[resolved]Bitfedender Total Security Scans Nonexistant Z:\ Drive
Hi there. After reading some good reviews about BitDefender I decided to give it a try. The installation was smooth. I started having this weird problem when I scanned my computer. Whatever options I chose for scanning whether Deep, Full, Quick nor Customs it always keep on scanning drive z:/ on which I don't have.
How can it be possible? My hdd's are c:, d: & e plus optical drive f:, so where this drive z: came from? It always resulted on infinite scanning. I patiently waited for at least a day for it to finished whatever it was doing but looks like it was on it's infinite state. Is this a bug? Even if I stopped the scan and close the bd window it still pop-ups and continue scanning that weird z: drive.
Which Windows OS are you running - WinXP, Vista or Windows 7? What Service Pack? 32-bit or 64-bit?
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Which Windows OS are you running - WinXP, Vista or Windows 7? What Service Pack? 32-bit or 64-bit?
Window 7 Ultimate X64, Service Pack 1.0 -
I am running Win7 Pro x64 Sp1 and have not experienced the problem you describe. Is this a new installation of BD (sounds like it from your post)? Has this problem always been there or something that recently started? Here are a few things to check:
In Windows Explorer under Computer, is there any drive listed as Z:\ (perhaps an external device or mapped network drive)
What about in Disk Management
Finally, open BD and go to Antivirus-->Virus Scan, right-click on Deep System Scan and select Properties. Then, select the Paths tab to see if there is a drive Z:\ listed
Awaiting your reply,0 -
I am running Win7 Pro x64 Sp1 and have not experienced the problem you describe. Is this a new installation of BD (sounds like it from your post)? Has this problem always been there or something that recently started? Here are a few things to check:
In Windows Explorer under Computer, is there any drive listed as Z:\ (perhaps an external device or mapped network drive)
What about in Disk Management
Finally, open BD and go to Antivirus-->Virus Scan, right-click on Deep System Scan and select Properties. Then, select the Paths tab to see if there is a drive Z:\ listed
Awaiting your reply,
Thank you for a well written instructions. This is my first time using BitDefender and nope... there are no Drive Z: on my system as what i've stated. I am certain about this because I personally assemble my pc and knows the components of it. To give it a benefit of a doubt, I checked it via your suggestion though there are no drive z: whatsoever on any areas you mentioned. You are running PRO mine is ULTIMATE they are different and no.. the problem only starts after 3 days of installation without any modifications and newly installed programs.0 -
Can you post a screen shot of whatever message/status window comes up that shows drive Z:\ being scanned, please?
You can use the Windows 7 Snipping Tool to capture it, then when you post back you can Browse to the file, upload it then click on the Manage Attachments down-arrow to imbed it as I did in my posts.
Also, see if you can exclude the Z:\ drive in BD. Open BD and go to Antivirus-->Exclusions. Click on the + button, make sure "Exclude by file/folder path" is selected then click Next. In the Exclusions Wizard window, click the Browse button and see if the Z:\ drive is even listed to be selected (it may not be).
If the Z:\ is listed, try selecting it to add it to the exclusions and try the scan again and post back with your results.
If the Z:\ drive is not even listed to be excluded, then I'm going to conclude that somehow, you installation of BDTS was corrupted and we can first try a Repair and if that doesn't work, an uninstall/re-install.
Prior to BDTS, what antivirus/firewall program(s) were installed? How did you remove or uninstall it/them? We may have to work on completely cleaning up any prior installations to avoid any conflicts between programs.
Do you have any other security programs, antivirus, antimalware, firewall, tuneup, etc. programs installed now?
Awaiting your reply,0 -
What does it mean when BD scans my Z:\ drive for hours. I cannot shut the scan down, even with a task manager forced shutdown - the scan just pops back up a few moments after the forced shutdown and keeps going where it left off. Oh yea, did I mention that I don't have a Z:\ drive?!
