[resolved]Internet Browsing Is Very Very Slow

edited September 2011 in General

Ok, well obviously this is not a new subject... but there is no sense in it going missed by posting it in a current discussion.

I have used bitdefender for a number of years now and have upgraded as I have gone along. I think I started with them around '07. It used to be that it was the fastest, most reliable while at the same time being a minimum system drain. The system resources for me is not an issue it still seems to be good for that but as the title says the browsing is slow. I have it installed on two computers but will not upgrade my 11 install on my wifes computer because she will complain horribly about how slow it is. Here are my install setups and the tests that I have done.....


Win7Pro, 8gb ram, quad CPU (cant remember what kind) etc etc. The install needed to be re-installed once as it stopped working at one point but it now seems to be ok. Firefox is my main browser and it reacts the same as it does on the laptop. In fact the system reacts the same on the Laptop regardless of whether it is my desktop or laptop. Desktop is a dual 1GB LAN connection. For tests and info see laptop as it is all the same....


Qosmio, Win7Pro, i7 cpu, 8gb ram, 120gb ssd, 500gb standard drive... etc etc. Here is the details of the issue which exists identically on both computers.

Firefox, Chrome, iExplorer are all very slow to load pages. There are some pages which load fine and others which never seem to load. Three of the most frustrating are livestrong.com, facebook, and google search results. Google search results take on average 2min to load, when I open firefox livestrong will never open.... regardless of whether it is in whichever browser. (testing it right now, since I have finished my post and it is now longer than 4min and livestrong is still not showing any info)

I have tested both connections with speedtest.net and it is fine, in fact I am getting my normal internet speeds as well as my download speeds being the same as they were when using Download Manager similar to another user, so it is not the physical connection to the internet which is causing the slowdown. I think it is the malware scanner as because if I reset a frozen page, either hit enter on the address or in the google search box then the page will pop up for a second and there will be all kinds of "Antimalware" comments on the page. I also have an internet monitor running at times and when the page is frozen it is not showing any traffic... the initial sending of info goes out and a little of a response but no traffic is showing while it is sitting there waiting to load. I have tried turning off the malware and the anti philsing but neither seems to speed it up... going on 8min now and still no livestrong.com....

I am happy with bitdefender in general but this NEEDS TO GET FIXED otherwise I will have to source another product and ask for a refund.... get it sorted, it is going to damage your name. In general bitdefender is usually used by people who are a little bit more computer sauvey as they are aware of the difference that is made on the system resources etc etc, this however, is not good for PR.

(edit) Ok just some more info as it might help... once I sent the forum post in the livestrong page (open in firefox) opened. Now that I am on the page livestrong.com my browsing is pretty much normal with in the pages of the site... so some how the connection is getting disrupted or something... as well the livestrong tab does not have the little drop down bitdefender settings showing but all of my other tabs which are open do.



  • I was going to edit it but I cant. Additional Info:

    I have installed Opera and it is much faster but on my problem sites like Livestrong it delays my ability to do stuff on the site with this text: "this page is safe... Antiphishing Filter blocks pages.... Antimalware Filter blocks pages... search adviser...."

    I will attach a print screen.


  • Since I cant edit my posts I am having to reply with additional information.

    I have found now using Opera that all of my trouble pages (livestrong.com, facebook and google searches) which will not load in Firefox, Chrome or iExplorer very well if at all will display in Opera but they all display with the text showing as I have shown in the above post.

    This text also limits my ability to access features on the page as it wont allow me to click on the page items as I want to.... eventually it seems as though it works after I click a few times on the page but, while that text is showing on the page it does not load in full or is fully available. My last google search had that text displayed for 3min in Opera and then it cleared and allowed me to use the page correctly.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2011


    Please tell me the file version for: bdtl.dll from: C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2012

    Also tell me what character encoding are you using, what Opera version and in what language you have BitDefender installed.


  • Hey thanks for the reply...

    bdtl.dll file version:

    Opera version is: 11.51 (firefox and chrome are all latest versions)

    Bitdefender is installed in English and as far as the character coding I am not sure... if you mean Opera's language it is using Eng - US, oh I think I found it: iso-8859-1

  • Hello Purplehayes,

    I couldn't reproduce the display issue you mentioned when using Opera. Please delete the folder cache and temporary files then restart the PC. Check to see if the issue still occurs.


  • Hello DannyDan,

    Ok that seems to of helped the Opera displaying that text, but in all honesty I have only checked it on two pages one google search and one visit to Livestrong.


    Opera is my replacement browser in other words I am using it at the moment because Firefox my main browser is not really usable with the new Bitdefender 2012. So where are you guys with fixing that?

  • Hi,

    As it is weekend can't tell you when the next week we'll release the fix. You can watch for the announce in either the Updates page or in the dedicated topic below:


    I will consider this case resolved. Topic closed.

    Best regards,

This discussion has been closed.