Port Scan Detected - Not Solved

edited August 2011 in Firewall

Im still getting this message from bitdefender: "PORT SCAN DETECTED" every three or four minutes. I checked the IP address that is involving this and its always the same and never change and its my IP.

Technical support was very smart, told me to block that IP address thru Adapter rules in firewall setting (Sure will cause connection lose).

Is there any way I can stop theses messages.

Thnx in advance


  • Hello,

    What is the form of the IP you are seeing ? Is it a local IP or the external one provided by the ISP ?

    Do you have the paranoid mode set to ON in BitDefender Firewall ? Does the issue still reproduce if you disable "Block Port Scans" option ? Do you have IDS enabled ? What BitDefender product are you using and what Operating System ? I have created a ticket on your behalf with ID: 201108091001503. Please check your email address associated with your forum account and send me back the generated log file.

    Kind regards,

  • Danny,

    I'm having a similar problem which has just started on BD2012 Total Security. Basically I'm getting a port scan detected and blocked message from my ISP DNS servers IP addresses, this has just started happening within the last two days.

    Nothing I've turned off or on has stopped these messages.

    Apologies for jumping on the thread :)

  • Hello Nightgaunt,

    Please increase the Firewall log verbosity then, after the issue resurfaced, send me the bdfirewall.txt file from:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Firewall

    Also mention your DNS IPs blocked by BitDefender.

  • I had same issue Port scan detected and showing my router ip adress,

    A port scan detected. Local IP Remote IP Protocol:UPD. Action taken blocked.

    why bts2012 did show attacker ip's?

  • Makarboy
    edited August 2011

    i am having the same issue, my dns is doing a portscan, i have windows 7, IDS is on, paranoid mode is off and i am trying BIS 2012.

  • Hello

    This discussion will continue here:


    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    Have a nice day.

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