Using DB total security 20110 -
Can you post a screen shot of whatever message/status window comes up that shows drive Z:\ being scanned, please?
You can use the Windows 7 Snipping Tool to capture it, then when you post back you can Browse to the file, upload it then click on the Manage Attachments down-arrow to imbed it as I did in my posts.
Also, see if you can exclude the Z:\ drive in BD. Open BD and go to Antivirus-->Exclusions. Click on the + button, make sure "Exclude by file/folder path" is selected then click Next. In the Exclusions Wizard window, click the Browse button and see if the Z:\ drive is even listed to be selected (it may not be).
If the Z:\ is listed, try selecting it to add it to the exclusions and try the scan again and post back with your results.
If the Z:\ drive is not even listed to be excluded, then I'm going to conclude that somehow, you installation of BDTS was corrupted and we can first try a Repair and if that doesn't work, an uninstall/re-install.
Prior to BDTS, what antivirus/firewall program(s) were installed? How did you remove or uninstall it/them? We may have to work on completely cleaning up any prior installations to avoid any conflicts between programs.
Do you have any other security programs, antivirus, antimalware, firewall, tuneup, etc. programs installed now?
Awaiting your reply,
i truly appreciate your response. i don't have any antivirus except bitdefender because i know installing multiple antivirus will create conflicts. is there anyway safer than uninstalling a program through control panel? common, please don't give me the feeling of i don't know what i am doing. to further convince you, i will post the images later.0 -
i truly appreciate your response. i don't have any antivirus except bitdefender because i know installing multiple antivirus will create conflicts. is there anyway safer than uninstalling a program through control panel? common, please don't give me the feeling of i don't know what i am doing. to further convince you, i will post the images later.0
after 23 minutes, still scanning drive z:/ ???
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man, this problem drives me crazy...
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Hi all,
I have created 2 tickets on your behalf and sent you instructions via email on how to start troubleshooting. Please check your email associated with your Forum account and send me the requested info.
@Valiant: Your Ticket id is:201105061007206
@cklimen: Your Ticket id is: 201105061007222
@nikki605: Thank you for your help.
Have a good day!0 -
Hi all,
I have created 2 tickets on your behalf and sent you instructions via email on how to start troubleshooting. Please check your email associated with your Forum account and send me the requested info.
@Valiant: Your Ticket id is:201105061007206
@cklimen: Your Ticket id is: 201105061007222
@nikki605: Thank you for your help.
Have a good day!
thanks for looking on this matter. may i ask what specific info does supporttool.exe file gather and submits?0 -
I have exactly the same problem... if anyone knows how to solve that problem please post it
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Bitdefender internet security 20110 -
I have exactly the same problem... if anyone knows how to solve that problem please post it
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Bitdefender internet security 2011
First, My apology for not replying on Technical Support email. I found the necessary troubleshooting very time consuming and keeps on asking me to send files on which I am not sure what info's will be included, so I just decided to purchased the latest antivirus of the same product I used before. Much easier and less headache. Wishing BitDefender all the best for their products... I hope you will fix this issue.0 -
The issue you described is being work on as we speak and a fix will be release via the Automatic Update module, in the shortest time possible. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience, we rest at your disposal for any further assistance.
Valiant: Sorry to see you go so soon. Your opinion was sent to the respectful Department. Thank you for the feedback !
Xinlinyun: Please post in one of the languages we offer Support for: English, German, French, Spanish or Romanian. Thank you for understanding. I have set your post to invisible as I can't understand it nor translate it.
Kind regards,0 -
The issue you described is being work on as we speak and a fix will be release via the Automatic Update module, in the shortest time possible. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience, we rest at your disposal for any further assistance.
Valiant: Sorry to see you go so soon. Your opinion was sent to the respectful Department. Thank you for the feedback !
Kind regards,
Nice to hear you are working on it. Since it came with a 3 computer installation package, I guess I will wait for sometime and installed it on my office computer to see how it works. Will be here in the forum too to keep myself updated.
