[resolved] Auto Renewal Problems - Once More

The day before yesterday there arrived a mail from Digital River, which stated that they – on behalf of Bitdefender – had been charging my account for an auto-renewal.

I couldn’t really understand a thing, because all my active licenses are not due to be renewed until much later dates – the first in October this year and the two others in January and February 2013. But Digital River wrote that the underlying order and document could be found under the link of “Find My Order”.

When I looked at the document in question I was even more dumbfounded. It turned out be a license from 2009 – one furthermore with *manual renewal*! I had cancelled this order on the 17th of September 2009 and the licenses had expired 8 days later on the 25th of September that very same year. So this was the license that Bitdefender claimed to be the foundation for their action to charge me with an auto-renewal. More grievous still is the fact that no “warning” mails had arrived from Digital River prior to the charge. I have learned by studying similar problems here at the forum that there should be at least 3 such mails sent to prevent mistakes to be made, mistakes of this very nature I would believe.

I immediately contacted Bitdefender support and opened up a ticket on the issue. I promptly received an answer but it was a strange one indeed. The support person stated rather noncommittally that since I had bought a product from Bitdefender, I would have to agree to an auto-renewal. It didn’t seem to me as if the person had read the included underlying documents, proving that the original order was history today and not subject to any kind of renewal. The underlying documents were not commented on or discussed in any way. Other mails from me on the issue have been left unheeded.

So, let me say that if *this* is the official standpoint on behalf of Bitdefender, I’m appalled, and it’ll certainly will be the final nail in this coffin. I have been a Bitdefender costumer since at least 2007 but in no way will I renew any licenses with Bitdefender in the fall or the beginning of next year and under no circumstances will I permit them via either Avangate of Digital River, without prior warning and me agreeing to the action, to charge my credit card.

I feel very bad about it all. I feel let down. And I feel subject to the precise action, which I though Bitdefender was to defend me against: Intrusion into my privacy in the form of my credit card and a rip-off!


  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Thank you for your feedback.

    My colleague George will assist you as soon as possible with your request.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Hello :)

    Thank you for your feedback.

    My colleague George will assist you as soon as possible with your request.

    Thank you in advance for understanding.

    Have a great weekend!

    Thank you very much Christian,

    I can tell you that half of the problem is solved now in as much as another Support Person has moved in and cancelled the renewal. However, I would still have liked to know why and how it all happened. Not in the least so that I can avoid the problems in the future. And needless to say I want to be removed from any auto renewal database. It may be so that one agrees to an auto renewal whilst agreeing to the terms under which the product is bought. I don't approve of this manner to push sales though and there should always be a clear and visible option to choose more actively whether to accept this feature in the product or not. And if auto renewal turns out to be mandatory - then to consider whether one will buy the product in the first place or not.

    A great weekend to you too!

  • George R.
    edited May 2012

    Hello thomcats,

    When you placed the original order for your Total Security 2009 subscription, the automatic renewal option was active. This means that unless you cancel it in the meantime, when the purchased subscription nears to an end, it will be automatically renewed.

    The automatic renewal option is not mandatory and can be canceled during the purchase process or later through the online store interface: Avangate or Digital River depending on which company processed the transaction.

    post-36183-1336979249_thumb.png post-36183-1336979254_thumb.png

    I am sorry for this outcome and the undesirable experience and wish to inform you that your account was not charged and there are no other automatic renewal options active under your account.



  • Hello thomcats,

    .... This means that unless you cancel it in the meantime, when the purchased subscription nears to an end, it will be automatically renewed....




    I thank you for helping out with the reverse of the charge in question.

    However, it might be so that the auto-renewal was in function, when I bought the 2009 Total Security package. When looking at the document, which Digital River has used as basic info for their charge, it is totally clear that this particular license was first of all already a Manual Renewal, secondly the order was cancelled at the 17th of September 2009 and thirdly the license expired on the 25th of September 2009. It is therefore very strange to me that *this* license has been subject to auto-renewal. I will be happy to forward the document in question to you, should you want to view it.

    I would believe that the 3 remaining licenses, which I have, are fitted with auto-renewal and I have asked to have this feature removed. Would I have to open an account with Avangate for example to find the page, which I see under your link of Avangate? When I choose The Digital River link I arrive back at the document I'm talking about above, not any page for renewal with a choice.

    Please advice.

    Thanks in advance.

  • hi, i have the same problem and i would to stop the renewal of the license because I no longer use the antivirus in this computer. thank you in advance

  • @thomcats: We already discussed this issue via PM :)

    @rollo: I checked your account and the Bitdefender license key already expired and there was no automatic renewal event.



  • @thomcats: We already discussed this issue via PM :)



    Yes, indeed, and again, thank you!

    Best Regards

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns.

    Take care.

This discussion has been closed.