Please Post Here The Bugs You Found In The 2008 Line



  • acr
    edited September 2007
    In my understanding, the files in quarantine should be encrypted and therefore harmless. To have a quarantined file requesting access to the internet is definitely not the idea of the quarantine and something is wrong.

    I was thinking the same thing. And I am hoping someone could try to repeat this and see if they get the same results. If so then maybe it is a bug in quarantine that could be addressed.

  • I was thinking the same thing. And I am hoping someone could try to repeat this and see if they get the same results. If so then maybe it is a bug in quarantine that could be addressed.

    I forgot to add that I ran a whois of the IP address where the outbound connection was attempting to connect and it came back as Hewlett-Packard.

  • Clicking on the system tray icon and clicking "Exit" just makes the icon disappear, it doesn't make BD shutdown. I just clicked "Exit" and tried to download an eicar test file and BD gave an alert.

    Adding a "Disable Protection" instead of "Exit" option to the system tray icon along with the menu to ask how long you would like it disabled would be really helpful. ;)

  • I don't think that clicking "Exit" was ever meant to shut down the protection, but indeed, a tray menu option for turning protection and firewall on and off has been suggested before and would be nice.

  • All these issues, are all of you Beta testers or did you pay or upgrade to 2008? I find it very disturbing that 2008's beta testings seemed to be very short. Correct me if im mistaken but I saw 2008 talked about one day and then on the market the next. Av 10 is great and could have lasted till the end of the year which would have allowed beta testers to report more bugs and make 2008 more reliable. I for one will not go to 2008 untill 2009 comes out. Maybe by then 2008 will be reliable.

  • Hello

    That is a security measure so BitDefender can't be disabled easily. You have the option to disable the realtime protection for a desired time.

    But I agree that it's a good request for adding that feature also in the tray menu.

    Best Regards


  • Hello

    That is a security measure so BitDefender can't be disabled easily. You have the option to disable the realtime protection for a desired time.

    But I agree that it's a good request for adding that feature also in the tray menu.

    Best Regards


    I can appreciate the security aspect, but I don't understand why "Exit" is even an option if all it does is make the system tray icon disappear. Having it there gives the impression that it's supposed to shutdown BD as is the function of clicking "Exit" with other programs.

    Guess it's not a bug then.

    Cheers :)

  • JGray152
    edited September 2007
    I can appreciate the security aspect, but I don't understand why "Exit" is even an option if all it does is make the system tray icon disappear. Having it there gives the impression that it's supposed to shutdown BD as is the function of clicking "Exit" with other programs.

    Guess it's not a bug then.

    I have found this with other AV products. Especially Norton, you would have to find the process in task manager and shut it down that way. I suppose they could have two options, "hide icon" option and a "Shut down" option.

  • They used to have it in the previous version, but it's gone now. Not Shut Down but Disable antivirus protection.

  • bluesprite
    edited September 2007

    After upgrading to the latest version of uTorrent, it could connect and BitDefender didn't notify me that the executable has changed, because it has a digital signature. It did however block the incoming connections to the port on which uTorrent was set to work and I had to delete the rules and let the firewall create new ones, and then restart uTorrent. Inbound connectivity wasn't restored until then.

  • I noticed a few bugs and a serious bug happens since 3-4 days ago.

    First sometimes (1 of 20 reboots) it takes 2-3 mins to load the windows sidebar, it looks like that sometimes when bitdefender startups something gets messed up. I dont really know what messes up, seems that bitdefenders loads to early sometimes and my system hangs for 2-3mins.

    But since about 3-4 days I get a very bad error message about vsserv.exe. A own bitdefender error window pops up and asks me to send the information, but when I click on next then I get the error that the information couldnt be send. Also my system becomes very instable after vsserv.exe crashed and I have to press the reset button cause everything hangs and I'm not even able to press the reboot button in windows anymore. This happens in 1 of 10 reboots.

    I'm using BitDefender Antivirus 2008 unter Vista Business 64bit on a intel core 2 duo with 4 gb ram and a 750gig harddisk.

  • Seems when doing deep scans or full scans that i'll come back to a hard lock, all i can do is move the curser. this is happening in windows xp pro with sp2 installed.

    quick scans i don't believe cause this same problem, so it could be the length of the scan that's the problem or perhaps the areas being scanned. maybe some sort of memory leak?

    thi9s happens on schedule scans as well as ones i start manually.

    it doesn't happen everytime, but easily 80% or more of the time.