Regards.0 -
I'm having the exact same problem as described in this thread. I hope BD releases an update soon, or else I may have to switch to another brand, which I don't really want to do.
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I'm also having the same problem. Argh.
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Same problem here
Only solution seems a complete uninstall it just runs forever!
It always reports 0/file per second scan but can't play steamed movies (youtube) uninstall and problem goes away, maybe coincidence?0 -
For the record... I also am having the exact same problem: Windows 7 64bit Service Pack 1
There is no reference to a Drive Z on my computer... so no need to jump through hoops to trouble shoot... Just need Bitdefender to figure it out0 -
I have exactly the same problem... if anyone knows how to solve that problem please post it
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Bitdefender internet security 2011
Same OS configuration. Same problem.
However, the virus scan hanging problem started recently with BD 2010. Customer Support had me upgrade to 2011 (for free), but the hanging problem persisted. Only difference is that the path at which it hung in 2010 is different from the current path on which it hangs.
Incidentally, the path on which it now hangs is "Z:\", however I have an active Z drive, into which it never goes.0 -
Also, in conjunction with this, vsserv.exe is consuming 50+% CPU time.
The most annoying part, though, is the refusal of odscanui.exe to die. Every attempt to kill the scan UI window results in its resurrection about 15-20 seconds later ... or (in Process Explorer) ... an "Access is denied" slap, even as admin." />
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Greeting all,
An update: Horseshrink, I have the same problem - can't kill the scan, it was running for over four hours this evening, had to shut the computer down to turn it off
I finally got around to the support ticket this evening:
I was asked to run supporttool.exe - I did, it never stopped just like the scan. I shut it down after an hour of what seemed like no activity. before closing the App. I was able to save the files generated by the App. to another folder because the original target folder disappeared when I closed the App.
I was never able to locate the SetID entry in the specified Registry directory
I was asked to send a screenshot of the error message - I never had an error message, just a typical scan window showing a scan of my Z:\ drive (which I don't have) that goes on, and on, and on - just like the energizer bunny" />
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Reporting the same issue.
Windows 7 64, i7 966, 24 gig ram
I saw the same issue this AM. First time this has happened where it says it is scanning "z" drive, but just sits. For over three hours this early Sunday. Cannot stop it. Again, just like stated in above thread just pops back up.
I monitor my BD quite closely, and this is the first time I've seen this.
Now having said this, yesterday, saturday May 7th, I updated to IE9, and also updated my Quicktime to version 7.6.9, updated Adobe Flash to 10.2, and also updated Windows Media Player to Version 12.04601.17414.
Not sure that these updates have anything to do with this, but very odd that this "z" location being scanned only started for me tonight/this morning AFTER updating these programs. Not sure when the last automatic update occured, but I can assure technical that I don't have a "z" drive. I've checked DEVICE MANAGER, WINDOWS EXPLORER, and within BIT DEFENDER
What Gives BitDefender?
outlawjrjames.com0 -
Please try the following workaround and let me know if it is working:
- restart the PC and enter in BIOS;
- go to “Standard CMOS Features” - may be different from BIOS to BIOS;
- check for the Floppy Disk drive (Drive A) and change it to "None" instead of the Drive A[ 1.44M 3,5`` ];
- save changes and exit BIOS;
- test to see if the scanning issue still occurs.
Looking forward to your answer!0 -
absolutely same identical problem here. windows 7 32bit ultimate.
it is absolutely certain that it is a bitdefender internetsecurity 2011 issue, NOT any pc configuration or so, due to the fact
that so many different people, with certainly completely DIFFERENT PC CONFIGURATIONS, having exactly same problem!
fact is: if bitdefender does NOT find out quickly the solution, lots of people will abandon the bitdefender internet security software und turn to another solution!
nobody can afford having an antivirus/antispam etc. solution installed on their pc, which does HANG ON AN INEXISTENT DRIVE Z:/ WITHOUT ANY END, WHICH MEANS WITHOUT SHOWING ANY RESULT TO KNOW IF THERE WAS ANY ISSUE ON THE PC OR NOT.
the problem started few days ago! there was no such z:/ drive scan before, i did NOT install any new hardware nor software during months, so it ONLY CAN BE A BITDEFENDER ISSUE!
