Bitdefender Blocking Websites



  • It's clear that there is a lack of communication here. I am NOT saying that the issue with the blocked websites is caused by the Scan HTTP traffic option (it's an option not a feature). The issue is due to one of the our cloud servers. Furthermore, I know there are some notifications about this issue on the forums however via email and phones we barely got few replies with a negative feedbacks.

    I will double check with my colleagues and let you know. Keep the HTTP scan option enabled, clear cache and temporary files and let me know if the issue still occur.

    Thank you.

    I just did a complete reinstall 11/4/2010 0800 mst

    1. cleaned registry, deleted cache, deledted history, deleted cookies.

    2. I used bd 211 uninstall tool then reboot then cleaned registry, reboot

    3 installed bd 211 let it update and scan then reboot.

    I had media player classic running plus newsbin 64 and opened firefox went to

    and the page was blocked.

    The problem is not resolved

    The only other security software I have is windows firewall and windows defender which both are off.

    Right now the only settings changed in bd is the firewall is set to report, all others are default.

  • I read the forum on my other computer without BD Total Security 2011 and went to my regular computer, which uses vista 64, ie 7, and after getting the same blocked website message, deleted all: history, cookies, temp files, add-ons. Closed page and re-opened and was back to my home page. I don't know how long this will work, but after 2 days of being given impotent work-arounds by "tech support" that didn't work, I'm happy for now. I don't know why this wasn't suggested in the first place instead of using guesswork.

  • It's clear that there is a lack of communication here. I am NOT saying that the issue with the blocked websites is caused by the Scan HTTP traffic option (it's an option not a feature). The issue is due to one of the our cloud servers. Furthermore, I know there are some notifications about this issue on the forums however via email and phones we barely got few replies with a negative feedbacks.

    I will double check with my colleagues and let you know. Keep the HTTP scan option enabled, clear cache and temporary files and let me know if the issue still occur.

    Thank you.

    Thank you for this clear explanation of what is going on. I would like to say that I am now running 4 days without this problem.

  • nikki605
    Thank you for this clear explanation of what is going on. I would like to say that I am now running 4 days without this problem.

    Thank you for your feedback. :) This is the best way for tech support and other users to know whether a proposed solution has worked or not.

    Again, THANKS,

  • although parental controls are switched off , they are still blocking websites .

    This webpage has been blocked by BitDefender Parental Control!

    This web page has been blocked by the User Control Heuristic Web filter.

    Changing the Parental Control Settings for the current user will enable you to access this page. If you are an administrator on this system, you can change the Parental Control settings from the BitDefender Parental Control module

    the site i want is

    windows 7 64 bit , using google chrome ,

    virus sig : 6282343

    engine version 7.34734

    Help please , tommy

  • Hello Tommy,

    First of all you have posted in the wrong topic. Regarding the site that is blocked please double check:

    - the Windows Username you are currently logged on

    - if the Parental Control is enabled for that Username or for any of the other Windows users

    - if the Home Network in BitDefender is enabled

    - if the issue still occur with other Internet browser

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • I have the same problem.

    It occurs when I run de mediacenter program with the extender to an XBOX 360.

    As soon as it has been started , I have problems with parental control (that is disabled)

    I think that something occurs with the user that is created mxc1-computername when we install an extender in mediacenter.

    It's like the bitdefender was running with this user.

    Can you investigate in this way?


    Jean-Marc FRANCOIS

  • Hello,

    Thank you for posting. The account that you are referring to is created by Media Center Extender and is safe. It only exists on Vista computers that are sharing Media with other devices.

    If you need any further assistance please let me know.

  • I think you don't understand what I am explaining.

    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bits (with mediacenter) and mediacenter extension for Xbox

    An Xbox

    Parental control is DISABLED on the computer

    Everything is working fine, I can surf everywhere.

    If on my Xbox , i'm running mediacenter and browse the content of my PC, everything is wotrking fine.

    Then I go back to my PC and try to surf and I receive on most the site that i surd to : bitdefender parental control has blocked this internet page (sorry it's the translation of the french sentence).

    So I think, there is something wrong with bitdefender that is running with the mxc1-computername user. The mxc&-computername user is created when you install the Xbox extender in mediacenter.

    I I logoff and logon the problem disappear.

    So can you investigate in this way?

    If I search the internet I'm not the only one having this problem, but I didn't see any solution.


  • I am a new user and have noticed a problem with blocking websites. I have parental control turned on with all the default web control settings. My son was doing a project on buddhism. He typed buddhism into googles search engine and he keeps on getting a message saying the website was blocked by BD. How could a google search possibly be blocked? Does someone think buddhism comes under terrorism :-) (have the chinese taken over BD :-). I know heuristics are not an exact science but surely no setting should turn off such a simple search as this. I have disabled web control and it works, but I obviously want to turn it on again for my children. Any thoughts?

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Reporting False Positives, please use this area:

    Thank you!

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