  • Firewall in 2008 causes emails in college webmail (accessed from home PC) to freeze (won't open). When firewall is disabled mail operates fine. Had no trouble with this webmail when I used V10


  • HY!I see a error and I don´t know that it is a know bug.

    When you open Security Center,sometimes,Windows Show a Window about a error in a ****** on this page,SecCenter.exe.GoodBye!

  • The update process is stuck at Installing Updates. Also, notice the Last Checked date. When I took that screenshot it was September 13th, 8:45am. So BDIS had not try to update itself since then, it is truly stuck.


    Trying to stop/start the service completely hang the process and only a computer reboot would fix it.

    The logs says Update success, but obviously something went wrong since it won’t come out of the Updating process.

  • spam toolbar does not work in outlook 2000. I have BD 2008 running on two computers one Windows Xp and the other windows 2000 Pro, both have non functioning spam tool bar on outlook 2000. Add Spam button does not function.

  • Hi.. BitDefender 2008 Vsserv.exe service failed on my Vista 32 Bit.

    Can Bitdefender come out with a working product????

    I was tested my Vista with Trend Micro PCcillin with no problem.My friend using Dell bundled with McAfee has no issues but it seems only Bit Defender is facing hangs up and crashes.

    I had problems with my Bit Defender 10 on my Vista and i was hoping the 2008 release would resolve all the bugs but it seems something so fundamental it cant get right...

    The log file from Windows Reporting is attached below :


    BitDefender Security Service


    Stopped working


    9/28/2007 6:52 PM


    Not Reported

    Problem signature

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: vsserv.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 46eea418

    Fault Module Name: RPCRT4.dll

    Fault Module Version: 6.0.6000.16386

    Fault Module Timestamp: 4549bdab

    Exception Code: c0000005

    Exception Offset: 00024b33

    OS Version: 6.0.6000.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Information 1: 410a

    Additional Information 2: b06d4eafec305a728c5559a06908b577

    Additional Information 3: 2ae2

    Additional Information 4: 5e4a27a85e9e271ea6898da856f55754

  • I have problems with vsserv.exe stopping several times a day (Vista Ultimate), and have to reboot to get it working again. When I open BD it warns me that "real time protection is disabled" - very worrying as my PC is running unprotected until I restart it (unlike your KB article which says there is nothing to worry about when this error occurs).

    "Faulting application vsserv.exe, version, time stamp 0x46eea418, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp 0x4549bdc9, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00030e27, process id 0x6f8, application start time 0x01c8038df91973b0."

    Please get it fixed - I made the decision to move from Kaspersky as I read that BitDefender was now #1 anti-virus, but now I'm not so sure...


  • I use IS 2008 and everytime i start my xp32bit the windows security says that bitdefender virus scan is disabled and your comp. might be in risk. This message comes from icon tray and stays for 10 sec. then gone. I beliwe its the same error as MarcelF wrote but the question is... is it true? that for this 10 or more sec. no virus protection is active.

    Looks like bitdefender starts too late after internet connection and so on...

    Everything else works as i did hope :)

  • No more bugs in Av 2008?

  • bitdefender 2008 always crash and need to reboot......

    always have Runtime error! C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2008\vsserv.exe


  • BitDefender does not creates any Scanlogs


  • BitDefender does not creates any Scanlogs


    Hello Olli

    Did you already pressed on the events button which you can find on the BitDefender Security Center screen? There are the logfiles stored. To view them double click on them.

    Best regards


  • Hello Olli

    Did you already pressed on the events button which you can find on the BitDefender Security Center screen? There are the logfiles stored. To view them double click on them.

    Best regards


    Hello Niels!

    Of Course i´ve presse the button. But there are no logs created...


  • Look please the attachment explain strange log files and help if possible.

    Thank you.


    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=814" data-fileid="814" rel="">Improper_LOG_FILE.doc

  • Look please the attachment explain strange log files and help if possible.

    Thank you.


    I noticed the same thing when i did a full system scan. Some of the options selected in the settings, were logged as "NO" in the log file.

    However, i think the bug is in the creation of the log, not in the scanning process, because most of the time i was watching the monitor while the scanning was ongoing, and for example, i clearly saw that archives were being unpacked and scanned, even if the log said "Scan archives : No". The scan archives option was enabled in the settings.