Please try the following workaround and let me know if it is working:
- restart the PC and enter in BIOS;
- go to “Standard CMOS Features” - may be different from BIOS to BIOS;
- check for the Floppy Disk drive (Drive A) and change it to "None" instead of the Drive A[ 1.44M 3,5`` ];
- save changes and exit BIOS;
- test to see if the scanning issue still occurs.
Looking forward to your answer!
The workaround does not work. Still scanning the not excisting drive "z:" for hours and hours.
I am using Windows 7 Business x64. Please find a quick solution, because Bitdefender founds two viruses but cannot erease them or identifiy them, because the scan does not finish.
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Also checked my CMO, floppy has never been enabled since I built the maching in December. Big time Issue with this. Really taps into the resources running, running and running, and I have maxed out my on board ram at 24gb.
I too am looking for a quick resolution. Also Bitdefender tech support, did this come through on an automatic update? Or did me loading IE9 and the updated versions of flash, quicktime and WMP execute this flaw.
I use my PC PRIMARLY for my own business, video production, HD, so I need every byte of Ram possible. This is really bogging down my system.
I understand these techy things happen, but we need to be jumping on this like yesterday.
Jim Naskrent0 -
This is happening to me too and I had a comment and a question. The comment is that I have IE 8 installed still (on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit) so this is definitely not an IE 9 issue.
My question is whether anyone knows how to see what the "Infected items" are and what the "suspect items" are if the scan never finishes. Since bit defender counts shared cookies as infected, it is possible that all 52 "infected items" that it tells me I have are just cookies but I would really like to know.
I just had to reinstall my computer last week because bit defender let a website install a virus on my computer (I think it was via a pdf exploit) and now that I am up and running again, my first scan of my new install results in bit defender getting "stuck" and making my PC much less usable. These things have eroded my perception that bit defender puts out a quality product.
Bit Defender, can you please roll back your latest update and get the bugs worked out before releasing it again? If as a company you have chosen to reduce how much money you put in to maintaining your virus scan product, please reverse that decision.
David0 -
as previously stated, i encountered the same problems.
now, i tried the following:
- uninstalled all other spyware, antispam etc. solutions (like spybot, ad-aware, microsoft security essentials - but i make the point that these were working together with bitdefender during many months WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM!!!)
- uninstalled than bitdefender internetsecurity 2011 and rebooted
- made a clean install from scratch of the latest version of bitdefender internetsecurity 2011
- waited for updating of virus definitions
- reinstalled spybot, ad-aware & microsoft security essentials
- did already run a "complete system scan": IT HAS FINISHED AND DID NOT HANG ON Z:/
i am now still running a "deep system scan" which obviously lasts longer.
as soon as it (hopefully) will finish, i will update my statements here, as i hope the uninstalling and reinstalling of the product might have solved the problem.0 -
Please try the following workaround and let me know if it is working:
- restart the PC and enter in BIOS;
- go to “Standard CMOS Features” - may be different from BIOS to BIOS;
- check for the Floppy Disk drive (Drive A) and change it to "None" instead of the Drive A[ 1.44M 3,5`` ];
- save changes and exit BIOS;
- test to see if the scanning issue still occurs.
Looking forward to your answer!
Double checked BIOS. As I already knew, Drive A/floppy not enabled.0 -
Double checked BIOS. As I already knew, Drive A/floppy not enabled.
Also, tried stopping/exiting/canceling scan BEFORE it froze up on me. No joy. Still acts like a zombie arising persistently from the dead. Once a virus scan starts, there's just no stopping it.
