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Problem With Installation


Hi All,

I know that my pc is infected by some virus. Now I try to install BitDefender Total Security 2012. Suddenly the installation is close automatically. What should I do with this? Please help me.

Thanks in advanced!




  • Try installing malwarebytes antimalware and hitman pro. perform a full system scan.. They can remove the infections.. :)

  • Hello,

    Please follow the steps below and send me the generated log file:

    1. Download this file:

    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR'

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Include a DETAILED description of the issue you encounter: reproduce the steps you take until the issue occur and, if possible, enclose a screenshot of any error message you receive.

    7. Send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link and one for the topic you started.

    Do NOT post the download link in the topic!

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Kind regards,