Internet Security 2012 Slowing Down Computer

A couple nights ago I "upgraded" from Bitdefender IS 2011 to 2012 because my computer slowed down every day as the day went on, and after reading the message boards I saw that vsserv.exe may be causing the problem with 2011. Rebooting when the computer slowed down, seemed to work but I wanted a better solution. I uninstalled all Microsoft antivirus except Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, as I understand these shouldn't be uninstalled. However I did turn them off. I then uninstalled 2011 and installed IS 2012.

The day after doing the install of IS 2012, my computer has continually run slower than it ever has.

Last night I uninstalled Bitdefender 2012 and my computer is a dream. Everything running properly and fast. I did a internet speed check and compared it to the speed I had prior to 2012 being installed and the upload and download both almost doubled. Upload speed from 0.41 Mbps (with IS 2012) to 0.80 Mbps and download speed from 1.41 Mbps to 2.68 Mbps.

Obviously the problem is with 2012. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. It will depend on the help I get from anyone here. Until I get help, I'll just avoid virus issues and be happy I have a quick functioning machine.

Does anyone have an idea how to work around this?


  • Hi,

    You use Bitdefender in English? Please right click on the BitDefender icon and select "About". Post here the build you are currently using.

    Also provide me with the file version for bdtl.dll located in the BitDefender folder. By default:

    c:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2012

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • I just re-installed IS 2012 for you. I'll see how the speed goes today with it.

    The build that loaded up is Bitdefender Internet Security 2012 - Build:

    The bdtl.dll file version is

    I run on Windows 7.

    Is there anything else you need?

  • It's been a little over a day and since re-installing Bitdefender IS 2012, my computer finally got too slow to get any work done, so I had to uninstall it again. Speed is up and running once again. Hopefully someone can recommend how to make this work without having to remove the antivirus software..

    Have a good weekend.

  • Are you using the version in English ? If so then your PC is not fully updated. The bdtl.dll file version should be: and the BitDefender build:

    Open BitDefender security center and click on "Update Now". Wait for the process to finish then restart the PC. Check if the build and the file version changed and if the issue is now resolved as the upload issue you are reporting has been resolved in the latest build released.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Yes, I run the English version.

    I did the update and the version and build you mentioned loaded up. I'll let it run for a while and see what happens.

    Last time it took a little over 24 hours for my computer to get too slow to do work. I'll keep you posted on the speed.

  • Just hours after updating as instructed, computer is slowing again. I'm going to reboot and see if that improves performance.

  • Rebooting worked for a period of time. However, my computer recently got really slow again, so I uninstalled Bitdefender IS, again. As soon as I did that and prior to closing any other applications or rebooting to complete the unstalling of the software, the speed of my computer noticeably improved.

    Is there a solution that doesn't include uninstalling the software when I want to get work done?

  • Is there a solution that doesn't include uninstalling the software when I want to get work done?

    Yep...install an earlier version of BitDefender <_<

  • Thanks Sean, but that's what started the whole issue here. 2011 was slowing me down so I went to 2012. What version should I go to?

  • Waiting so long for the fixes. Please hurry up....

  • DanyDan, a week ago you were looking forward to my reply. Is there anything you can help with or is this just a problem that we can't get rid of?

    I really do look forward to your reply. Thanks

  • I've had to uninstall Bitdefender IS to ensure I could work over the past few days. I was hoping that with the time that has past that the issue may have been fixed. So today I decided to reinstall IS to see if it affected my computer and within a couple hours all applications that I run move at a snails pace. Is there a fix?

  • DanyDan or anyone else, is there anything else you need from me to help assess the issue?

    I hate to try to go through the Bitdefender Customer care at BitDefender Customer Care <>, the last time I used them on a separate issue it took 2 weeks for a reply.

    Maybe the delays we see here are a sign of overall issues with the software. Are they having that many issues that they can't get back to anyone?

  • DanyDan, have you given up on the issue? From your last message you were looking forward to my answer. I got back to you saying that the build was proper but still the same issue. Is that the only possible fix? If it is, it didn't work.