Hoping for a fix soon. I've had BitDefender for several years and prefer to not change products.0 -
well, further to my previous posts:
- the "deep system scan" did AGAIN HANG ON SCANNING THE INEXISTENT Z:/ DRIVE......
so it definitely is a problem with the deep system scan, as the "complete scan" did work normally WITHOUT any z:/drive hanging.....0 -
I use BitDefender for three years now, and BD has been fantastic.
Right now I have similar problem, Deep system scan and System scan stalls at same file for 2-3 hours (Adobe file, afe.jar which leads to XDCFontDescription.class) before I cancel scaning proces (cant Stop it, I have to Cancel it).
Same OS (Win 7 x64) and BitDefender 2010 - similar problem.
I will follow the thread.0 -
I use BitDefender for three years now, and BD has been fantastic.
Right now I have similar problem, Deep system scan and System scan stalls at same file for 2-3 hours (Adobe file, afe.jar which leads to XDCFontDescription.class) before I cancel scaning proces (cant Stop it, I have to Cancel it).
Same OS (Win 7 x64) and BitDefender 2010 - similar problem.
I will follow the thread.
Will upgrade to 2011. Will see.0 -
I am enjoying the same problem. I just purchased the product on line yesterday evening. Needless to say, I am disappointed. If a solution is not found soon, I will go with something else.
0 -
well, further to my previous posts:
- the "deep system scan" did AGAIN HANG ON SCANNING THE INEXISTENT Z:/ DRIVE......
so it definitely is a problem with the deep system scan, as the "complete scan" did work normally WITHOUT any z:/drive hanging.....
Mine hangs on both the deep system scan AND full system scan.
Anybody else having trouble with just one and not the other - or am I the only "lucky" one?0 -
Mine also hangs on both.
0 -
See you later, all. I am going to go outside and enjoy the great weather, rather than mess around with this. I don't have the time for this kind of problem.
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I have same problem but I have vista 32 bit and I don't have a z drive on my PC. Also I stopped the scan and it re popped up....
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I have the same problem on all my computers. Hangs up with HD Z that isn't installed on any computer. Needs a solution quickly, wasteing a lot of computer down time troublshooting.
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I use BitDefender for three years now, and BD has been fantastic.
Right now I have similar problem, Deep system scan and System scan stalls at same file for 2-3 hours (Adobe file, afe.jar which leads to XDCFontDescription.class) before I cancel scaning proces (cant Stop it, I have to Cancel it).
Same OS (Win 7 x64) and BitDefender 2010 - similar problem.
I will follow the thread.
BD 2010 hung at exactly same point for me (in the Adobe directory structure). When I emailed customer support, the upgrade to 2011 was suggested. After doing that, I ran into the Z:\ hang point - and I do have a Z drive.0 -
I use BitDefender for three years now, and BD has been fantastic.
Right now I have similar problem, Deep system scan and System scan stalls at same file for 2-3 hours (Adobe file, afe.jar which leads to XDCFontDescription.class) before I cancel scaning proces (cant Stop it, I have to Cancel it).
Same OS (Win 7 x64) and BitDefender 2010 - similar problem.
I will follow the thread.
BD 2010 hung at exactly same point for me (in the Adobe directory structure). When I emailed customer support, the upgrade to 2011 was suggested. After doing that, I ran into the Z:\ hang point - and I do have a Z drive.
Same problem here...started about a week ago. I do have a Z drive which is my photo unit in my HP Office Jet 7410 multi function printer...that has always been there.
MY deep system scan freezes at the Adobe file, afe.jar file(s) also....I have added the jar extension as an "exception" and so far so good...but the Deep Scan is running now...clears with a contextual scan in the Adobe directory though ?
Win 7 Pro 64bit SP1 IE 8
Will also wait for an answer here ??
TRinAZ0 -
Add me to the list of "Me Toos" Wish I found this thread BEFORE I went through the uninstall reinstall thing. Guess that couldn't hurt anyway. C'mon BD.. where is the fix?.. we're sitting ducks out here!
