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[resolved]windows Xp Desktop Does Not Appear



I downloaded BD IS 2012 and installed it successfully, but on reboot the Desktop never appears and I have to switch off power and hit F8 when rebooting to restore last good configuration.

My system is Acer aspire one netbook (Intel atom 1.6 Ghz) with more than the min requirements.

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600

System Model Aspire one Pro

Total Physical Memory 2,048.00 MB

Available Physical Memory 1.32 GB

Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB

Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB

HDD 160 Gb (106 Gb free)



  • Do you have any other security/antivirus/firewall programs installed on your PC? What product were you using before BDIS?

    If you uninstalled a previous security/antivirus/firewall program, how did you uninstall it - Windows Add/Remove programs, the program's own uninstall function or a dedicated uninstall tool?


  • No other security. Windows firewall is off. I have been using BD since 2008. The last version on the machine was BD IS 2010, which I unstalled using the BD uninstaller. The first attempt to install 2012 stopped at 56% and I cancelled it. Interestingly, while I selected to not download any updates during installation, something did download and when progress did not get past 56% for about 5 minutes, I disconnected, then eventually cancelled the installation (I had connected to register). The 2nd attempt worked, but then the desktop loading problem emerged.

    Do you have any other security/antivirus/firewall programs installed on your PC? What product were you using before BDIS?

    If you uninstalled a previous security/antivirus/firewall program, how did you uninstall it - Windows Add/Remove programs, the program's own uninstall function or a dedicated uninstall tool?


  • I remembered I had Rapport installed, but removing it has not helped. The installation keeps sticking at 57% with (i) selecting to install 'for evaluation' so I can do the licence later (ii) selecting to not download updates during the install (to do later), and (iii) having 3G switched off.

  • Gary: After several more attempts, I eventually succeeded.

  • Thanks for posting back with your success. :)

    I'll close this topic as resolved.


This discussion has been closed.