  • i am fed up with issues i am planning to apply for a reund

  • They are really quiet without any news about the fixes. This makes users more frustrating than ever. Poor support forum

  • Unknown
    edited September 2011


    I may be a little slower on responding, I'm sorry about that however I also have some days off from time to time :)

    @quary: I have replied to your ticket you had open with my colleague Mihaela. ID:

    I have found two entries in the logs you sent:

    <dd name="RapportCerberus_29574" displayname="RapportCerberus_29574" status="running" starttype="Unknown" fullpath="\??\C:\ProgramData\Trusteer\Rapport\store\exts\RapportCerberus\29574\RapportCerberus64_29574.sys" />

    - we have a known issue reported and escalated to Dev. involving Trusteer; we have all the info we need and we are working on a fix;

    <dd name="avc3" displayname="avc3" status="running" starttype="[b]Unknown[/b]" fullpath="\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\avc3.sys" />

    - it looks like the AVC driver was not correctly installed;

    Since you have reinstalled BitDefender since you sent us the logs, can't tell if this is the cause or not. Would you be available for a remote? I would like to check the PC and perform the installation of 2012 together. Check your email for further information on this.

  • This is almost becoming comical. I get contacted by Bitdefender support by email that I received Friday at 4:39 PM MST or 10:39 PM GMT. Their email asked for a date and time for us to have a call Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 18:00 GMT. The email address they provided was their general support email address, not directly linked to anyone person so I assume someone received my reply. My reply sent Saturday at 11:45 AM MST or 5:45 PM GMT requested a call Monday at 1PM GMT. Surely someone would have been in to receive the email and either pass it on to the technician that emailed me, or at a minimum respond saying that the time either works or not. Now it's past the time I proposed and what's happened.... Nothing.

    Come on guys, If you can't respond to anyone even when you ask for a response, then there is clearly a problem. When you email rather than stating the following as you state in the email you provided:

    "If you would agree, we would like to connect remotely to your computer and troubleshoot this issue. The working hours when we would be able to connect to your computer are between 09:00 -> 18:00 GMT (Monday -> Friday).

    If you agree with this and if the hours are suitable, please send us a reply and tell us when you would like us to run the remote session. Provide me with the exact hour, date along with a phone number where we can reach you."

    Bitdefender should state:

    "If you would agree, we would like to connect remotely to your computer and troubleshoot this issue. The working hours when we would be able to connect to your computer are between 09:00 -> 18:00 GMT (Monday -> Friday).

    If you agree with this and if the hours are suitable, please send us a reply and tell us when you would like us to run the remote session. Provide me with the exact hour, date along with a phone number where we can reach you, but please don't expect that we can get back to you within the upcoming week. I may be a little slower on responding, I'm sorry about that however I also have some days off from time to time, but won't tell you when."

    At least if this is said we'd know not to expect a response. If it takes days to respond to requests, don't offer a day for a remote session that will never happen, use dates. Dates will tell when it will be feasible for someone to get back. As an example "Provide me with the exact hour, date (after October 7th) along with a phone number where we can reach you".

    Just a little frustrating.

  • As an update, we are now in the sixth day since I was contacted to set up a remote session. Still no response from Bitdefender.

  • quarry - DanyDan is out of the office this week. Please be patient as he will respond to you as soon as possible when he returns.


  • Thanks Gary. I'm patient when I know to be. If he wasn't going to be around for a week, he should have stated that on Friday night (30th) when he asked me to set up a time for a remote session. Especially when he explained in the forum on that same date that the reason for the last delay in getting back to me before this delay (between the 16th and 30th) was the result of (from the 30th forum) "Hello, I may be a little slower on responding, I'm sorry about that however I also have some days off from time to time". He must get a lot of time off recently if that is always the reason for the delay in responding. If staff get enough days off to cause the expectation of responses to be 13 days, that should be made known, then we'll all know to be patient.

    Thanks for your communication, it always helps.

  • I had this BSOD on a laptop, not on desktop. Would occur every time I tried to update BD. Removed Rapport, fixed problem.

    My question: is this resolved yet? If not, how can I find out when it is?

    If it is resolved now, what should I do?

