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Spam Message - Activate Identity Monitoring



I just received the following popup on my Windows7 machine with the following information:

Identity Theft Protection


...with information about how to turn this on. (An image of the popup is attached.)

It claims to be from Bitdefender, but I'm a paid subscriber and would certainly not be subjected to this spam by them.

Is this actually some sort of virus? I can't click the 'X' in the upper right corner to make it go away.

Please help,

Rick Gates



  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hi Rick and welcome back to our forums.

    That message is displayed by Bitdefender. You can activate the Identity Theft Protection in you Bitdefender Account.

    This service is supplied only to the US citizens and is free of charge.

    Please tell me, when is this message displayed? On startup? Randomly? How many times per logged session?

    Thank you very much.

  • This has poped up and I cant seem to get rid of it. How do I turn this off?

    Please tell me, when is this message displayed? On startup? Randomly? How many times per logged session?

    The message is displayed continuously. I was able to close it one time but never again. It wont go away. I am not able to close it by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭


    Please follow the steps explained in the article below and send me via PM the generated log file:

    If you were already asked to generate the log file, disregard the message above and just post the ticket ID.

    Thank you.

  • rootkit

    Hi Mark

    Thank you for that file.

    The current situation should be solved with the latest product update.

    Please update to build 15.0.34.;#entry125523

    Thank you.