Bd 10 Free Edition


Is there any legal limitations, as to where I can use this product?

I'm planning on using it on a single stand alone PC, but in an office/work environment.

So absolute PC security isn't as important, than if it was online at all times.

I just didn't want to break any rules here



  • Hello pbbbbear

    The free edition is made for home use or as backup scanner. Businesses must buy a paid version. But in this case because it's only 1 pc that is also used as an home pc then you aren't breaking the rules.

    Best regards


  • Hello, it is ok to use the Free Edition on your Home/Office PC there's nothing in the EULA that says you can't.

    Enjoy our product :).

  • Actually I meant in my original post that this computer is a single stand alone (no Internet) PC, situated completely in a work office, not in a home. So I guess you answered my question in a round about way, by saying I would need to buy a licensed version. Is this correct?

    Thanks for your help

  • Hello pbbbbear

    Companies need to buy a paid version.

    Best regards