    1. Put back Rapport, or

    2. Remove BD and reinstall, and

    3. which should go in first? BD or Rapport?




    I may be a little slower on responding, I'm sorry about that however I also have some days off from time to time :)

    @quary: I have replied to your ticket you had open with my colleague Mihaela. ID:

    I have found two entries in the logs you sent:

    <dd name="RapportCerberus_29574" displayname="RapportCerberus_29574" status="running" starttype="Unknown" fullpath="\??\C:\ProgramData\Trusteer\Rapport\store\exts\RapportCerberus\29574\RapportCerberus64_29574.sys" />

    - we have a known issue reported and escalated to Dev. involving Trusteer; we have all the info we need and we are working on a fix;

    <dd name="avc3" displayname="avc3" status="running" starttype="[b]Unknown[/b]" fullpath="\SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\avc3.sys" />

    - it looks like the AVC driver was not correctly installed;

    Since you have reinstalled BitDefender since you sent us the logs, can't tell if this is the cause or not. Would you be available for a remote? I would like to check the PC and perform the installation of 2012 together. Check your email for further information on this.

  • Hello,

    Quarry: on some issues I see no point in posting until the fix is released. Regarding your remote session, another Sr. engineer should have taken care of it while I was away however this not happened. I have replied to your ticket ID: 201109131003475. Please check your email and let me know what you decided.

    Brad G: I've created a ticket on your behalf with ID: 201110101031561 and sent you the steps you need to follow to apply the proposed workaround.

    My question: is this resolved yet? If not, how can I find out when it is?

    - the issue is not yet resolved, we are working on the fix. You can find out when we release a fix by reading the "Product updates" pinned topic under the 'Update' forum section.

    which should go in first? BD or Rapport?

    - Bitdefender should go first and you should install Rapport only after applying the workaround;

    I will also send you an email when the fix will be release. If you have any further queries don't hesitate to contact us anytime!

    Kind regards,

  • Trusteer has sent me links to update of their program Rapport. I installed on the laptop which would crash every time, and on first try it works OK. (manual update of BD).

    They said it is Beta, so I do not include the link, as they may want to know who has it.

    Looks as if the problem may have been theirs.

  • Spoke too soon, did the usual BSOD again during update, so I will wait for the program update from BD.

    Funny thing; desktop which does not have the problem, BD build # 1282. Laptop that crashes #1366. Does this tell us something?

  • Hi,

    Brad: I have spoken with the guys from Rapport and they said a fix was released on their end to resolve this compatibility issue. Please update both BitDefender (a product update was released yesterday) and Rapport and let me know if the issue still persist.

    The BitDefender Build must be:


  • Brad, I congratulate you. You've been successful in getting the attention of these guys even on the post I started.

    Yes Danial mentioned I may have to wait until a fix arrives. In the email he sent me on October 10th he said that there was a workaround for the issue and if I'd like to set up a time to work through this he would walk me through it. So obviously Bitdefender knows there is an issue, they don't know the fix yet and but there is patch that may work. The problem is getting their attention. I emailed back to Daniel on October 11 providing specific date (18th) for a remote session. I've had no reply (again) and I've given up.

    If you are using IS 2012 I recommend getting out now. If it takes weeks to get their attention on a matter they can't fix, it's really not worth it.

  • Danydan, The referenced build is the one on the laptop, so it is unknown as to whether the crash yesterday occurred before or after it installed.

    So, I will put Rapport beta back and see what happened. The time stamp of the dump file is later than that of the BD executable, but I do not know if time stamp is creation or installation.

    I will let you know what happens.



    Brad: I have spoken with the guys from Rapport and they said a fix was released on their end to resolve this compatibility issue. Please update both BitDefender (a product update was released yesterday) and Rapport and let me know if the issue still persist.

    The BitDefender Build must be:


  • Keep our fingers crossed, so far so good. BD is updating, no crashes.

    Still curious as to why the problem did not occur on the desktop computer, which does not have either update installed. I suspect something to do with the W7 installation.