    Let's hope that the rest, are also log creating bugs.

  • Hello vitaly

    I will report this. You are right about the scan settings that are used. When you unchecked or checked items did you always pressed on ok ? I will verify if my settings are correct displayed in the scan report. Try to create a user made scan task with the settings and see if now the settings are being displayed correctly.

    Best regards


  • Hello vitaly

    I will report this. You are right about the scan settings that are used. When you unchecked or checked items did you always pressed on ok ? I will verify if my settings are correct displayed in the scan report. Try to create a user made scan task with the settings and see if now the settings are being displayed correctly.

    Best regards


    Thanks. It is a standard FULL SYSTEM SCAN, not customizing. I'll try to use CUSTOM with pressing OK button.


  • Hello vitaly

    I will report this. You are right about the scan settings that are used. When you unchecked or checked items did you always pressed on ok ? I will verify if my settings are correct displayed in the scan report. Try to create a user made scan task with the settings and see if now the settings are being displayed correctly.

    Best regards


    Hi Niels,

    I changed setting in the full scan but the situation with log file is the same...

    Please look at the attachment.


    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=819" data-fileid="819" rel="">Full_customized_and_log.doc

  • Hello vitaly

    You are right I've contacted someone. But when you take a look you will see an amount displayed of the scanned registry keys even while under source options no is displayed.

    Best regards


  • Hello vitaly

    You are right I've contacted someone. But when you take a look you will see an amount displayed of the scanned registry keys even while under source options no is displayed.

    Best regards


    Hi Niels,

    How to know about further developments and improvements?



  • I'm running Vista Business 64 bit on a brand new HP 8510 Laptop. I have installed Bitdefender internet security 2008. It works fine until I update it. After the update and rebooting none of the security features are working, reported by windows security center and in the bitdefender interface. When I try to update again I get an error message saying I have an invalid key.I've contacted online support 2 times trying to fix this. I was even given a new serial #. My online account page shows all my serial #'s as having over 600 days left. I've been trying for 3 days to resolve this and pretty much got nowhere with the problem. I have 2 other computers running Vista & XP32 bit with Bitdefender 10.2 no problems. After buying 2 copies of this software I really need to make it work. After updating, some of the bitdefender services will not start. Mainly the bitdefender virus shield service, if that's not running I'm not protected! When I try to start the service manually it starts and immediately stops. So I'm running now without updating at all, this is no good. I set a system restore point so I can easily go back to a working state quickly. Please help me resolve this.


  • No more bugs in Av 2008?

    Scheduled tasks do not run. I made an entry here:;hl=scheduler

  • Scheduled tasks do not run. I made an entry here:;hl=scheduler

    One additional note: The Start Date/Start Time for my weekly scan get updated correctly, even though the scam does not run.

  • I'm using Windows XP SP2 on three computers. On two of the computers, BitDefender Antivirus 2008 appears to be working. On the third, I continually get a message about VSSERV aborting. Also, the computer stops responding for a long time at the same time that I see the message. Because of that I've had to completely uninstall the program.

    I also have one Windows 2000 SP4 machine running BitDefender, but the Anti-Phishing toolbar does not appear in Internet Explorer. The check mark option is there, and checked, but the toolbar never appears. The display on that computer is set to 800 x 600. At that resolution, buttons on some of the BitDefender windows are cut off at the bottom of the screen. I can't resize the windows (the program creates fixed size windows). As such, I can't get to some of the features of the program. I have to change my screen resolution to 1024 x 768 which is distorted on the monitor, change settings and then change the screen resolution back again.

    I bought 5 licenses for the program and now it looks like I'll only be able to use three of them. I was using a more expensive Antivirus program from a company that offered no support. I switched because of problems with bugs, and now I feel foolish because I'm having more problems.

  • exiting_game_mode.png

    Asking me again..

    OS:XP Home SP2

    Game : Counter Strike Source / Steam

  • I add items to the White List in the AntiPhishing toolbar and they don't display in the list.

    If I try to add something that I added previously it says that it's already in the list, though it doesn't display any sites in the list. How can I delete entries from the white list if it doesn't display?

    I'm using Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6.