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I use BitDefender for three years now, and BD has been fantastic.
Right now I have similar problem, Deep system scan and System scan stalls at same file for 2-3 hours (Adobe file, afe.jar which leads to XDCFontDescription.class) before I cancel scaning proces (cant Stop it, I have to Cancel it).
Same OS (Win 7 x64) and BitDefender 2010 - similar problem.
I will follow the thread.
I use Win 7 Home premium x64 and have tried 4 scans in as many days and my BD Internet Security 2011 hangs on the EXACT same file. I can't stop the scan process, it just restarts a second later; and cancelling it doesn't shut it down either because when I look in the console there is no "schedule" or "start scan" options on the virus tab. I have to shut down and restart for BD to reset the program.
I've already unistallled w/BD's own program once, and cleaned reg and disk files w/TweakUI to make sure all traces gone. Reinstalled clean BD 2011 and it still hangs. I'm ready to change programs - I'm not sure it's even working since it let a NASTY trojan (the phony Win 7 Security 2011) last month and now this. I've been using BD since '05, maybe its time for a change?0 -
I'm restating my earlier post here in hopes that a BD tech will get the message:
I use Win 7 Home premium x64 and have tried 4 scans in as many days and my BD Internet Security 2011 hangs on the EXACT same file every time: c:\program files (x86)\adobe\adobe flash cs4\common\configuration\actionscript 3.0\afe.jar=>com/adobe/fontengine/font/xdcfontdescription.class. I can't stop the scan process, it just restarts a second later; and cancelling it doesn't shut it down either because when I look in the console there is no "schedule" or "start scan" options on the virus tab. I have to shut down and restart for BD to reset the program.
I've already unistallled w/BD's own program once, and cleaned reg and disk files w/TweakUI to make sure all traces gone. Reinstalled clean BD 2011 and it still hangs. I'm ready to change programs - I'm not sure it's even working since it let a NASTY trojan (the phony Win 7 Security 2011) last month and now this. I've been using BD since '05, maybe its time for a change?0 -
Running Bitdefender Internet Security 2011 on Windows Vista x64 Service Pack 2 and experiencing the same problem. Every time I try to run a virus scan the program will get stuck scanning the non existant z drive. I've submitted a message to the customer service using the Bitdefender Mypage website.
0 -
First and foremost be kindly informed that we are working around the clock to resolve this issue. I have created tickets for everyone dealing with this issue and will send a resolution via email, as soon as it will be available.
I have created the following tickets:
Valiant - 201105061007206;
Cklimen - 201105061007222;
Dr. Andrew - 201105091005858
Robo171 - 201105091005866
Baeyer - 201105091005891
WyldThang - 201105091005965
AubieJon - 201105091005981
Horseshrink - 201105091005999
Outlaw - 201105091006021
Maravilha00 - 201105091006088
Akira20 - 201105091006103
David at Home - 201105091006129
Adek - 201105091006137
Bryanth - 201105091006145
Virus_smasher - 201105091006179
Buzzie - 201105091006187
AVATAR Productions - 201105091006195
Ladygr - 201105091006202
Kcrackerg - 201105091006211
NOTE: for those posting about the scan hanging while scanning the JAR extension in the Adobe Program Files folder, be kindly informed that you are facing a different issue, not the one posted here regarding the Scan of the Z drive. So far I can't associate the two scanning issues. Working on a resolution so please bear with me. Thank you for understanding.
Regards,0 -
Same problem here
Only solution seems a complete uninstall it just runs forever!
It always reports 0/file per second scan but can't play steamed movies (youtube) uninstall and problem goes away, maybe coincidence?
Problem is still there after uninstall and reinstall. I hope very soon this matter will be fixed. There is a way to see status of my ticket or not?
Regards0 -
I have same problem, scan on Z: hours, can't stop.
win 7 pro X64. bad.0