Yet Again(for The 3rd Time) The Problem Of Vsserve.exe Is Back

I couldn't have felt more cheated.

I faced his problem of vsserve.exe consuming lots of memory.

And tried to post it here twice. Both the times I was offered a solution which worked for about 2-3 days.

And this cycle doesn't seem to stop anytime soon, as I am back here with the same problem.

Danny Dan, or any other senior moderator here, care to help?

In fact I am quite confident now that this cycle will see me through the end of the year;y subscription, which I am using(or rather suffering with).

Please do not suggest a solution just for the sake of it. If you have a genuine solution, let me know, otherwise please, please just let me, and all of us here, know that your product has some really bad technical faults.

I am really feeling hopeless now.

God save others from this ######.


  • Hello,

    Yes, I will gladly help you. I would however recommend you first, if not too much to ask for, to wait until tomorrow and install the 2012 version as it has an improved real Time protection driver and the issue most likely won't occur anymore.

    On a side note, do you do anything in particular for this issue to resurface ? Installing a software, a game, performing a certain task etc.

    Please send me via PM the following information:

    - your active license key;

    - your email address used when purchasing BitDefender;

    - a phone number and a convenient time when we can reach you by phone;


  • Hello,

    Yes, I will gladly help you. I would however recommend you first, if not too much to ask for, to wait until tomorrow and install the 2012 version as it has an improved real Time protection driver and the issue most likely won't occur anymore.

    On a side note, do you do anything in particular for this issue to resurface ? Installing a software, a game, performing a certain task etc.

    Please send me via PM the following information:

    - your active license key;

    - your email address used when purchasing BitDefender;

    - a phone number and a convenient time when we can reach you by phone;



    I think the problem always occurs after I install updates. If I never update, the problem never occurs.

    Apart from that, I did not perform any changes to my computer at all.

    I am sending you the PM, please check.


  • Iain Middleton
    edited July 2011

    I would like to add my frustration with the slowdown after installing Bitdefender. I had the same problem with 2010 but an IT friend of mine became aware of this and gave me a solution which was to rename a certain bitdefender file by simply adding a 1 I think andf that cured it completely. I am unable to get in touch with him and can't remember what it was I did. Have you heard of this?

  • Unknown
    edited July 2011


    Iain: Please create a new topic and explain your current situation. Note that we need at least the basics info about the PC you are using and the BitDefender product installed on that PC. When you have created the topic, send me a PM with its link and you'll have my answer as soon as possible.

    Abhishekiitd: got your PM, created a ticket on your behalf with ID: 201107271023841. A message was sent via email so please check your email.

    Best regards,

  • I'm also having the vsserv.exe problem. Memory usage spikes as high as 100% and is currently averaging about 34-40%. I am running Windows XP sp3, 4GB RAM, Intel Core2 6700 @ 2.66GHz. I have disabled p2p and automatic update in the expert settings view. The problem occurs regardless of what I'm running. It's occurring right now and the only thing running is Firefox.

    With all due respect to DanyDan the vsserv.exe problem has been occurring since 2009. In 2009 the offered solution was upgrading to BD 2010. In 2010 the offered solution was upgrading to BD 2011. Now the offered solution is to upgrade to BD 2012. Maybe its just me, but the problem seems to be a fundamental design flaw in the program itself. Do you know what the definition of insanity is DD? Its doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

    There is a problem with vsserv.exe. It has been a problem with every version of BD since 2009. Let me ask a question, what is different about the design of BD 2012 that will eliminate the vsserv.exe problem? What about BD 2012, either the way it operates or the way it is designed, is different from the last three generations of the program? Are there any differences which address the vsserv.exe problem? If there are no significant operational or design elements which are distinctive to BD 2012 as opposed to the last three generations BD, why do you believe upgrading will solve this problem? Please explain.

  • Hello,

    Leskylaw: with all due respect however more than 90% of the cases I've worked on in which vsserv was the using a high amount of resources was due to one of two things:

    - other security solution installed on the same PC;

    - a faulty installation / upgrade of BitDefender;

    Yes, we had certain issues with VSSERV in the part however, in 2011 this issue was resolved (Services not responding issue). Furthermore, I can't discuss on the 2012 version as it hasn't been yet released officially so can't tell you anything about it - yet at least :)

    I do know the definition of insanity, my second specialization is in Psychology :) As already mentioned in few topics, the new 2012 will have a huge improvement and change on most of the modules.

    If you would like to troubleshoot the VSSERV issue follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file along with a detailed description of the issue you encounter and the link to this topic.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hello,

    Leskylaw: with all due respect however more than 90% of the cases I've worked on in which vsserv was the using a high amount of resources was due to one of two things:

    - other security solution installed on the same PC;

    - a faulty installation / upgrade of BitDefender;

    Yes, we had certain issues with VSSERV in the part however, in 2011 this issue was resolved (Services not responding issue). Furthermore, I can't discuss on the 2012 version as it hasn't been yet released officially so can't tell you anything about it - yet at least :)

    I do know the definition of insanity, my second specialization is in Psychology :) As already mentioned in few topics, the new 2012 will have a huge improvement and change on most of the modules.

    If you would like to troubleshoot the VSSERV issue follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file along with a detailed description of the issue you encounter and the link to this topic.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Hi there.

    I am awaiting the release of BD2012 now, though the above posts make me feel hopeless nevertheless.

    Can you enlighten us as to how will I get the upgrade?

    Do I just download the BD2012 installation file and enter the key I have(of BD 2011)?

  • i have probelms in bitdefender 2012 where i can post it??

  • Hello,

    BALTAGY: The Support for the 2012 version will be available in a separate forum category, as soon as the version will be officially released.

    Abhishekiitd: we are working on the KB articles for 2012 and how to upgrade to the latest version. As soon as the release will be done, you can find the KB articles in our KnowledgeBase.

    Like all our version, you will have to use the uninstall tool ( ), use it then restart the PC when the process is complete. Download then install the new version using the available installation kits from according to the product you've purchased.

    Best regards,