanks for the response Daniel!

    Before applying changes:



    Internet Explorer(8.0.7600.16385):


    Changes applied:

    Firewall disabled:


    AVC and IDS disabled:


    Real-time protection disabled:


    BD IS2011 build:

    I'm not keen on trying any registry edits. The fact that IE gives acceptable pings tells me the problem's not in the registry?

    If I can add to the confusion, my results for chrome and IE are almost identical:





    Don't have a clue.

  • I like google chrome but i have the same ping problem similar to thread starter.....

    No choice but to stick with IE....

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the post. Please also post the stats when you do not have BitDefender installed. Do you have this connectivity issue only with Chrome ? How about IE v7/v8 and Mozilla Firefox ?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the post. Please also post the stats when you do not have BitDefender installed. Do you have this connectivity issue only with Chrome ? How about IE v7/v8 and Mozilla Firefox ?

    Common Daniel, please don't expect me to uninstall BD to test this. There must be some junior at BD tech who can do some research on this.

    The high pings are only with chrome. I've tested IE8 and Firefox and both have much lower pings. It's as if chrome has a fixed +500ms latency compared to the others.

    P.S. this issue doesn't exist on my XP machine, so it's not just a BD+Chrome issue, but specifically BD+Chrome+Win7.

  • Common Daniel, please don't expect me to uninstall BD to test this. There must be some junior at BD tech who can do some research on this.

    The high pings are only with chrome. I've tested IE8 and Firefox and both have much lower pings. It's as if chrome has a fixed +500ms latency compared to the others.

    P.S. this issue doesn't exist on my XP machine, so it's not just a BD+Chrome issue, but specifically BD+Chrome+Win7.

    Sorry, "Come on" not "Common"

  • I can also cofirm that I get pings in the 500s with Chrome and less than 40 with IE.

    Switching off various Bitdefender modules doesn't help

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011





    Please follow the steps below and let me know if the issue persist. From what I understand from the above posts, the issue only occurs with Google Chrome ? Please also test it with: Firefox, IE8 and Opera (if you have any installed)

    1. Post here the version of the file netscanal.dll from C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011

    2. Restart the PC in Windows Safe Mode then disable the BitDefender product updates as explained below:

    [how to disable Product Updates]

    a) Locate the file:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011\update_components.xml

    B) Open the file with Notepad++ and modify the following line:

    <Product enabled="1" name="00010004000500010001000600050001" type="0" id="-1">


    <Product enabled="0" name="00010004000500010001000600050001" type="0" id="-1">

    c) Save the file (overwrite the original XML file);

    d) Go to the location where you installed BitDefender;

    e) rename the file httproxy.dll file in httproxy.dl_

    f) restart the PC in Normal Mode;

    g) test to see if the issue is now resolved.

    [how to start Windows in Safe Mode]:

    If Windows is the only Operating System installed on your computer, boot into Safe Mode with these instructions:

    * If the computer is running, shut down Windows, and then turn off the power

    * Wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on.

    * Start tapping the F8 key. The Windows Advanced Options Menu appears. If you begin tapping the F8 key too soon, some computers display a "keyboard error" message. To resolve this, restart the computer and try again.

    * Ensure that the Safe mode option is selected.

    * Press Enter. The computer then begins to start in Safe mode.

    * When you are finished with all troubleshooting, close all programs and restart the computer as you normally would.

    NotePad++ can be download from HERE

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • This is freakin unbelievable!

    From what I understand from the above posts, the issue only occurs with Google Chrome ?

    YES DANIEL, THE ISSUE IS WITH GOOGLE CHROME. This is what the whole thread is about.

    Please also test it with: Firefox, IE8 and Opera (if you have any installed)

    You asked this earlier and I responded accordingly.

    Either you're an idiot or you just don't care to properly read my posts.

    For all the rest you're asking me to do, go stuff your bitdefender where the sun don't shine.

This discussion has been closed.