  • I use IS 2008 and everytime i start my xp32bit the windows security says that bitdefender virus scan is disabled and your comp. might be in risk. This message comes from icon tray and stays for 10 sec. then gone. I beliwe its the same error as MarcelF wrote but the question is... is it true? that for this 10 or more sec. no virus protection is active.

    Looks like bitdefender starts too late after internet connection and so on...

    Everything else works as i did hope :)

    I also had this problem even after installing on a reformatted machine. So until this has been sorted I have reverted to a free AV.

  • I am having a problem with the scan window. It does not minimize to sys tray, even though I have specifically checked that it should. I have fully described the issue here.



  • Since the White List does not display in the AntiPhishing tool bar here is an alternate way to view and delete entries from the White List.

    Open the following file with Wordpad.

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Profilesapconf.xml

    Replace "USERNAME" with your actual user name.

    You will see entries like this.

    <acl id="allowed sites">

    <ace type="string" id="0" active="1"></ace>


    <ace type="string" id="0" active="1"></ace>


    The "" and "" will actually be the web site URLs that you added to the White List.

    To remove an entry, delete the entire line that contains "<ace" and "</ace>".

    Adding entries to the White List can be done manually, but the add functions of the toolbar do work correctly. You just can't see what was added. If you try to add something already in the list the tool bar will display a warning message, so you can always try to add something if you aren't sure that it's in the list.

  • I've got to reinstall it because it dooesn't start with Windows and i selected that Bitdefender starts when windows starts.... -_-<img class=" /> :lol::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::ph34r:<_< <_<

  • I've got to reinstall it because it dooesn't start with Windows and i selected that Bitdefender starts when windows starts.... -_-<img class=" /> :lol::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::ph34r:<_< <_<

    PS:I forget to tell that I am using Windows XP SP2 32 bits...

  • I am not sure if I am in the correct place or not. If I am not... I am sorry.

    I installed Internet Security 2008 about 4 weeks ago and have had nothing but problems. Scans take 9+ hours and if I have the Antispam box checked, it totally shuts down my Outlook Express. When I try to reopen, it just flashes and I have to restart my computer. I like all of the features this product offers, but it just doesn't work properly. I have spoken with ?? agents and have completed all of their tasks they have asked me to, but it has not solved the problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have removed "Scan to Web". Any ideas?

    Thank you... Hoyt

  • bluesprite
    edited November 2007


  • Hi All,

    I've used Bitdefender Internet Security for V.9. and I Think BDIS 2008 the worst program I've ever seen since V9.0

    Real Time Protection and Firewall halts recently, and neither Windows Security Centre nor Bitdefender Security Centre warns me its halted. I can see its halted, only when I opens BDIS Security Centre Manually. What a terrible bug ! I have two computers installed BDIS 2008 and both of them includes same problem. Firstly,I thought it was my fault and I reformatted two of my computers both home and work then I installed to BDIS 2008 on clean system and I surprised that problem still there. I use Windows XP Home Edition with SP2 at home and Windows XP Professional Edition with SP2 at my work. Both of them are 32 bit. It's make me angry becouse you said that "you secured my every bit". But both you haven't secured my every bit and also you haven't given an attantion about this. Finally a malware infected my computer and it corrupted some of my work files when it halted and I didn't know that again. I haven't exprienced a malware problem since I've started using computer but BDIS 2008 was exprienced that to me.

    As far as I can see, this version of BDIS isn't reasonable anymore and I'm thinking that I'll install BDIS 10 or I'll buy another "trustworthy !" security solition.


  • I'm using BitDefender Total Security 2008, trial.

    Bug that I found ;

    Duplicate Finder : I selected 5 or 6 folders and then number of scanned items are 25282. But it never stop "grouping". It doesn't work !


  • It takes a while to group them, how long did you wait?

  • I can't install the program,how to solve this problem?

    thanks for help! :unsure:


  • It's been about a week or so that I keep getting this error window telling me that the thread scanner must close, send report (which I do) etc.

    2 days ago, my IS2008 was completely disabled, anti-virus and firewall. Windows XP did not even alert me of that! So I was running no protection at all for days. I used the DOS batch files (2 of them) that you provide on your site main page and followed the instructions. Now it's monitoring again, but it did not fix the "thread scanner" error I get.

    I have a 3 user license, and the above problem happened on all 3 machines.

    Any suggestions please?

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