[resolved]Online Backup Issue With Bdts 2011


As mentioned, I own a BDTS 2011 version with online backup (I'm sure of it, it says so in my account).

I changed my email and since then, I can't access my online backup option! As usual, tech support does not answer, so I come here hoping to get some fixes!

I tried the old email address, my current email address, creating a brand new account but nothing works.

Email+Password is not recognized for both old and new email, and when I create a new account and confirm my email address, it keeps saying "this account is pending activation"!!!!!!!!

Any ideas please?



  • George R.
    edited May 2011

    Hello Tierix,

    I helped you in the past with this issue. My understanding was that the issue was resolved and mentioned the fact that you have to keep the same email address and password in order to use the online backup feature without further complications.

    Nevertheless, I will reply to your support request (which at this time is for 14hours in queue) with the necessary steps on how to use the online backup feature with the new credentials.

    The good news is that with the BitDefender 2012 version, the Online Backup module / feature was remade from scratch and you will no longer have to deal with this inconvenience :)

    I will assist you further via email.

  • As mentioned, nothing works anymore! I wasn't using it in thepast months, but I really do need it now to work.

    thanks for your help

  • tierix
    edited May 2011
    As mentioned, nothing works anymore! I wasn't using it in thepast months, but I really do need it now to work.

    thanks for your help

    It worked, thank you. I configured my backup but I get an error message!!

    Screenshot attached

    I have 2 other questions please:

    - How do I see my files online?

    - How do I do an one-off backup?



  • Hello Tierix,

    The online backup account can be accessed at: http://myaccount.bitdefenderbackup.com/

    The username is the email address used to create new account. From here you can retrieve the files you uploaded, however you can not upload new files.

    Regarding the encountered issue, I have re-opened you support ticket and my colleagues from technical support will assist you.

  • thank you

  • Glad to be of help Tierix :)

  • Do you know when I will be contacted please? Will I receive an email or will it be here on this thread?


  • Hi, sorry but noone has contacted me as of yet! Do you know when this will happen please?


  • A week has passed and still nothing! THis is the worst customer service ever! No surprise from eastern european, you have no idea how to treat customers! you are pittyful

  • Unknown
    edited May 2011


    With all due respect but we also need time to investigate and try to first reproduce the issue an user encounter before being able to provide you with an answer.

    I understand your frustration and a compensation was already given to show you that we do care about our Customers and we are striving to please each and every one however I still find your last post offensive.

    I can't give you an answer in a blink of an eye every time, I always have to first understand the issue and reproduce it.

    The issue you encounter with the Online Backup can be resolved with an uninstall / reinstall of BitDefender. The reason is the registry key below being corrupted after you changed the online backup email account.

    HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\SetId\Internal\ >>> subkey: DATA2 (the key in the right side of the registry tree)

    If you double click on the key you will see something like this:

    <settings accountStatus="1" oldDevice="" timeDiff="-9" expireTime="1315996042" productStatus="1" obSize="2" InstallTS="1289992324" isSubsc="0" authStat_ts="0" version="14.1" keyType="194" prodId="1" moduleId1="7" moduleId2="10" relType="0" />

    Please check the following value: obSize="2" and post the value present in your PC.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • I never wanted a fix in a blink of an eye, just an acknowledgement that someone was actually doing something! You might be great technically but you ###### at customer service. Anyway, technicity is more important I guess...

    My Key is: <settings accountStatus="1" oldDevice="" timeDiff="43209" expireTime="1327925245" productStatus="1" obSize="2" InstallTS="1305979646" isSubsc="0" authStat_ts="0" version="14.1" keyType="194" prodId="1" moduleId1="7" moduleId2="10" relType="0" />

    Before I uninstall everything AGAIN, does your settings backup tool work now? I don't want to lose all of my settings again.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2011


    Yes, the tool is working. As I previously mentioned, you were the one and only reporting the issue not working and can't find an answer on why is not working, at least not yet. May I ask you what exactly settings you wish to keep ? Would be best to make a fresh and clean installation of BitDefender in terms of not saving any XML files (settings files). If it's OK with you, we can do the reinstall together so I can also generate the logs I need for analysis in case the issue still occurs. Would you agree with a remote session ?

    If you do, please send me the TeamViewer ID and password along with a phone number and a convenient time and date when we can perform the session.


  • ok I'll follow your advice not to save the settings. The settings I was talking about are especially the firewall settings.

    If you want, you can remote access yes, just tell me when it suits you best.


  • Hi,

    I am available in the following days this week:

    Thursday June 2nd: 23:00-07:00 GMT+2

    Friday June 3rd: 23:00-07:00 GMT+2

    Saturday June 4th: 14:00-23:00 GMT+2

    Please send me a PM and let me know if any of the dates above suits you for the remote.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • HI,

    I actually went for a full rebuild of my PC. Backup works fine now. thank you.

  • You're welcome, feel free to contact me anytime!

    Best regards,

This discussion has been closed.