  • is BD IS 2012 still facing slowdown internet issues or going to be normal as it should be? If it's ok now, I'll re-install my BD IS 2012

    anyway I just uninstalled it a couple of minutes ago just to check what's the different, and my internet connection running in Godspeed as it suppose to be ^_^

    now I know and completely understand that slowdown internet issues come from Bitdefender itself, everything is different now

    But I'm still waiting for my BD IS 2012 serving me beautifully again in my laptop until the latest updates that can fix that so long problem is released.

    Hope this nightmare will be over soon..


  • Hey Quarry,

    I hear your concern... Im on this forum for the same reason as you ... 2012 is slowing down my PC, and mine isnt a slow pc by any chance ! Its a gaming PC so its got lots of RAM beefed up GFX card... So was annoying to install this antivirus software and have it slow down my computer. Not sure what I will do about it.

    If the updates dont fix the issues Ill just uninstall and go for another company... Mine seems to update every hour or so ... so its not a matter of it not being updated build is the most up to date version as it says here in this forum.

    Humerous how the technician asks about your issue goes on a holiday, organises a remote use and goes on another holiday. you'd think this kind of thing wouldnt happen.

    Im not up for doing loads and loads of research on this issue.. If it doesnt sought it self out, im moving on.

    Thx :blink:

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi guys.

    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    A product update was released today. Your build should be right click on Bitdefender icon from system tray-near

    the clock-and choose "About". You should see in the left side the build number).

    In order for the product update to be installed, you need to reboot your machine(you should see in the Events -> "Reboot required" under the Update module).


    Let me know if the situation is solved. Have a nice day.

  • I'm the original author of this thread and left here frustrated months ago. I'm interested in knowing if the issues I brought up earlier have been resolved? Can anyone give me an idea of the status/ effectiveness of their products now?

  • I'm the original author of this thread and left here frustrated months ago. I'm interested in knowing if the issues I brought up earlier have been resolved? Can anyone give me an idea of the status/ effectiveness of their products now?

    No problems for me since Rapport problem was fixed.

  • A couple nights ago I "upgraded" from Bitdefender IS 2011 to 2012 because my computer slowed down every day as the day went on, and after reading the message boards I saw that vsserv.exe may be causing the problem with 2011. Rebooting when the computer slowed down, seemed to work but I wanted a better solution. I uninstalled all Microsoft antivirus except Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, as I understand these shouldn't be uninstalled. However I did turn them off. I then uninstalled 2011 and installed IS 2012.

    The day after doing the install of IS 2012, my computer has continually run slower than it ever has.

    Last night I uninstalled Bitdefender 2012 and my computer is a dream. Everything running properly and fast. I did a internet speed check and compared it to the speed I had prior to 2012 being installed and the upload and download both almost doubled. Upload speed from 0.41 Mbps (with IS 2012) to 0.80 Mbps and download speed from 1.41 Mbps to 2.68 Mbps.

    Obviously the problem is with 2012. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. It will depend on the help I get from anyone here. Until I get help, I'll just avoid virus issues and be happy I have a quick functioning machine.

    Does anyone have an idea how to work around this?

    I'm also a user. sorry to say ... but Bit defender IS 2012 in WIN 7 was a shame you're still luck my PC crash & show blue screen!!! & I resolved it just after uninstalling bit defender >

    50 $ in trash! <img class=" />

  • I'm also a user. sorry to say ... but Bit defender IS 2012 in WIN 7 was a shame you're still luck my PC crash & show blue screen!!! & I resolved it just after uninstalling bit defender >

    50 $ in trash! <img class=" />

    Whatever this problem is, it is not universal. My BitDefender works without slowing in a generic Intel machine, dual boot XP Pro, W7 Home Prem, and an off the shelf ACER laptop AMD W7 Home Prem. That one came with horrible McAfee built in.

    I suspect people having trouble are running some not too common program that fights with BD. In my case it was Trusteer (from my bank). Solving required BD and Trusteer to work together. I would suggest that a start would be to turn off all autoruns and see if that fixes. If so add back till you find the culprit.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello everyone :)

    @ danaie

    Please follow these steps so we can further investigate the situation:

    @ quarry

    Please reinstall the product using this installation kit and it should be OK after:;#entry143091

    @ Brad G

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Have a great day!