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I Give Up


After fighting and trying to end problems with vsserve.exe, many of my programs not responding or or unable to load even when it was not vsserve.exe causing the problem, but disabling BD AV real time protection everything would run like a clock and finally it was causing my computer over 20 minutes to load up I uninstalled BD Internet Security 2011.

This was after several uninstalls with the special downloaded BD uninstaller, I've been with BD since 2006 or before, at one time BD was the best, around 2009 these problems started and have got worse, with no resolution from BD, what a shame for the ending of a fine security software. If they get it fixed I'll start using it again, but after 3 years of issues that have gotten worse and they have not fixed it yet,java ******:add_smilie("<img class=" />","smid_15") I GIVE UP.

Installed Norton 360 v5 4 days ago and everything is fine now.


  • After fighting and trying to end problems with vsserve.exe, many of my programs not responding or or unable to load even when it was not vsserve.exe causing the problem, but disabling BD AV real time protection everything would run like a clock and finally it was causing my computer over 20 minutes to load up I uninstalled BD Internet Security 2011.

    This was after several uninstalls with the special downloaded BD uninstaller, I've been with BD since 2006 or before, at one time BD was the best, around 2009 these problems started and have got worse, with no resolution from BD, what a shame for the ending of a fine security software. If they get it fixed I'll start using it again, but after 3 years of issues that have gotten worse and they have not fixed it yet,java ******:add_smilie("<img class=" />","smid_15") I GIVE UP.

    Installed Norton 360 v5 4 days ago and everything is fine now.

    Same here.

    When I posted the problem here, I was just asked to uninstall and re-install BD 2011. Suddenly they thought my installation was faulty.

    Only for the problem to return.

    This is really crazy.

    On top of it, to get your problem resolves you have to post it in the forum, wait for some time(days) to get replies.

    And finally the result is the recurrence of the problem.

    And you post it here again, keep checking everyday if any one's there to help.

    This is some serious ######!

    Please, let us get out of this vicious circle simply by acknowledgeding that there is a problem with their software.

    I mean, PLEASE!

  • Unknown
    Same here.

    When I posted the problem here, I was just asked to uninstall and re-install BD 2011. Suddenly they thought my installation was faulty.

    Only for the problem to return.

    This is really crazy.

    On top of it, to get your problem resolves you have to post it in the forum, wait for some time(days) to get replies.

    And finally the result is the recurrence of the problem.

    And you post it here again, keep checking everyday if any one's there to help.

    This is some serious ######!

    Please, let us get out of this vicious circle simply by acknowledgeding that there is a problem with their software.

    I mean, PLEASE!



    - I am sure that me or who answer your topics gave you the reason why you need to reinstall BitDefender, not simply asked you to do it.

    - Yes, you need to post in order to explain the issue you encounter in order to provide you with the correct resolution however we also provide other communication channels such as phone or email. You can find more details at the link below:

    Can you please provide me with your ticket ID or a link of the topic you are referring to ?

    tds: is there anything I can help you with ? Please feel free to ask and you'll have my answer in the shortest time possible.


  • tds


    I don't think you can help this issue, it has persisted for almost 3 years now without resolve. It has gotten worse over time and I've been using BD security for many years, up until V10 it was the best and required very little tweaking. I believe there are many people who are experiencing problems with BD and think it is something else on their PC's. When BD11 IS kept XP Professional/w-sp3 and all updates installed, from starting, that was it for me. Before that I had to disable BD so Windows Msinfo32 tool could run, and had to disable it so Coral Paint Shop Pro could be used along with other programs as well. So I learned if something wasn't functioning just right disabling BD and it would run perfectly. Ive installed another Internet Security program on my computers now, one I would not have recommended a few years ago, but they seem to have cleaned up their problems and everything is working great.

  • abhishekiitd
    edited July 2011


    - I am sure that me or who answer your topics gave you the reason why you need to reinstall BitDefender, not simply asked you to do it.

    - Yes, you need to post in order to explain the issue you encounter in order to provide you with the correct resolution however we also provide other communication channels such as phone or email. You can find more details at the link below:

    Can you please provide me with your ticket ID or a link of the topic you are referring to ?

    tds: is there anything I can help you with ? Please feel free to ask and you'll have my answer in the shortest time possible.


    This is the link you want:

    You had told me that the previous installation was faulty. However, the problem repeated itself just after 3 days.

    Looking at the plight of many, many others here, I am rather dismayed. It is quite a hopeless situation to be in.

    But I am holding on.

    I have already sent you a PM with that sysdump.tar file.

    Please help, if you can.

  • Unknown

    Hello Abhishekiitd,

    Please post in the topic you have started. Your topic is:

    This topic is now closed.

    Tds: We apologize for any negative experience you have encountered with our products or our support. Your feedback is appreciated, and will be directed to the appropriate team for review, to enable us to improve our support and services.

This discussion has been closed.